How To Obey 1 Timothy 2:1

How Do We Obey This Scripture Now? I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.-First Timothy 2:1-4

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Tongues & Prayer


We have two scheduled phone calls for corporate prayer weekly.
Wednesday at 8 AM CST and Sunday at 3 PM CST. And at noon on Wednesdays we have a livestream prayer meeting from Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks.

From time to time (its happened only twice) we have the ability to call a special prayer meeting. We call it an emergency prayer call. Though by no means do we have the intent that the sky is falling and we have to pray.

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President Trump’s Call For Prayer

Of course, you are praying. My daughter, Shelli, did what Lynne Hammond calls “a flop and stop” this morning and it came to the account of when David’s son, Adonaijah, supported by Israel’s Captains of the Host, Priest, etc. held a huge feast to crown Adonaijah king in the place of his dying father.But David sent his son, Solomon, on his own fast mule to the Pool of Shiloach, Gihon, and there he was anointed king.When the illegal festivities heard the news, the sound of it literally split the earth.

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Israeli Elections

Here is a link (click here to view link) that will help you understand the Israeli election process as well as the current dilemma. Yael Eckstein, daughter of the late Rabbi Eckstein, does an excellent job of putting things in “plain English” so to speak.

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Shalom from Jerusalem!

The election is tomorrow. We had a wonderful time of prayer about that and other things as we walked the ramparts on the walls of Jerusalem. The CUFI Women’s Leadership Tour has been wonderful. But since it was short the days were packed from early morning to late night.So I have not had time to keep regular blogs.What is amazing here is that even with tension on all borders the tourists are here in record numbers. It has to be the Lord.

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The Kinneret (The Sea of Galilee)

Since arriving at the Kinneret yesterday I have not been able to keep up with the news. We were in Tel Aviv a few days before we came here. As we watched the news the rockets continued to be fired from Gaza with the IDF continuing to respond. (We will not be anywhere near the border with Gaza.)Of course what to do about this is much talked about in these days nearing election April 9.

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