Billye's Blog


East Wind

Shalom, Been back from Israel one week tomorrow midnight. I just woke up from an afternoon nap (Even though I'm sleeping nights, I still get a little sleepy in the afternoon.) I went to the computer to check the Jerusalem...

Franklin Graham Prayer Request

Dear WWP, We received this clarion call by Franklin Graham, President of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse, to pray for our President Donald J. Trump on June 2, 2019: I am asking followers of Christ across our nation...


KCM Israel Tour This morning I received a call from Shelli. She said, “Boker Tov, Mom, where you are., but Erev Tov where I am.” She is in Netanya, Israel. And we ended the conversation with, “Shabbat Shalom.” Pastors George...


Two Anniversaries to the Glory of God Shelli and I are just back from The President’s home at Mar-a-Largo (he wasn’t there). This oh-so-uniquely-beautiful place was made available to APIP (American Pro-Israel Pac) for a dinner event to celebrate the...

Shalom from Jerusalem!

The election is tomorrow (April 8th). We had a wonderful time of prayer about that and other things as we walked the ramparts on the walls of Jerusalem. The CUFI Women's Leadership Tour has been wonderful. But since it was...

The Kinneret (The Sea of Galilee)

Shelli and I have been in the Land a few days to rest before welcoming CUFI's Women in Leadership tour which I will help lead along with Cheryl Morrison.My room in Tiberias offers a wonderful view of the Sea looking...

An Outpouring of Miracles

When Gary Wood went to Heaven after being killed in a car wreck in 1966 (Click Here to see his book, A Place Called Heaven) he didn't want to come back. The Lord sent him back, however, and told him...

Special Anointing at Yesterday’s Noon Prayer

Special Anointing at Yesterday’s Noon Prayer Recently, a strong impression from the Lord brought to my mind the only two times in 40 years that I have had a strong mantle, which actually felt like a blanket, drop upon me...

The 67th Annual National Prayer Breakfast

First, I apologize for telling you I would be blogging from the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C. last week and then not doing it. It was because I found I could not type or send email on my laptop....

A Beautiful Day in the Ozarks

It’s a beautiful day in the Ozarks and especially beautiful to have a day at home to enjoy God’s creation from the place He (and you) have provided for me. When you gave to the Parsonage Account for my birthday,...

KCM Eclipse

Kenneth Copeland Ministers’ Conference Just back from the best ever KCM Ministers’ Conference! As well they should be as we approach the soon-coming of the Lord. It is humbling that they continue to invite me to be a speaker to...

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!

Ever since going to Soviet Russia one January in 1980 to an underground church in an apartment where every window was closed, I have especially loved the celebration of Christmas. People would unobtrusively lift a corner of the curtain to...