Two Anniversaries to the Glory of God
Shelli and I are just back from The President’s home at Mar-a-Largo (he wasn’t there).
This oh-so-uniquely-beautiful place was made available to APIP (American Pro-Israel Pac) for a dinner event to celebrate the one-year-anniversary of the opening of The United States Embassy in Jerusalem!
How thankful my heart is that our President Donald John Trump made this historic move—which many presidents promised, but failed to fulfill their promises. And this most important move of our embassy is only one of many “blessing Israel” moves President Trump has made which—according to Genesis 12:3—bring blessings to America. Thank God. And thank you for praying for him FIRST OF ALL (click here to view FOA link)…….
When I get to be in such a place and for such an occasion, my mind always goes back to how my life changed while I was peeling potatoes at my kitchen sink at 624 S. 13th in Collinsville, Oklahoma. I literally have to pinch myself.
Jews and Christians met together for an all-day celebration which began at Temple Beth El in West Palm Beach, Florida. What a day! We heard from Christian ministers and amazing Jewish Rabbis. I was particularly moved by Rabbi Leonid Feldman’s testimony. He was born and grew up in Soviet Russia. I wish all high school and university students—not to mention all voters—could hear him reveal what a socialist system is really like. Through a miraculous journey, the Lord has led him out of his brain-washed youth to freedom and the spiritual leadership of Temple Beth El. (It was my honor to be invited to share there. A photo is attached.)
On our commercial flights home, Shelli and I rehearsed various statements made by nationally syndicated radio talk show host Dennis Prager. (I’d heard him several times at CUFI. And looked forward to the two times he spoke for this event.) His thought-provoking statements cause one to think deeply and soberly, and to laugh at the same time. You might want to view one of his 5-minute educational videos on his internet-based Prager University.
The Tenth Anniversary of Tony Krukow’s Healing Miracle will be celebrated Sunday, May 19 at Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks at Three in the afternoon.
Tony and Brenda Krukow will conduct our Third Sunday Healing and Miracle Service (click here to view event page) by sharing his miraculous healing and featuring testimonies of others’ healings.
Tony called me a couple of weeks ago and told me this was on his heart. I know the Lord put it there. So I know the Lord will meet Tony’s faith and obedience, and your faith as well, to do wonderful things.
I will be there. And I trust you will too. Please join us out at Prayer Mountain if you can. And if not, the service will be streamed live.
Either way, come expecting healing miracles!!!!!!!
Shalom, Shalom
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Great post! We certainly love our President and love Israel maybe even more! Thank you, Billye!! You are a jewel’
Awesome, Thanks for Sharing❗️
We sort of get to be there to through you, Love You My Sister???????????????????????????????????? ♥️
Wow, how fabulous, to go to the Mar-A-Largo home of our President! Wonderful, and you will remember that for a long time. Yes, we kind of got to be there through you Dr. Billye…..
Thank u so much for sharing this with us and keeping us updated on things of the times we r living in. U r such a blessing to my life
So excited for you. You are truly blessed and it is wonderful to see how the Lord is using our Precious President Donald John Trump. He is doing so many wonderful things for our country. I knew in my heart to vote for him when he first came down the escalator, but I never dreamed he was capable of doing so much good for America.
Thanks for this update! It really helps me pray!
What a wonderful experience for you! It is amazing how far God bring each of us! From small beginnings….blessings to you dear Billye!
Thank you BIlly for all of your updates a Blessing to pray for you and Shelly and family. Amazing what the Father is doing and keeping you both in divine health opening doors Hallelujah!
I’ve been to several of the Autumn Assemblies in Branson. They were wonderful! I have been unable to attend for several years now. I really enjoy watching your online services at Prayer Mountain. ❤ ❤
Accidentally wrote my email wrong! Please correct: suvernier7@gmail.com
Please keep me current!
Got married so added a new name!
Sign me up!!
Will take care of it Blessings Jan
“?” I have isn’t persia (iran),fighting against the same war as Esther fought
We are so blessed to have Donald Trump as our President! I am so glad that you got to hear the rabbis speak. Shalom
one of my greatest joys is to hear you speak.
This is an exciting event to witness. Yes, God Bless Israel and God Bless and Protect President Trump. Sister Brim, I have been privileged to watch your ministry from the ground up. Oh those times in Westville when the Holy Spirit moved mightily! Anyway, I believe God has Blessed your ministry so much because you have always obeyed is gifts and callings and have Him all the glory. Bless you more and more and more.
Thanks for the update Billye. It is so exciting what the Lord is doing.
Love and Blessings!
Thank you Billye for keeping us informed! We love and appreciate you and Shelli. Thank God for a for a pro-Israel President My husband and I pray for him and his family daily!
It is always so good to hear of how the Lord is leading you to help with being a blessing to Israel, Sis Billye! Thank you for helping us be a small part of your work there..praying for you and your work.
Thanks for praying for the sale of our rental house. Closed on May 10 and officially all papers signed and money changed hands on May 13. We are expecting the rest of that prayer to be answered any time soon. My daughter’s health and mine are improving daily. My daughter will be presented to the man God has chosen for her soon, I believe. I have prayed for 30 years for that one to happen. It is God’s timing, I know without a shadow of a doubt even it is painful to wait. We are growing in grace and still have more to go as do we all. Bless you. I want to send some books written by Harold Bell Wright[The Shepherd of the Hills] from whom the outdoor play at Branson is written. They could be used in the cabins by persons visiting prayer mountain. Please advise where to send them. I pay postage. Thanks, Ida
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I am wondering if you know if the advertising about people in Israel straving when i was there I didn’t see it but also know I didn’t see everything do you and your church give to them and if so can I go through you to donate to them I don’t always trust what the tv people say
[…] Media Mentioned: Prayer Call | Billye’s Blog […]
So excited for you and Shellie. What a blessing ! Praying for our President and Congress to make right decisions for our country and Israel.