Posts Tagged ‘israel’
Making Deals and Heading Home
This is our last day (this trip) in the Land. And it is a very long day. We actually depart from Ben Gurion very early tomorrow morning. Agenda for the day includes packing, of course.We ended up with much more than we came with. One big reason is that yesterday we took a leisurely trip to Ariel in the Shomron (Samaria).Our first stop was with friends Estee and Nissim in our favorite shop in all the Land. Nissim is a well-known wedding dress designer. His taste as a buyer for his shop is unparalleled. Just ask Pastor Lynne Hammond. And he gives us amazing discounts. Practically give-away prices we cannot refuse!
Read MoreGod’s Blessings in the Land
Jeremiah 32:15 KJV For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Houses and fields and vineyards shall be possessed again in this land.
When the children of Israel possessed the land of Canaan, they were conversant with the very soil and its produce. Moses, David, Amos and others were shepherds. But in the dispersion that followed the destruction of the Second Temple in A.D. 70 by Rome, Jews dispersed throughout the world were often forbidden from holding land. They were forced into other means of making their livings.
In the miraculous Ingathering since the late 1800s, Jews once again needed to redeem the Land and its fruit. They had to learn how to once again become the farmers, shepherds and vineyard keepers they were in Bible times.
We were blessed to travel into expansive areas to meet some of these remarkable people.
Heroes Past and Present
We had a full day, rising at 5:30 to finish packing and then to leave to drive to the North. We needed to be in our hotel in time for our first Wednesday Moed call at 4:00 pm.
On the way, we met one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. Truly a man among millions. We were told we would go to his office. We parked. Then walked through an underground parking area. Then we were met at two very large doors and when we crossed the threshold, we stepped into another world. One I could never have imagined.
I am posting a video for you of our group walking down the red carpet between the rows of the car collection of Moshe Levy. Most of the cars have a story. Most are Rolls Royce machines. Each one with a story. One was the car of the Queen of England. One was the car of Jackie Onassis.
Tears of Grief; Tears of Joy
Started early on our very full day, after a great Israeli breakfast, of course.
We drove to Ashkelon and visited a marvelous school for kids with ASD (autism).
I am honored to have my name on the door of one of the computer classrooms.
They Return
We literally spent the day at a museum in Tel Aviv called ANU [Us; We] Museum of the Jewish People. So much is there to see. Too much to put the museum in a blog. (You can look at their website at .) So I chose only one picture. It is at the entrance to a children’s area of this “user-friendly” museum.
Read MoreFear = Forgetfulness of God
Faithful prayer warriors from across the United States and other nations have joined with us at 8:00 A.M. Central Time each morning to pray for the upcoming elections. In addition to asking the Lord’s help, we focus on using the authority of the believer against the enemy. Each day we focus on a certain area.…
Read MoreUpdates in Israel from Guy Leibovitz
Seeing the Hand of God
I spoke with Guy Leibovitz, our Israeli guide just this morning.
The feelings in Israel after the events of the past few days—beginning with the pager, walkie-talkie and cell phone explosions, through the decapitation and virtual elimination of Hezbollah leadership—are like those just after the miraculous Six-Day War!
Migdal Arbel Building Update
Our Migdal Arbel Project in Israel is continuing despite the war! The parking area, which is also the foundation for the swimming pool,
is completed. We just received these pictures of the swimming pool being built.
From Fast to Feast
Today is Tisha B’Av.
Perhaps you have been hearing that some have expected enemies to strike Israel today because of the date.