President Trump’s Call For Prayer
Of course, you are praying
My daughter, Shelli, did what Lynne Hammond calls “a flop and stop” this morning and it came to the account of when David’s son, Adonaijah, supported by Israel’s Captains of the Host, Priest, etc. held a huge feast to crown Adonaijah king in the place of his dying father.
But David sent his son, Solomon, on his own fast mule to the Pool of Shiloach, Gihon, and there he was anointed king.
When the illegal festivities heard the news, the sound of it literally split the earth.
1 Kings 1:39
39 And Zadok the priest took an horn of oil out of the tabernacle, and anointed Solomon. And they blew the trumpet; and all the people said, God save king Solomon.
40 And all the people came up after him, and the people piped with pipes, and rejoiced with great joy, so that the earth rent with the sound of them. [Hebrew: The earth split]
Read the account. The details are amazing.
When I heard this, I immediately had the following thoughts:
- God is LOVE
- It is written 1 Corinthians 13
1 Cor 13:6 Amplified
LOVE does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.
We will have cause for rejoicing.
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I’m missing the part re:President Trump’s Call for Prayer
I’m calm through the news madness, I am rejoicing and am in Thanksgiving in the midst of the darkness knowing that our Fathers light is soon to shine upon those things that have been hidden. I praise my almighty God for greater is He that is in us then he that is in them. This is my God’s nation and the devil has lost for again I say greater is He that is in us then he that is in the world, Father you are soo good, you are soo great how then can I fear, how then can I not praise you all day and night for you are our GOD, what do they have to stand on but the slippery slopes of lies and deceitful speech that will shame them in the light. My brother’s and sisters rejoice and praise our God as king David did so many times in the midst of all the trouble knowing that we serve the great and almighty El Shaddai! He is more then enough, He has said “watch me work”! With His sleeves rolled up. He is my El Elyon, greater than any force of darkness, or any struggles, or battles. Again I say praise our great God for the victory! What is there to fear? Rejoice!! Give thanks!! We have the victory in Christ Jesus’ name!
Praying and believing Gods word!
Amen, our God is faithful.
Amen in Jesus name that great name and by the blood of the lamb truth and justice will prevail!
I am continuing to watch and pray. None of these things move me. Only the Word and the Love of God moves me. I know that all thing are well in the household of faith and in this great Covenanted nation. I will continue to pray in the Spirit. Bless the Lord!
I am rejoicing knowing Father God has the last day and we will keep our trust In the true and living God and hold fast to our confession. Our prayers are working. I refuse to be weary or faint. I am holding the line and prayer for our President Trump. No waiver God got this!! Rejoicing Expecting a show out from Father God!! Sandra Texarkana, TX
Praise God and I am in agreement with you. The Lord blesses those who bless Israel and he curses those who go against Israel. He is a covenant keeping God. Obama and Biden essentially cursed Israel when they didn’t stand with them and abstained from voting at the United Nations forum Dec 23, 2016, Israel was condemned for West Bank before the UN. Trump blesses Israel by acknowledging Jerusalem as their capital. God does not reward those who oppose Israel and put them in office. It is not his will that Biden be President. I agree with the courtrooms of heaven that he is a righteous God and Judge and the Righteous Judge in heaven will have the final say.
The sheilds of the earth belong to God. And he is to be greatly exalted His rule is over our nation
I am in full agreement. Donald Trump has done much for Israel. He has kept promises not kept by previous presidents regarding their capital, Jerusalem. They were so mistreated at the UN assembly by President Obama. President Trump has kept practically all of his promises under terrible resistance. God bless him and keep his family safe and victorious. May all the corruption and deception that has been revealed in the last years and against him in his presidency not prevail. May God’s truth reign!
Love this, love our ABBA and love President Trump! So looking forward to seeing what Daddy our Jehovah Nissi has done! I know that His Righteousness WILL prevail and will reign in the beautiful USA. Four more years! #MAGA2020 praising our Magnificent Father God, our Lord and Saviour Jesus and our ever present Holy Spirit with love and shalom from Canada
Amen! I agree!
Praise the Holy Name of God…thank you for the reminder to pray in the middle of struggles. God is always awake and ready to help.
Praise God I have kept saying My God loves Israel and He will not let America be unable to Help Israel at all times. We do have the victory in the Name of Jesus!
Yes Praise our God for He is mighty!
Amen! Thank you, this was very encouraging to me ????????❤️
Glory, Hallelujah!! Amen. There is nothing that is hidden that won’t be revealed. Everything done in darkness will be revealed in the light. God is not mocked, what so ever a man sows, that shall he also reap. God bless you brother in Christ
Jesus is Lord.
Praise God he is Faithful and loving ????????
In Jesus name, Dear Father Bring the Body of Christ together lifting Donald J Trump up in prayer.,that He Win the 2020 Presidency, and give him the Strength, Patience and Courage He Needs.,keep His Mind and Heart on Your Mighty Written Word (your Promises).May the Lord bless Him and His Family and keep Them Safe ❤❤❤.Amen. (lillianjkimble:Instagram)
I’m praying and believing Gods for victory, President Trump will serve another 4 years, Heaven’s agenda will prevail
I want to be on the EPC . My text/phone is ; 509-393-2501. Thank you.
Monday before the election the InternationI Christian Jerusalem called a 24 hour prayer vigil for America, with branches world wide taking a 1 hour slot. We here in Ireland were honoured to be asked to start it off at 12.00 midnight Jerusalem time. The scripture the Lord gave me for my 5 minutes slot was 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 ending with the truth “love never fails”. He then directed me to name each of your Supreme Coury Justices and declare that when Israel had righteous Judges they prospered and pray for righteousness. throughout the election process. So in gratitude for His leading of me and in full agreement with His Spirit and you all especially Sr. Billye, Shelli, Brenda, and all at Prayer Mountain a WWP in Ireland says Amen
Please tell us about the Call to Prayer from our President. Thank you.
Hi Sister Billye,
Please add me to your Emergency Prayer Call. I already sent my information through the info link, but in case you need it here: 305-308-5559. I have been a WWP for years and we are lifting our President in prayer constantly.
The night of the election I went to sleep around 1:30am (already Wednesday early morning) and I saw a vision of a dark, storm cloud, like really bad hurricane wind but I was able to see that the wind was dark (grayish-black color) and dogs with rabies were coming in that storm. I was led to know they had rabies & they were mad. I was also able to see that as they would come (high speed) “flying” in that hurricane wind when they would get closer to me they would fall to the ground and tear each other apart in pieces. I was not scared. I just knew it was the enemy. When I woke up I went to war in the spirit. The first thing I did was go on my knees and I sobbed to Jesus because of what we have allowed in our nature. But I stood up and I commanded the enemy & his plans to be stopped, crippled, paralyzed. I declared according to Psalm 5 that the evil men & their wicked schemes are being exposed, brought to justice and found GUILTY! But they will tear each other apart and the trap they set for our nation, and our President, they will fall into it. A boomerang effect. Just like in the Book of Esther 7:10. I keep remembering: our future is as BRIGHT as GOD can make it! Hallelujah! Call me 🙂
Yes! Hallelujah! I heard this same passage and Word from God to another prophetic voice who shared last night on Sid Roth! And right now in this early morning time w the Lord, as I was praying I heard, “Billye Brim.” ( I don’t follow you, but heard of you in last several years). I went to your site and clicked on blog posts–and same scripture /Word! I have been unwavering in standing on and battling w the heart and Word of God for this election! And here is another victory confirmation! I am heeding your call to prayer-& Will hold up Pres.Trump and those around him; strengthening them for their assignments, and God’s exposure of truth and victory! Blessings! Thank you. Our God Reigns!
Thank you for letting me join
Tell Shelli that she has a nointed “flips and Flops” I just saw this same Word given by prophet on Elijah Streams????
The lord had me open up to hear about you. U was at the end of your program. Then my 2 puppies got sick. I’m sure Satan used it as a destruction. I missed the # to pray for my city. I order 4 book of the “ The end of times. The books to go with it & a CD. That was confirmation
I love billyebrim got her tapes and have listen to her on Gloria Copeland tv program to her teachings I believe she is following the will of the father
I’m praying in agreement with you all in Jesus name Amen????????????
I am in agreement with you and will continue to stand. Please continue to keep us informed.
I’m am in total agreement with your prayers and that” All that is hidden will be revealed “ continually.God will protect his children from ungodly rule……can the RAPTURE be far behind?
I’m praying in agreement with you all in Jesus name Amen????????????I’m
Thank you sister Billye. I am standing in faith with you to see the manifestation of the Lord’s handy work on the nation that the people so LOVE HIM! HIS anointed will remain to fulfill his assignment….Hallelujah????????
Continuing in prayer and fasting for the Victory!!!!
Ben pray we’ll continue praying I know Trump it’s going to stay our president and I’m just glad that the Lord is going to put his hand over this whole situation and I know that I know that I know that many been praying for the present these past four years and I just know that great things are coming
If I was lost, I would want Trump to find me. He is no quitter and neither am I. SHALOM!
AMEN! News max is replacing Facebook and FOX news because Christians are now being censored on both. sadly Fox is turning more and more liberal and just to share that Judge Jeanine Pirros Saturday night program was removed because she was going to expose voter fraud WITH PROOF! Cut off just like most news channels did to our wonderful President. Most people do NOT understand a King Cyrus anointing unfortunately. “ Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that” JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!” What a glorious promise!!!!! AMEN
Epoch time news is a conservative paper that is not censoring the facts
Haha! Yes! You’re right! Haha… love that.
Thank You, for dying, for rising… Thank You for LOVING and setting me free! ♥️????????
Let justice run down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream. Amos 5;26
Praying in agreement with God’s people that God’s justice and his righteousness will run down like a mighty force over this election and that his will will be accomplished amen
I am praying Psalm 71 for President Trump. Amen
Excellent Word. Thank you for sharing!
I live in Connecticut. Yesterday Massachusetts had a small earthquake just under 4 which affected us alittle but some rumbling in Rhode Island and up to New Hampshire. Interesting
Praise God! After the Autumn Assembly my mother, daughter and I went to Resurrection Life in Grand Rapids Mi. Any way they had a prayer rally and their were speakers as well Eric Trump, Paula White, Jantzen Franklin, and others. At the end we all prayed and I say someone put a crown on Donald Trump and he took it right off and stepped forward and upward and crowned the Lord. He was such a servant and it was beautiful. I knew he was to be President and saw he came to serve instead of being served.
Praise God!
Yes we will !!
In the mighty name of Jesus
Amen. We can shout now!!!!
Faith enables us to “know” we will have reason for rejoicing.
Thank you Billye Brim for obeying God. You are loved!
So very important! This coordinates very well with the 5 Pray Points from former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann that were shared in a KCM blog on 6 Nov 2020: https://blog.kcm.org/5-prayer-points-to-pray-right-now-for-the-election/
What an amazing, perfectly timed reminder. God has dealt with this before and He will do it again. What blessed me was the reminder to rejoice when right and truth prevail – and not rejoice when the wrongdoers “get their comeuppance” – eyes focused on right, truth, justice, love, and God.
Yes I am praying for President Trump for protection and Wisdom!
Also, Dutch Sheets has an app for your phone called ” givehim5″ you can find it for iPhone or Android.
The app guides everyone what to pray for what the Father Almighty has planned for America,The President,and courts!
Thanks for all you do!
Thank you for the information about the app. I searched and found ‘give him15’. I’m assuming this is it? Thank you.
To Richard Myers – Just a FYI concerning Dutch Sheets app for “givehim5” AT&T has removed it; saying “This Domain has Expired.”
Face Book no longer will show anything about Trump or people that support him… A conservative website now has over 2 million(ex-FB people) as of 11/18/20 on “MeWe.com” – which is a Christian base website that is replacing FB..
We praise our Father (THE GREAT I AM) For He alone has already spoken his word and it is and was a prayer before the foundation of the world. Prayers are ETERNAL and will come to pass when the prayers come up to the Throne of God in one accord – that will release the Authority to give the power to bring it forth. We then have given our Authority to him to say: Yes & AMEN (So be it!) “Crown the man that has been given Authority to be: “Our Commander in Chief of the United States of America!” “Lots of Love & Prayers to all WWP’s & Miss Billye & Family!! 🙂
The Lord has his hand on President Trump. The Lord is fighting President Trumps battles. Vengeance is mind says the Lord I will repay.
Amem! Standing strong in Faith! Mountains will move! And what is done in the dark will always be exposed by the Light!
I agree in Jesus Name!
Yes Amen! Thank you Jesus darkness is be in exposed by the light! Will rejoice at justice and righteousness!!
A prophet in Nigeria prophecied in October this year that the American 2020 election will be fraudulent, He saw by The Spirit the electoral votes will be topped up illegally. He asked the church to pray. God is about to expose them. As THE GOD of heavenives, they will not get away with this.
A very pertinent Bible incident/story to what is happening today. And yes the I Corinthians 13 and 6 sure does fit.
We celebrate what we are already seeing in the Spirit as the forthcoming outcome. All Glory to God. He has anointed President Trump.
THANK YOU… I am praying and today kept sensing I needed to hear from you. … I was led yesterday to read Rees Howells Chapter 34, Intercession for Dunkirk. Also, an unusual thing happened yesterday. I sensed to open Unseen Forces Beyond This World, Phil and Fern Halverson and opened to page 134 and saw the words: “Censored. Censored. Censored.” I read that chapter and just a a few others and put the book down. Several hours later I again sensed to just open the book and immediately saw the words, “The Voting Place.” As a Pray-er surely do need you to “Help the Pray-ers.” I watched and prayed as much as I could during Autumn Assembly, but wasn’t able to watch-pray during all due to work. I seemed to sense we had made inroads and progress, but more needs to be prayed through. Found myself today — in my spirit— waiting for Wednesday Prayer Call for Israel. Much love to all of BBM and those at Prayer Mountain
Pastor George Peirsons saw God rolling up His sleeves. Sunday morning service!!!!
He has the biggest shirt to cover all things that eventuate I believe .
Here in Australia I’m sure He is attending to great trouble too.
Bless the Word of the Lord.
Standing in faith for our great President! We serve a God of justice
Watch God Work!!!!!!!
Praise God . Love this vision,
God is on the move. Praying for President Donald J Trump.
I think Billy Brihm Ministeries is One of tge STONGREST MINISTERIES IN THE WORLD
I will stand in the gap and make up the hedge in prayer for our president, Donald J Trump.
I am praying and lending faith for victory for President Trump.
I pray for him early in the morning, and I am pulling down the forces of evil in the Name of Jesus!
I’m praying for him too. Also praying for all our leaders in Authority. Bless you ????
I know justice will prevail in The Name of Jesus. I am m praying for Our President For protection,Strength & wisdom.God will Expose Every thing that is Hidden In The mighty Name Of Jesus Amen. Thanks for this wonderful ministry.
I know by the Spirit, our God is working behind the scene and He will bring the lies and thrives to the forefront !!!! God sees and knows all. No thing is hidden from Him. Praise His Mighty Name????????????????
A prophet in Nigeria prpphecied in October 2020 that this election will be fraudulent, He saw how the numbers will be fraudulently topped up illegally and asked the church to pray. It has happened exactly as he saw it. We pray God will expose the thrives
Thank you So much for this word!
1 Cor 13:6 Amplified
LOVE does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.
Real Clear Politics just rescinded their call of PA for Biden. The dominoes are starting to fall.
We will rejoice!
We are standing strong in faith to witness the movement of our God!
God will reveal the truth!
1 Cor 13:6 Amplified, Yes, I agree.
LOVE does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness but rejoices when right and truth prevail. This will turn into a greater victory and many souls will come to Jesus because they will reject lies they have believed in.
We love you and appreciate you so much! Hope to come to Prayer Mountain some day! Am praying for our President!
Standing with you in faith for a Trump victory. He is the man for the job. From a prayer partner in Australia.
This is awesome!!
Morning prayer group at Rhema Bible Church is praying diligently!
Thank you for the words of encouragement!
Of course we are praying!
We’re doing I Timothy 1:18 and using the prophetic utterances that have been spoken over our Country, President and the Church to wage a good warfare.
We’re part of God’s Prayer Force and we’re in it for the short and long haul!!!
God gave us a true warrior for the people when He gave us Trump. I am praying for him to uncover all irregularities of the election and the recount will make him our president for four more years.
I am praying and believing that the hidden things will be revealed and that it will be evident to all that President Trump is in for four more years. And I thank God I don’t have to figure it all out!
Amen! So many bible passages, like this one, give us encouragement, feed our faith and fill us with joy in believing.
Joining in prayer..I know God wants Trump to be President and I rejoice that his our President. Keep praying…God’s Justice will prevail!
Re: President Trump
Daniel 5:25-28
25 “This is the writing that was inscribed: mene, mene, teqel, and pharsin.
26 This is the interpretation of the words:
As for Mene—God has numbered your kingdom’s days and brought it to an end.
27 As for Teqel—you are weighed on the balances and found to be lacking.
28 As for Peres—your kingdom is divided and given over to the rightful winner… Joe Biden.
Are you nuts? Biden supports abortion and homosexuality!! Ever read what God has to say about them?? Vote the Bible!
reveal your truth to her Jesus that you have chosen president Trump to clean up this nation and let the body of Christ be in unity. In your name Jesus amen
I pray the Lord open your blind eyes for Satan has blinded them! He only comes to steal, kill and destroy but God came to give life more abundantly! You have been deceived and I pray you repent( change your mind).
Yes, uniting and praying for this election.
Thank you for this encouragement Ms. Billye. I am praying for our President, Donald J Trump along with the Body of Christ. Standing on the word of God for our country in this very sobering hour. Love In Christ
That was an encouraging Word Shelli got! God’s plans prevail no matter how much the wrong people are exalted. The gates of hell do not prevail!
I love your blog!
Amen!!! I remember hearing a sermon Creflo preached years ago and he said when everything is going along good it’s easy to stand and praise God, but what do we do at the slightest upset? We need to praise him anyway, we need to hold fast and not doubt! Speak Gods word in every situation! And when I hear Chip and Candice say that the other day! I just said thank you Lord for this reminder not to be moved by what is see, Gods word has the final authority! Say to the mountain. We are a two or more!!! Praise God!
I just sat down with the intent of reading the passage about Adonijah and decided to check the e-mails first. What a pleasant surprise that Shelli had the same thoughts about Adonijah that I have had this afternoon. I believe that God is testing the Body of Christ right now to see if we will get serious with Him and intercede for President Trump, somewhat like Bathsheba did for Solomon. I may be wrong, but I believe that if we as the Body of Christ really come together in repentance and intercession that God will intervene and President Trump will have a second term. Dan in Orlando.
PTL!! Standing, praying, declaring that truth, justice, and fairness will prevail , that God’s plan for America and the nations is not thwarted, that God’s plan for Donald Trump’s leadership will continue. On Monday, the Lord gave me the verse from Ex. 14:13-14 which contains , Do not be afraid. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. I believe will give triumph in America.
God Glorifies himself through the darkest path when men in power and authority believe absolutely they have won, then suddenly the Lord demonstrates His wisdom trips them and the fall in total disgrace. Those ruler who think they have total control of our future fail to recognize Our God Is In Control. 2 Corinthians 8 ” Which none of the the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory”. God crowns us with His Glory and demons are cast down from their high places. Let us praise God for His wisdom in Glorifying His son chosen vessel Trump because JESUS has lifted us up to Heavenly Place in Christ, Amen
This is confirmation, received the same word in 1st Kings 1:1-40. Praise God!!!
The enemy is afraid of the gathering. Assembling in faith, in one accord activates heaven.
Our sovereign God is moving all history to His appointed end! He will show up and show off. God is in control of this world and is moving it in the direction that He sees fit. Psalm2. Let us not be faint hearted…… Having done all let us STAND!
Greetings sister Billye: That is one of those golden analogies hidden in the Word waiting for just the exact time and place to be put to use in a time of need. Praise God!! Shelli saw it. I know that one of the words given by pastor George was that the Lord was saying, “stand back and watch me work!!” God works 24/7 and graveyard shift poll workers are under the watchful eye of the Most High God. Garry
Like apples of gold in settings of silver,
Is a word spoken at the proper time.
Proverbs 25:11
Oh praise the Lord…the incident in 1 Kings 1:39-40 is almost the exact repeat of what has happened on 11-3-2020. God’s prophets obeyed Him and prophesied of seeing a trumpet which would be significant of Donald J. Trump being elected and also have a second term, one of which was Kim Clement right before his passing, among others. Now before he was elected for his 2nd term they plotted to take it away and make someone else leader instead of the one God chose. When the plot was told, the rightful king was officially anointed for the job. From all outside indications the wrong king was placed on the throne by the dishonest of the day, but when the day was done, Solomon was officially anointed the king.
Amen! I saw this very passage of the Torah readings for the very day the announcement came out trying to unseat the rightful President of our land! But God is good. Look how it ends. Praise God
Shelli’s text made me cry..I was so disturbed on Sunday…I asked the Lord if we were sleeping?
A few mornings ago while doing my morning hand washing (Jewish Custom) I had such a clear vision of a Giant Axe head swinging down into the earth from what seemed like the mighty Hand of God. He laid it to a giant root & tree that was a large tree, but a giant root just beneath the earth. It just stuck there and was left there. It seemed to feel like & represent multiple things regarding Divisions & Separations & a Line of Demarcation. As if God was saying No More deception, lies & destruction. Also it’s time to decide whom we serve. No more people of God voting in favor of what God Calls Evil in His Word and finding juvenile reasons to justify evil. No more racial division, No more division between the Christian Church “Religions & Divisions”. Even Now removing the Dividing Wall between Jew & Gentile to Now be One New Man as a Promise from God to the Body & the Earth. A very sound Wake up Call & Great Awakening that we must all Act On & Give an Accounting for.
Haven’t been able to stop crying since I read your blog..and it’s not tears of despair it’s tears of joy that God is So GOOD. That such GREAT things are being worked out. Thank You, LORD.
Hello Shelli and Dr Billye. My husband and I were on the kcm tour last year
We are praying for president trump
Mr Biden family lives down the road from us here in Ireland
When the people were celebrating his new presidency it was like the time Barnabas released and Jesus went on to suffer and win the Crown for us. The crowds haven’t changed
I am in agreement with prayers of VICTORY for our Pres, Trump and the ending of this fraud soon! those unrighteous ones will be persecuted for this evil!
I have heard a word from too many prophets that Trump will be the next president. If he is not then a lying evil spirit is loose and God was not speaking. I do not believe that is the case. These prophets have been listening to God and know what they’re talking about. Do not dismay our President Trump will prevail. Hallelujah praise be to God
God has not changed His mind. His man will stand in the land! We know that if God has spoken it, it will come to pass…no worries….now we need to pray against the violence that is being planned by the enemy. What will be cause for our rejoicing, will be woe to the enemy of God.
Our father is a Loving father, He hears the cry of His children, not strangers. His words and the word He gave will not return void,Thank you for your ministry and the boldness you have through Jesus Christ, Halleluiah
All around me have given up, but not me!! I will continue to pray that justice is done and the evil ones are cast out! All praise and honor to our Lord and Savior! His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Whatever is His will I will accept.
Bless you Billye Brim for all that you have taught me.
Hallelujah!!!! We stand against the wiles of the devil and declare the breaking of every alter of baal in Jesus name. The King of Hosts stands against you Satan and He will contend with the enemy and save our children.
It is NEVER over until God’s Word says it’s over. God has given man DOMINION – we must express that dominion by Faith through Prayer. Ephesians 2:8 says we are “saved by Grace through Faith”. Thank you Shelli for sharing your vision. What has been done in the secret dark place will be revealed. We can’t let go of our Faith in God and His Word. Stand strong and God will see us through this crisis. God BLESS America – Jesus is LORD over America.
Yes, we need to continue in prayer for Pres Trump,family,and all those working with him. I am with you. May the Angels surround him 24/7. The story is not over yet.
Thanks to Dee who noted praying Psalm 71! I am too!
I am standing and praying that truth will prevail and the lies will be revealed! On election day I blew my shofar for the Victory. God’s Word does not return void!
Psalms 20 TPT
5 When you succeed, we will celebrate and shout for joy.
Flags will fly when victory is yours!
Yes, God will answer your prayers and we will praise him!
6 I know God gives me all that I ask for
and brings victory to his anointed king. (President Trump)
My deliverance cry will be heard in his holy heaven.
By his mighty hand miracles will manifest
through his saving strength.
7 Some find their strength in their weapons and wisdom,
but my miracle deliverance can never be won by men.
Our boast is in the Lord our God,
who makes us strong and gives us victory!
8 Our enemies will not prevail; they will only collapse and
perish in defeat while we will rise up, full of courage.
9 Give victory to our king, O God!
The day we call on you, give us your answer!
We cannot compromise with evil, When we pray and speak Gods words, evil cannot prevail.
Because God’s words created everything and is still creating today when we speak it in Faith..
Keep Smiling, we WIN !!
Dear Sister Billye,
I am standing in Faith believing that God’s Will, will be done regarding the U.S. Presidency. I am continuing to pray. God Bless.
Thank you Sister Brim and Sister Shelli. I am also interceding for the President and the exposure of all corruption involved with the election! “Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore, put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all, to Stand.” “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit . . . “ Ephesians 6:11, 12, 13, 18
Please stand in prayer.
I believe before the foundation of the world, God knew this and already has taken care of our President and this great country. When God declares a thing, He completes it. My husband and I are standing with the pray-ers. Thank you for teaching us how to stand against satan’s wiles. Love you!
An election does not change the Word of God. The Word of God changes an election.
For President Trump I got 1 Sam 30. We are the mighty warriors who cross the river and fight for him.
God says, touch not my anointed one. Donald Trump has been anointed and chosen for this hour in history. He will prevail as we pray. As long as Moses hands were held up the enemy was defeated. How dare anyone touch Gods anointed!!!
Oh my Shelly what a word! we were praying , and releasing Psalm 29 Voice of the Lord on Sunday and heard That tomorrow 11th is a Pivotal moment!!Soooo Put On Your combat Boots Prayer Warriors we are storming the Gates of Hell!!!
We are confident in the prophetic messages that have gone forth in months prior to the election and are sure now that God will perform His Word through them. We know in whom we believe and we are persuaded that He is able to KEEP all that we commit to Him against this day.
God has appointed and anointed President Trump 8 years!! I thank you Lord exposing every evil weapon formed against him,, to God be the glory!!
Praying and standing for truth to prevail. Also sent my letter to President Donald J. Trump as he requested all registered voters to do. (By snail mail). Request an audit of ALL states.
Blessings to all brother and sister prayer warriors!!
SGM Judy
What address did you use to send your letter to the president? (My granddaughter, 6 years old, drew a picture and wrote a letter to our president telling him that she’s praying for him and for him not to give up! My daughter wants to send it to him.)
Praying that God will reveal in the Light, all this fraud and cheating to expose this evil plotting before the world, the American people, and in the courts. May the Constitution, inspired by God’s influence, be tested now to stand firm and true. Our Constitution was written for such a time as this and shall prevail for by it, we shall fight to keep our Republic!
All the celebratory cheering and role-playing “president elect” is a scene exactly taken from The Emperor’s New Clothes!! And soon, they will all be exposed! Praise God that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered!
The enemy, the deep state, the globalists have been trying to get rid of President Trump for the last four years. It’s no surprise they tried to steal the election. They will not succeed, they will be exposed. Look up the prophetic word given by Rebecca Greenwood called “God is never outnumbered, Checkmate. Also, The Keystone prophecy given by Tim Sheets is excellent. Let the 3rd Great Awakening begin. Keep on decreeing Ecclesia! Christ will give us the victory.
Standing in agreement with the word of God … TRUTH
I will add Psalm 35 for President Trump, as my ex-wife said they had a voting machine the produced 2 votes for his opponent for every vote Trump got, used dead people’s social security numbers to vote, predated mailed in ballots to ensure they would be counted illegally, and there were whistle blowers about the ballots being given an earlier than true arrival date. So know I will have to add that to anything else I have to do. If the other party had integrity, they would not need to resort to “insurance” policies as corrupt as these. Not knowing the law, I would hazard to say that Trump could be President just for the abuses as a result for the lawsuits. If someone else knows case law that would support this , please post. Although I admit Kennedy got in because of ballot stuffing by the mob, but he did pray during the Cuban Missile Crisis and ordered the blockade, but I am glad he was Pressident.
Please put my name down when you are going to have an important call to prayer or any urgent request
Please email us on our website and include your emaill and your phone number. Blessings Jan
The LORD my God watches over ALL His creation. His Word is truth, It will not return without accomplishing His purpose. Yeshua reigns in all things . HE CREATED THE TIMES AND SEASONS and All that is . I TRUST HIM as Abraham did , calling the things that be not FINISHED. God raised up America to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. Seed has been sown for generations and the time of the Harvest is at hand. Awakening , Outpouring of Gods Spirit shall cover the land. We love you LORD and You know our hearts. Thank you for answered prayer. Jeremiah 33:3
I Samuel 15:28 God Rent Saul’s Kingdom. He knows the heart of man .
I Kings 13 : 11-25 Beware of old prophets who no longer hear from God. Full of jealousy.
Not Bold and courageous like John the Baptist to Herod.
God calls leaders not to compromise the Gospel with worldly leaders but to declare truth. He is not a respecter of persons. The Holy Spirit is grieved not from the world but from the church. Let Truth prevail. There are many warnings in the book of Revelations to the Church. And judgment begins first with God’s people.
Praise the lord! In order to have victory there must be a battle!
In all synagogues this last Saturday November 14, we read from the Torah portion Genesis 24 and the HafTarah of 1st Kings 1:1-31. It’s so great to see G-D orchestrate His message to us. May our hearts listen,
Look at all these beautiful brothers and sisters, the unique parts of the Body of Christ – in concert. This is like music and He inhabits our praise!
Praise the Lord. We are in Prayer Intercession for our nation (United States of America), against strife. Our Love position is “For God is Love”. Our position also is 2 Chr 7:14. Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah.
Praying for our President Trump every day. Praying for our leaders and for God’s wisdom and insight and for the legal team concerning the 2020 Presidential Election. Praying according to Ephesians 1:3, 16-23, Eph. 3:16-21 for the Church and our leaders to lead this nation in righteousness. May the Lord remember the seeds that the United States of America have been sowing seeds and sees in the past to all the end of the earth by sending out missionaries so others like me and my family can hear the gospel of Jesus and received Him as Lord and Savior. May the Lord God Almighty will remember that it’s because of His people in America that all the nations are blessed with the gospel. I bind every evil spirit of evil against the churches in America and around the world. The Lord remembers His Word – The Lord rebukes the devourer for our sake, and no weapon is formed against the faith people in America and against our freedom of religion, any obstacles and hindrances to our financial prosperity are now dissolved (Mal. 3:10-11, Is. 54:17). We bind every spirit that comes against the gospel, the church, the believers of Jesus Christ, we shall finish the work of Jesus. Mark 16:15-20 and Matthew 18:17-20. I joined and agree with everyone at BBM and KCM, and the Body of Christ we stand in faith for America and will finish the gospel of Jesus and He shall come for Her bride – without spot. May all our family and loved ones be saved.
Come Lord Jesus come! Still praying for the end-time harvest and the Lord raised up His people, the workers in MI, Washington, D.C.; Virginia, Cambodia and around the world. Amen. May the Lord bless you, Sister Billye and BBM.
From Maryland: I am praying for President Trump and for the legal team. Justice will be done as the Lord promises justice for all of his people. According to His promises God will have his ways and protect the president of the United States, and bring justice for him, because President Trump blessed Israel. I pray for the people who sold their souls to the devil that will come to repentance. Amen