Tongues & Prayer
We have two scheduled phone calls for corporate prayer weekly.
Wednesday at 8 AM CST and Sunday at 3 PM CST. And at noon on Wednesdays we have a livestream prayer meeting from Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks.
From time to time (its happened only twice) we have the ability to call a special prayer meeting. We call it an emergency prayer call. Though by no means do we have the intent that the sky is falling and we have to pray.
It’s just that it is a special prayer meeting we call other than our scheduled times.
This past Sunday we contacted those who have signed up for the Emergency Prayer Call, and asked them to join Sunday afternoon for Special prayer.
Sunday, January 10, 3 PM Special Prayer Meeting
I sensed there was a specific Scripture we should start with. And the impression I had was to find the haftara reading for this week.
Practicing Jews read through the Torah, the first five books of the Bible, in a year beginning with Rosh HaShannah. Every Sabbath they read the appointed Torah portion called the parasha. Coupled with the Torah reading they read an appointed Scripture from the Prophets called the haftara. These are appointed from ancient times. Jonathan Cahn refers to the haftara readings often in his book The Oracle. He purports, and many agree, that they are often prophetic.
Could it be possible that some of these appointed words were appointed not only to be spoken on those days but of and to those days…to speak of events that would take place in modern times?
(The Oracle, Jonathan Cahn, page 43)
I knew I’d found our Scripture when I saw the following in the haftara for the week’s Sabbath reading:
Isaiah 28:11 The Jerusalem Bible, Karen Publishers
With stammering lips and another tongue shall one speak to this people…This is the rest; cause the weary to rest and this is the refreshing….
The Lord made me to know He was going to do three supernatural things with the tongues that would be prayed during the call. He would use their tongues:
- To pray the mysteries of God (1 Cor. 14:2).
- To give His body, His army, a rest and refreshing (Is. 28:11).
- To speak to us (Is. 28:11).
About ten weeks or so ago the Lord told Max, our former Muslim friend, to start listening to what is prayed when I and others pray in tongues. Since that time he has been hearing words in his mother tongue, Arabic. (See Acts 2.)
Sunday, as we prayed, Max heard as I spoke in tongues:
Whom shall I fear
With strength my soul
With men this is impossible. (2 times)
The King is moving. (2 times)
Through Christ
Love and Sound Mind
Receive Power
My Strength
Words of My Mouth
Jump (as in jump up and down) (5 times)
Satan defeated (4 times)
We will not have strife. (4 times)
Let Him
More, More, More of you.
My comments on some words in this word from the Lord.
The first two lines refer to the first lines of Psalm 27.
Love and Sound Mind receive Power refers to the Holy Spirit. (2 Timothy 1:7).
Jump, if you’ve heard Chip’s teaching is in the definition of the word Rejoicing.
It also refers, and I won’t go into it here, to what the Lord told Joshua and the IDF soldiers say and do at the Wall when they are sworn in.
In every word of the Lord we have heard in the past ten weeks or so as our tongues have been heard in Arabic always point us to TRUST IN GOD, without fear.
I might add here that my daughter, Shelli, some weeks ago was awakened at 4 am. Her Bible fell open to First Kings Chapter One and the account of Adonijah. We later discovered that was the haftara reading for that week.
God is Speaking to You
And you can hear Him. Stay in the Word. Pray in Tongues and do what He tells you. He leads His children. (Romans 8:14.) And they know His voice (John 10:4, 5.)
Pray According to this Scripture
Amplified Psalm 94
19 In the multitude of my [anxious] thoughts within me, Your comforts cheer and delight my soul!
20 Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with You—they who frame and hide their unrighteous doings under [the sacred name of] law?
21 They band themselves together against the life of the [consistently] righteous and condemn the innocent to death.
22 But the Lord has become my High Tower and Defense, and my God the Rock of my refuge.
23 And He will turn back upon them their own iniquity and will wipe them out by means of their own wickedness; the Lord our God will wipe them out.
ESV Psalm 94
19 When the cares of my heart are many,
your consolations cheer my soul.
20 Can wicked rulers be allied with you,
those who frame injustice by statute?
21 They band together against the life of the righteous
and condemn the innocent to death.
22 But the LORD has become my stronghold,
and my God the rock of my refuge.
23 and wipe them out for their wickedness;
the LORD our God will wipe them out.
Shalom, Shalom
Billye Brim
P.S. We had 1000 on the call. All 50 states and Washington D.C.
5 other countries. In fact the call maxed at capacity and some people could not get on line. We are fixing this. Will keep you posted.
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Thank you so much for answering God’s call to train the troops!! I’m so glad you keep us focused on Jesus and not the evil in the world. God bless you and yours mightily and greatly!!! Much Love, Janice
Thank you Janice. I pray the same for you the same.
Cant get connect to prayer at noon. Error message states your servers are down
I,agree,pls pray supernatural protection over president Trump /supernatural strength to continue as army of intercessor
Don’t forget the only thing that will save America is a great awakening to God…keep praying for the great awakening!
Yes, in Jesus name, we receive the great awaking of God’s nation to the truth of God’s word. Thank you Miss Billy and family for all your work to the Kingdom of God!!!
Thank Ms Billye! We are praying, fasting, and holding up our nation with you!!
Last Wednesday morning Holy Spirit awakened me to get up and pray with instruction to pray for peace and pray only in the spirit
Oh thank you! Billie and all prayer warriors for pointing us to hope and faith in The LORD in this dark hour but our future still remains bright! May God bless you all. Shalom
What a powerful scripture that is applicable like never before in 2021! Thank you for your blog and your encouragement.
WORD God spoke to me on March 24 2020: Rise up O nation of God! Rise up in the Anointing you SET in! For I have not called you to live in fear! Yet you are CALLED to LIVE in FAITH! The God Faith Abraham had!! Faith that MOVES mountains! Faith that SPEAKS the Word! Faith that SEES the victory! Faith that RESTS assured! I am with you! I am for you! I love you forever! I am speaking! I am speaking! I am speaking! God ❤️ Rene’ Wilmott Kiefer, OK
I am so blessed to be a part of this wonderful prayer group. Seems I cry every time we come together at such a marvelous thing our God is doing; and at the thought of God using us to change our world. What a privilege to work with God and our family! Thank you for obeying God! Love In Christ ❤️
Thank you in advance for fixing the call; I was not able to get on. Thank you for praying, and encouraging us to keep praying, and for this so timely word word!!!
P.S. – I love to hear the roll call before we pray on the emergency calls, even if it is sorta jumbled. It is beautiful to me.
We love you and appreciate you so much! I was dropped from Sunday’s 3:00 call but I was praying in the Holy Spirit! I know God is faithful and our Lord and Savior is Victorious! Much love and prayers to all!
POWERFUL..I must remember to attend the Sunday one…SUCH a GREAT Deposit into my life…THANK YOU for standing strong and being a stalwart in these times..! ????
So glad that all 50 states and Washington, DC joined. Praying for my territory, Puerto Rico, to join. I added Puerto Rico to my assignment, although I live in Tulsa, OK. Praise God for His Word!
Powerfull call.i think of how it pleases Father God for us to come together in unity.it moves Him to want to move for us.He is so totally wonderfull
What a great encouraging email
Thank you Billye
Love and Blessings
Thank you for hearing from the Lord for Sunday… I have been standing on those scriptures and words as well as praying in the Spirit as much as possible since then.
Thank you ???? Thank you ???? thank you ☺️ for fixing the situation to get on to prayer call ????
Can it be archived quickly. ?Immediately? Hope so. Was not able to get on so it would be a blessing to let us on. THANK YOU ????. AGAIN
I have had several dreams in the last couple years.and In my dream I was woke up by a loud sound like airplanes in the distance coming towards our home. I ran to my window to look out to see what the sound was it was dark I couldn’t see anything but I could hear the planes coming in the distance over us with such great force. I then ran back to the bed and woke my husband up and said get up something is happening.. my husband jumped up out of the bed we went to the living room I remember looking out the living room window and seen fire fall from the sky I wasn’t for sure what was happening but at this point I felt like it was the End of time and Lord was coming back.. I felt like it was the end of Time I looked at my husband and I told him please get down on your knees and give your life to the Lord before it’s too late .. I have been saved now for 30 + years my husband is not .. Inknew this was it .. I ran back to the window and looked out I could hear the air planes above us or what sound ilike air planes but I couldn’t see them But I could still hear them and fire was falling from the sky balls of fire I looked at my husband and I said get down on your knees now and please give your life to the Lord.. my husband looked at me and said it’s too late for me and I told him no it not start praying now. I’ve had other dreams this time it was with fog it was coming you can see it moving towards us in my front yard i’m not for sure where the other people came from but there were people standing in my yard .. me and my grandson was standing in the front yard I looked over to the right and seen what looked like fog coming towards us I reached down and tuck my grandson’s hand in my hand and told him not to be afraid that the Lord was with us. people was dropping left and right of me but We was still standing me and my grandson was ok and then I woke up.
Patricia, I have had a similar dream: I was asleep when a loud crashing explosion-like noise rocked the foundation of our house nearly knocking me out of bed. I thought maybe a tree had fallen on the house and in the dream I could see my husband in another bedroom where a large tree had fallen through the roof. However, when I got up in the dream I realized the kitchen was on fire and I could see a large airplane sliding by the side of our house down toward a valley in back where it exploded into flames setting on fire the entire area. I woke up. Within a week I was talking to my daughter who lives in Ohio (I live in north Georgia); she related to me(before I told her about my disturbing dream) an incident that happened to her in a dream with a loud explosive noise so jarring it nearly knocked her off her couch where she had been napping. She had that dream the same week I had my dream. God is surely moving among His children. Thank you for sharing your dream. I was saved many years before I met and married my husband over 46 years ago; recently while watching the 700 club my husband finally for the first time prayed with Pat the sinners prayer. However, I am not certain he truly gave his life to Christ. Our dreams are so relative to these end times. Thanks again and God bless you and your family. Eleanor
Such a blessing to hear these encouraging words from the Lord! Yes He is ever speaking and we are hearing more clearly everyday!
was one that could not get on but that did not stop me I was in agreement by faith Thank for the blog
I’ve been praying and singing in tongues a lot more the past year or so. It’s getting so I’m wondering if it’s OK to JUST pray in tongues for the most part; I do little praying elsewise most days!
There is much power, strength and encouragement praying with you and other pray-ers. Blessings to you in Jesus Name!
Thank you Dr Billye Brim? This is the 1st blog I’ve recieved since i signed up with my email. I love the way the Lord guides you in the word & in prayer. I too have had similar words in the last few days, in a dream(Matthew 4:4), in the word of God and watching Mario Murillo & others bring the Word with peace to my soul. I really miss being a part of live noon prayer on Wednesdays, somethings have changed temporarily in my home, but i will go back & watch the dates I have missed as soon as possible. Sending you much love from Bandera, Texas(I’m a Ca. transplant 2 1/2 years ago) God bless you & yours
Colleen Alva
Back in the first week of December, the Lord gave me a dream in which He said…” mark the 10th of each month and you will need a Jewish calendar”. I saw Dec. 10 and Jan. 10 being marked….I have wondered why.
I am a WWP and stand for the USA and President Trump.
Thank you so much for this important update. Recently, the Holy Spirit has been waking me up between 3:00 and 4:00 in the morning and I begin to pray, often with tears running down my cheeks. Is it at all possible that justice has just been delayed and not denied? At any rate, I know the Lord is in total control and in His own timing, we will understand all that has just transpired. President Trump was a special, peculiar treasure for the world even though some will never give him credit for his great policies or his love for God’s people. God bless you Billye, stay safe and healthy so we can all meet together in the skies as we took up to meet our dearest Lord Jesus……as soon as possible!!!
Thank you for this update—I was one who could not get on the line!
Lost job..praying for a great job.
This is the first time I have seen your blog, although I have seen your page and followed you.
Your headline praying tongues especially caught my attention because just this morning the Lord gave me an example, a tidbit of a parallel, as in praying in tongues is like . . . ., and he said, “praying in tongues is to prayer, what special ops are to the military.” And isn’t that so true. The power, the results, the spiritual precision!
I am humbled and honored to join you Miss Billye as well as this amazing group of WWPs for prayer over our nation, Israel and our President. I do believe our God has a plan and He is orchestrating it as we speak. He has shown me much in these last few months but He seems to be more poignant about it in recent weeks. For instance, late last week he sent me to 2 Samuel 15-20 and as I was reading, nothing in particular poke at me so, I let it be and figured the Lord would show me in His time. The next morning as I was seeking Him in my prayer/devotion time He brought those scriptures back to mind and as I meditated on them He began to reveal to me the parallel between King David and Absalom’s “stealing” of the throne and how it is remarkably similar to our events at the moment. Oh my word, it was an eye blinker to be sure – I just sat there letting Him unfold it all in my mind! Yesterday I heard Robin Bullock (on Elijah Streams) speak of 2 Presidents 2 Inaugurations and the Lords revelation of last week immediate quickened in my spirit and all I could do was smile and say, Oh Lord you are so interesting, so very interesting…. isn’t He fun Miss Billye!? So fun!
Powerful! Love and thanks to you, Sister Billye and Max! Will be joining with ya’ll and WWP’s in a.m.
Shalom shalom Ms Billye! Excellent, thanks for the information, I really appreciate it, helps to refresh the memory of the moment we all share at the call. Really it is wonderful to be able to get together despite the distance and pray. Praise the LORD, He is so good and faithful.
The scriptures encourage me to stand fast. America there is a breakthrough on the way. Jesus has legions of angels standing on duty to rip into the evil spirits trying to tear the nation apart.
He needs us praying and cheering in anticipation .
Bless you Billye and the team .
Thank you Ms Billye. Because of watching and listening to you God has so graciously allowed me to become a wwp. God Bless your ministry
Thank you, Dr. Billye! I love you – what a powerful message of encouragement. I am praying for a day of fasting and praying for our nation and my family as well as myself. God is an Ephesians 3:20 God! The Word He gave me as I prayed in tongues last week during my walk from January 6th and during this time of chaos in our country, to say the least. It is Isaiah 41:10, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” I hope to join the prayer at noon with you soon, we are still transitioning from Maryland to Virginia. Fast and pray, especially praying in tongues as what we ought to do now. Thank you for the reminder to stay focus. I am still praying for MI, Washington, DC, VA, our nation as well as other parts of the world. The eyes of the world are on the U.S. now. I believe we are in a time of awakening. Brother David Barton spoke some powerful message during the Sunday Church Service at EMIC (The Victory Channel) at KCM. Thank you for teaching us about the Authority of the Believer. We are doers of the word (Jame 1:22).
Not by might or by power but by My Spirit saith the Lord. Eph. 6:10-18. Thank you for praying for us, things are falling in place according to the Word of God that our family stands on. We are calling things that are not as though they were until they are (Rom. 4:17). Praise God! – Shalom
When you’re thousands of miles across the world, in South Africa, and you wake up with prayer coming out of your mouth for Mr Trump and his Family and his Team. and for America to calm down…it’s a great feeling to be ‘in the loop’.
That was such a blessing and encouragement to me, thank you. It’s great to hear about the goodness of our God, amen
Thank you Billy’s Brim for your faithfulness to our God. I am moved to pray in tongues more and more these days. Our God is on the move.
Thank you Billye. I love your blog. I’m so happy I joined this prayer group, even though I missed it. But still praying with you. This the first of your blogs that I’ve seen. Glad I found you. Your blog is so good. So much God. Love it. Have to tell Monte when he gets in. Love you all.
I have been praying in tongues frequently. Whether cooking, cleaning or awaking in the morning. Singing in the spirit while showering. I know that there is angelic presence. It’s strong and present in my home. God is moving quickly and I am rejoicing! Thank you for teaching us how to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and “be about our Father’s business”. Love you Sis Billye and may God continue to bless and use you for His Glory.
Miss Billye, the same thing has been happening to me, where I wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning, I will have a praise song playing in my head. One most recently the night of Tuesday after the DC Rally, was the “Victory Chant”. I believe this is for the Body of Christ during this time, not just for me. Such an awesome Noon day Prayer this week.
I have been praying in tongues and God has given me insights.
The news media are the prophets of Baal.
Natural time is accelerating to meet Heavens time (things will move fast, Suddenly).
Sodom and Gomorrah is going to be destroyed again. Nothing new under the sun.
We (the Church and Bride of Christ (Anointing)) are coming up to the level of Jesus in the
Earth. Rejoice.
The Fear of God needs to be released into the earth so people can turn and be Saved.
Shalom Billye and Prayer Mountain family. Thank you for sharing that powerful and encouraging message, for Psalm 94 and the other scriptures. In my time of prayer Monday morning I told the Lord how I was done listening to any more media, and I still would stand in faith and trust Him even though I don’t understand all that’s happening. He lovingly spoke to my heart to read Psalm 131. He is faithful! He is good and His mercy endures forever!
As I read through all the comments of 1/12/21 and 1/13/21, I was encouraged by my brothers and sisters in Christ, to expect great things for the future of the United States, as I had become very saddened by the way our great President Trump has been treated by many in our country. Thanks, to all who shared their dreams and prayers with me. You helped to bolster my faith.
I have been on these prayer calls for a long time, I have been praying first of all daily every since this ministry started it!!! I know in my Spirit God has been speaking through tongues…. I have not wavered in knowing that he has been sending us the hope to continue the coarse in our prayer language!!! I can’t hardly wait to get on this prayer call from Wednesday to Sunday so that I can hear what the Lord has to tell us!!! Thank you Jesus we know you are going to show yourself in a mighty way that all will know it is you and you alone!!! To God be all the Glory!!! Hallelujah we praise you lord thank you father!!!????????????
Thank you so much for all you and Max are doing. I am quite sure my tongues are also in the Aramaic language but have never had anyone to translate. This is such a blessing!