Urgent Prayer Call
Following the FBI fiasco in the unprecedented raid of President Trump’s Mar-A-Lago home, we rallied the WWP Prayer Force for an emergency corporate execution of The Authority of the Believer. While each one of us has habitational authority we are to use daily, together this authoritative power is exponentially increased.
Even though because of technical difficulties we gave short notice, I was pleasantly shocked at the representation!
*49 States and The District of Colombia.
Australia, Canada, France, United Kingdom, and the U. S. Virgin Islands.
Total Pray-ers: 1,812
With that kind of representation, you can be assured the kingdom of darkness was shaken.
Join us every Wednesday for our regularly scheduled “Moed Wednesday” appointments with the Lord in Prayer at 8 AM.
We will be exercising our joint authority again. We are ready!!!!!
To Join Dr. Billye’s Prayer Call on Wednesday, August 10 at 8 AM (CST)
- Dial-In Number (425) 436-6277
- Enter Access Code when prompted: 312081#
On Wednesday’s we pray twice. At 8AM CST, and then again at noon. The Noon Prayer meeting is streamed live from Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks.
*Missing only Delaware
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I just received your prayer call… thank you for including me…bless you sister
Praise the Lord! That is why we are here LORD! Hallelujah !!!
Thank you Ms Billye, we love you so much and we thank GOD for you ant the entire team!
Glory to GOD! 😀
It’s always a pleasure to listen to the prayer call and stand in prayer for God’s purposes and plans to be executed. Thank you!
Praying. I feel bless to be part of this group. Thank you miss Billye . Love you and your family. Rosemarie Basinger
Thank you for including me in your prayer call. I appreciate having an opportunity to join the many, many voices in praying for whatever urgent need Israel or America or both have. Thankful for your ministry.
I began praying just the second I read the alert yesterday evening. I sensed the urgency so strong. Then the same when I first woke up this morning. During the call I was Amazed at how quickly we had a powerful Breakthrough in the heavens. At the very end I heard the word VICTORY so strong in my Spirit & then the Chorus to “Victory in Jesus” began to flow. Then just as suddenly, the Chorus of “Great is thy Faithfulness!” Such Power!!! The devil doesn’t stand a chance! So looking forward to the Call in the Morning & Noon Prayer at the Mountain! : ) Terry
I will continue to pray…joing forces!!
WOW! Must be God.
Praising God for your continued watching.
Love you much!
Praise The Lord!!!!!!!
Woohoo!!! Look at God showing off!!! 🙌 🎉 ☝️
Thank You Ms Billye for helping the prayers, I haven’t missed a prayer call yet, I make it priority.
It IS why we are here , for such a time! Thank you team and all of the WWPs that join. Glory to God!
There were prayers that didn’t get counted in that group too😉🙏🏽
I praise the Lord for you and Max for your dedication to the Lord as well as to all of us. Thank you both! I love our prayer time and for your teaching. I love our shared prayer with our brothers and sister in Christ as well. The Lord is so good! We can be at peace during these difficult times trusting in him and following his word. May God Bless you!
Amen Ms Billye, we’re here with you here in Arizona! God woke me up at 6am, immediately looked at my phone, got the message and it was on. Thank you and Max for your obedience to the Lord.💕💪☝
I’ve been praying since this morning. Praying in tongues for a long time. Comfort to know we all are!!!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Prayer Warriors joining with you!
Blessed to all that prayed and May blessings abound for Donald Trump and family country. Shalom Israel and America and Ukraine and Russia to stop war.
Praise the Lord!! I did not get the notice in time but have been praying without ceasing since finding out about the raid of our true president’s home. This will not stand! We are using our authority and you’re right Billye the kingdom of darkness is shaking in their ugly demented boots! Hallelujah! Will be on the calls tomorrow. You all are such a blessing and are in my prayers regularly. Thank God for His body, we need each other more than ever.
Praise God! Thankyou for being such wonderful prayer warriors.
Lavada & Monte here Billye. Shalom. We are praying with you also from South Texas. Thank you for your blog and the prayer updates. We will join you all tomorrow morning at 8am and 12 Noon. Standing in habitational authority in the name of Jesus. Blessing to God our Father, Lord Jesus, and powerful Holy Spirit. We love your blog.
I too missed the prayer time but had already spent time with the Lord about what is happening and prayed again even if it were after the fact. Thank you for your tv program, Prophetic Witness. I often watch it twice as I have learned so much. At times it is like drinking from a fire hydrant but in a good way, a spiritual way. Real impressed with your little grandson. The apples don’t fall far from the tree! I often pray for you and your ministry and several others that my soul draws nourishment from.. God is blessing us with new, young believers who are growing up to be oaks for God. That is very satisfying to see. I only wish we weren’t leaving them a worse world than when we received it. I am 77 years young and can speak with authority. Ha. God bless you and yours. He can come any day! Praise the Lord.
We are also standing, with the ministry with prayers and fasting, Yeshua promise is too lead us and our Refuge, To God Be The Glory, thank You Billye brim for your Faithfulness
Thank You Dr. Billye Brim
To God be the Glory for the Body of Christ standing together in unity for such a time as this against the wiles of the devil and standing in the gap for Israel and America!!!!!!!!!
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
312081# the access code was rejected repeatedly on July 20 meeting.
thank you dr Billye- for teaching us how to use “our” Authority in the LORD…
Only got the message this morning, but, I prayed last night and again this morning. I join my faith with yours.
Praise the Lord!!! I was so honored as a WWP to receive a alert for a urgent prayer call, ON ASSIGNMENT!!! I just praise our Jesus for this wonderful time and assignment from him! Hearing from Heaven, it so marvelous and brings about such rest in him and peace!!! I’m so grateful to the lord for leading me to this ministry so many years ago and being apart of this! IT IS SUCH A BLESSING! Thank you Jesus!!!
49 weeks ago, I started a Saturday Prayer For Florida call, kind of modeled after what you and Max do. We come in, with no agenda, pray in tongues, at first 15 minutes, now 20. Then we spend some time sharing what we heard the Lord say. The Lord had simply said that if we take care of His stuff, He would take care of all things that concern us. I missed your emergency call, but I feel at Peace that we had already prayed our part, into the Future, about this. Thank you for modeling this wonderful method of partnering with Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. I look forward each week to both of your calls, as well as to the Illinois call and our Florida call!
I am located in Haines City, Fl. Can I get an invite to the Saturday call?
There is no Saturday call with Billye Brim Ministries. Blessings Jan
I thought it was interesting that the date that this happened at Mar A Lago was 8-8. Doesn’t 8 mean “New Beginnings”? I believe God has punctuated His Plan for New Beginnings by having this act, which reeks of evil, turned around for Good, DOUBLE!
thanks for sharing the date & meaning
8/8 & DJT !
So thankful to you for calling us to pray and intercession on yesterday for righteousness to prevail. Our prayers keep the enemy and his kingdom of darkness pushed back away from God’s people. At the same time we were praying, my son was being prepared for emergency surgery at the university of Chicago medical center. He was there on business and became ill. The surgery was successful and he is healing. Praise God!!! The Word from the Lord by Brother Max was right on spot. So comforting to know the Lord is concerned with all of us amen. So thrilled to be a part of WWPF.
Myrna Williams/ Melissa, TX
I wish I would have seen this. I’m from Delaware!! I will definitely be in today!! Love all these prayer warriors.
I hope giving you my email address I will now be on the Urgent Contact list. Thank the Lord, so many replied to your request for Pres. Trump. I was praying for him on my own but it is better to come as a body of believers taking authority over the situation.
Thank you for the Israel call on Wednesdays and noon Prayer.
I have been WWP for years, but have not received the Prayer Alert but have been praying!!! See you on Wednesday Prayer, Dear Ones!!! 🙏🙏🙏♥️🎯👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Sending prayers for our wonderful President Trump ! God has His right hand upon him . The evil will not win . So many wonderful prayer warriors using their authority and power of The Holy Spirit. Looking forward to noon prayer meeting with Jesus ,Billye and Max . We are so blessed to have you . Thank you Jesus for hearing our prayers.
We trust in You .
Praise the Lord for victory!!! The Light still shines in the darkness. Oh great is our Lord!!
please add my email to the list for emergency prayer call contact
You will need to go to website and sign up yourself. Jared explained it today how it works. Blessings Jan
Thank you for the urgent prayer call yesterday. It was an honor as always to pray with you and all the WWP’s that were able to join in.
God Bless!
Thank you, I don’t think my ‘urgent notice’ appeared until today (that happens often with my cell phone text) and my internet was down for three days. However, I did pray as lead by the Holy Spirit that morning. Upon learning about the raid I must admit I was sadden; I would love to have been on the call with Ms. Billye, Bro. Max and the WWPs. Awesome, prayer and interpretation given this morning. I am extremely grateful to be a part of this prayer force and look forward to our MOED with the Lord each week. We have the Victory; taking our seat of authority in Him over the evil one daily. Once again thank you Ms. Billye for responding to the Lord and helping us prayers and also Bro. Max for saying yes to the Lord, it is such a blessing.
Blessings, Cynie Clemmon
Was so glad to receive both a text and an email. If email only I would not have seen it that early…! Love you all and I love our Wednesday Moeds! Blessing from Rhode Island!
We went to the moon prayer meeting this Wednesday. It was our first visit and we had a wonderful time. The Lord was moving & it was a very encouraging time. To say the least the service was very special. Also, thank you so much for the unexpected blessing of the lunch that was provided for us. What a gracious time of fellowship too. We love & appreciate your ministry!
God bless you!
I was wondering if the noon prayer will be uploaded? This was the first one I’ve missed in months all because of a dentist appointment. So sad I missed it. Thank you!
Billye has requested that it not be archived. Blessings Jan
Praise God
How can I join Dr. BILLYE andBro Max prayer on Wednesday like today.
You can watch the noon prayer on our website and call at 8AM 425 436 6277 access code 312081#. Blessings Jan
On Tuesday April 4th 2023 i’m so grateful for praying in tongues & that there is a Moed in less than 24 hours! Thank You God for letting us hear from heaven. Thanks Billye & Max with Love.
Please pray for my wife, Rebeca, & me to cancel the divorce. May God intervene, restore our communication, & reunite us in His love. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Final hearing 3/25/24