KCM Israel Tour
This morning I received a call from Shelli.
She said, “Boker Tov, Mom, where you are., but Erev Tov where I am.”
She is in Netanya, Israel. And we ended the conversation with, “Shabbat Shalom.”
Pastors George and Terri Pearsons are leading a four-bus tour to the Holy Land. They asked Shelli to teach along with an Israeli guide on the “Purple Bus.”
Shelli is excited! And I felt like crying when she said, “I thanked the Lord this morning that He gave me to you to be my mother. And that you shared so much with me about this Land of the Bible. And I can share it with others.”
(I also feel like Terri Pearsons is another daughter on this tour. And that I have had a part in the important work George and Terri do in the end of days concerning bringing the Land and People of the Bible to the Body of Christ.)
Shelli told me the tour plans to go by the 3-acre sight of our soon to be built Migdal-Arbel Prayer and Study Center to pray. “But Mom,” she said, “They’d like to tie it in with social media and there is nothing up on our Web Page.”
That is true—the reason being that a short while back out whole system crashed and is undergoing reconstruction. Next week, I will move some other items out of the priority line and a dedicated web page will soon be “put up.”
Until then—I am writing this blog and including pictures of our plans. Many hurdles (bureaucracy) have at last been leaped and we are on our way to concrete works. We transferred $350,000 just last week for essential requirements, etc.
You loyal partners know the potato-peeling story. While listening to Kenneth Hagin teach on Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage from a Rhema class that day to see if I could get a lesson for the Word of Faith of which I was editor, I dropped my paring knife when he pointed out that what Jesus said on the subject in the Gospels was different to what Paul said in 1 Cor. 7.
He pointed out that the Word has to be rightly divided (2 Tim. 2:15). Then that Scriptures must be divided concerning to whom they are speaking. And that there are three groups of people to whom Scriptures can speak:
1Cor. 10:32 Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God:
At that I heard a voice that to me was audible and changed my life. A clear, baritone sounding voice said, “If you will remember that verse of Scripture, it will keep your end-time doctrine straight.”
In 1986 after Kent moved to Heaven, I prayed about what to do, and I heard that I was to go to Israel and study Hebrew in the Land. Then I heard what sounded like someone snapping his fingers, “I could teach you the language like that! But there are people I want you to meet. And experiences I want you to have.”
Soon I was a primary student in the best ulpan language school in the Land. My experiences there and with its genius founder (nominated for the Nobel twice for the school) could fill volumes. Suffice it to say here this began my taking seminar tours to Israel. How many? I don’t count. But I am sure a few thousand people have learned in what are very unique tours.
From the first, in the back of my mind, and welling up from my spirit was a desire to have a permanent place in the Land where we could have a short-term schools operated like Ulpan Akiva.
MIGDAL (Greek: Magdala) ISRAEL
Miraculously the Lord has brought us into ownership (without debt) of a 3-acre piece of Land on the hillside above the Kinneret (Lake of Galilee).
It’s been a rocky road, but now we have only one more step.
When it is ready, the busses can come by where I am. Rooms for two-bus loads of students can stay at the facility for short terms. I will reside there from 4-5 months yearly and people can come by where I am.
Much easier for me.
Another thing the Lord stresses is keeping seasoned pray-ers at the facility. Minimum of five. Prayer going up for Israel continually from our strategic location in the North.
I am headed to Israel Wednesday, May 29. Will take part in Annual Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast. Then will have business meeting with Migdal-Construction Team on June 10.
Please pray with and for us!!!!!!
Attached to this blog are pictures of our plans.
They were given to me by the Spirit and I drew them out on a napkin when I presented them to Rani Levy.
I think they are beautiful.
They are a big change from original plans. But this is what we are to build.
As I said, a dedicated web page will be put up soon, but until then, maybe I was able to put a little of my heart into this blog.
I will be sending regular blogs from Israel.
Watching many things. Whether Netanyahu can put together a coalition. Iran. Syria. Etc.
Shalom, Shalom
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Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!!!
Thank-you for the update!
I am in awe I get to see this happening. Love to read your email and listen to your prayer calls, meetings etc…
So excited
. praise Yeshua… Lived in Israel a year. Get homesick for it. Thank you for your obedience to Yeshua and taking the good news to Israel for such a time as this.
Blessings increase furnished paid for debt free I declare over this ministry. In the name of Yeshua.
Praise God for his faithfulness!
What do you want us to pray?
You can pray protection, the plan od God for our country, for an awakening to God. Blessings Jan
Praise the Lord Somebody! I have been asking the Lord to enlarge & stretch forth & spare not & to lengthen their cords, & strengthen their stakes in ministries in Israel, both Gentile & Messianic ministries
Praise the Lord !! The Prayer and Study Center look beautiful! Praying Gods continued blessings rain down on it and you!
Thank you for the updates!
Beautiful on the outside already
Inside will be a sanctuary
Many blessings upon you and this mission
Praising the Lord Jesus for you and you ministry teaching us the body of Christ and the WWP’S concerning Israel America and the Nations praying First of all. And Israel prayer call. God Bless you , all your staff and family! Shalom
Hallelujah! It’s so nice to see all of the hindrances removed and God’s plan being revealed. It’s been such a blessing these past many years to be a part of God’s prayer force to “thwart the plans of the devil and to pray in the plans of God! “ The pictures are gorgeous and I’m so thankful for you and all of the WWP family! God bless you richly in every area of your life! Shalom, Shalom.
Thanks for the update blogs, Billye! I love hearing about your plans in Israel. Praying for a safe trip on Wednesday and back and lots of good things accomplished
Amazing what you are doing in these last days…Praise Yeshua!
Send me all me emails.
Dr. Billye –
Enjoyed your blog so much. Looking forward to reading many more.
Enjoy your blogs Thank you for keeping us updated Shalom Praying for you and your team
Oh Thank You Billye I was there in 2000 when you first purchased the site with our LWCC tour I give every month to Migdal and have so searched for update ….
Hi sister Billye, Thank you for your update on this awesome project. I pray that all runs smoothly all the buildings come together just perfect just the way Jesus would have it.
Marilyn would you please send by email to ministry? Thank you Jan
Wow! Looking like a temple complex! Any idea when this will be completed. I can envision Jesus teaching here when He establishes His Kingdom!
This is wonderful. What a blessing to hear how this Israel project is moving along. It is exciting to be part of this with you in oartnership. Rich blessings overtake you!
I so want to go to Israel with your tour . Please agree with me for the means and timing of God.
I love your blogs, please keep sharing about our Beloved Israel. Shalom dear Sister.
So exciting! I look forward to the privilege of being one of the seasoned prayers at Migdal Arbel for a period of time. I claim it in Jesus Name!!
How very exciting! Thankyou for the update. God has been very good to me by allowing me the opportunity to have been with you at Prayer Mountain and becoming a partner with your ministry. God bless you and keep you dear Sister Billye, believing with you for continued favor and excellence in the construction phase ahead. One of your Canadian friends.
Wonderful wonderful plans. Spirit breathed.
Jeremiah 29:11
11For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Love and prayers of agreement for all to go as planned!!! It is absolutely beautiful!
Write the vision on the wall…keep it before you and us!! Thank you! Shalom, Shalom!
Thank you Billye Brim for the time you and your daughter prayed for Jeff Sessions during his confirmation time before Congress.
He is a very vital part of our awesome President Trump’s team and is being used in Abba Father’s plan in bringing down the kingdom of darkness for His glory moving in this hour.
I believe without your prayers a lot of things could have gone differently, in an adverse way.
It makes no difference what the fake controlled news has said about Sessions and President Trump or even about their relationship, which is blessed by God. Things are not as they appear to be. Think mirror.
Sessions has been working for President Trump behind the scenes. And again, I remember listening to you on Jim Bakker’s show, and from what I know now that the Father has revealed, your prayers were vital and very necessary.
So again, thank you.
These plans are amazing. So excited for you. Praying with you for Israel. Shalom, shalom! joanne
Bless you Sister Billye! Thank you for sharing! It is always exciting!
Love from Deb Bissell
Such exciting news in exciting times!
It is beautiful. You are so Blessed. May GOD continue to BLESS you and your family.
An Answer to our prayers…. We know this Prayer and Study Center will be used for the Glory of God and the protection of Israel. Yes, the Web site will be an active part of the stages of building and prayer focus.
PRAISE GOD! Oh what a planner. Oh what a plan. I have been waiting for this too Some time back, the Lord told me to increase my giving for Migdal Arbel and gave me the amount.
Love and Blessings to you Ms Billye.
Thank you for the information it is awesome to see how the Holy Spirit leads you to do God will. My pray is that we all line up to do the same. And be able to share the vision as you do my the Spirit of God.
so appreciative Sst. Billye for your recent blogs. updating us re tour travels to/re significant places.
I will hold you and your team up in prayer these next few weeks.
i had just read a Word re “north” winds (& the enemy), & heard you saying on IPC re: our country, our President, the enemy (potential power) and prayer Power- and was sending a note to Pry’r. Mt./BBM when i also just after saw your/these gracious and thoughtful recent blogs. susan
God bless you, Billye Brim. You are such a blessing. May God continue to perfect His Plan and Purpose in you, for you and through you, in Jesus’ Name. Thank you for your obedience to our great King.
Very exciting!!! visited the site with you in 2002. Pray for Migdal every day.
So beautiful! I can picture Jesus there in person. I pray for you, all the Brim family and Migdal Arbel every day. So happy to be a partner of your ministry, a WWP and a 1st of all prayer. I love you! So thankful for you!
Thank you Billye for your update. I thank God for your obedience to His calling on your life. May The Holy Spirit continue to inspire you!
Shalom Shalom Sister Billye from Jan in Millington,Tn.
I am one of your WWPs and am keeping you and all that concerns you covered in prayer. Because of your obedience to to call of God,my life and the lives of my family have been changed. I was purchasing cassette tapes from you when you were selling them from a box under your bed! Thank you so much for this update!
Thank you for sharing the details of this beautiful project. Thanking God for this finally to be one of the fastest projects ever built in HIs land. Will continue to pray everlasting Strength and Devine Health for all. Endurance its not how Fast or even the Pace its the Grace of God inside your heart Knowing he has been with you from the very start.
So grateful for the sweet presence of the Lord that over flows thru you and all your ministry. When reading your blogs it is like reading a letter from a dear loved one. Thank you for sharing from your heart. God bless you.
Glory to God! Thanks for sharing this beautiful place with us. We know what He started, He will complete. I have had the privilege to visit Israel on four occasions. I hope on my next visit I will be able to see the Prayer Centre in person. As a WWP partner, I will be praying for you and the team. God Bless.
So glad to get to keep up with you, you are such a blessing love you so much enjoy the wed morning prayer for Israel, the wed noon prayer, your blogs etc
Marsha Stoffer, Hoopes(maiden name) Johnson
Praise the Lord ???? Such a beautiful place???? We have visited Migdal-Arbel 3 times. Looking forward to its completion ???????? And being a snow bird from Ft Worth, Tx. ????????Appreciate your blogs and updates???? Thank you Sister Billye????
Thanks for the updates. You do what is best for you…live in Israel or USA. You have some good leadership friends that can help you with those decisions. Just be safe wherever…know a LOT of people pray, care and love ya. I personally think you are safer in Israel. ????
We shall forever praise HIM! Only HE can satisfy and bring forth such vision. Praying!
Thank you Ms. Brim for the excitement and encouragement you sent through your blogs.
It is wonderful to hear of how Our Lord Jesus Christ is working among the Israelites, The Church and The Lost. Glory to God!
I was on the purple bus with Shelli and it was such a joy to receive the teaching and reap all of the knowledge concerning Israel from her. We all told her she looks and sounds like her mother!! It was also a thrill to be able to listen and join in her conversations with you from the “purple bus”. We rode with royalty while in Israel. Thanks for chatting with us and may God continue to keep you in perfect health-spirit, soul and body,
I’ve been waiting for you to open this place and I desire to visit and or be a help in any way I can. I will be in Israel from Sept. 2019 – May 2020 and I pray that I’ll get a chance to visit but if not, the prayers for a successful opening continues.
Billye can you give us a live update on Migdal
Has construction began
It has not begun yet and I’m sure she will announce when it does. Blessings Jan