


My son, Chip, who pastors with his wife, Candace, A Glorious Church Fellowship in Collinsville, Oklahoma called me last week excited about what he was going to preach to his congregation. Of course, my heart was happy as he preached it first to me on the phone.

He’d heard a minister say that the Chinese word for “crisis” is made up of two words. (If I’m not mistaken that would be two picture words.) One meaning “danger,” and the other, “opportunity.” In other words in every crisis while there is danger, there is opportunity.

It would be worth your while to watch their March 18, Wednesday night service, now archived.


Opportunities Taken

In the Owasso-Collinsville, etc. area it was next to impossible to buy a loaf of bread. So my granddaughter, Kylie Gatewood, bought a breadmaker and baked her family bread. Her 3-year-old told Shelli, their grandmother, on a facetime call, “Our house smells so good.”

An opportune thought came to Kylie. On Facebook she volunteered to make free bread for those who couldn’t find a loaf. Right away she got 11 requests (view post). And so began the “Gatewood Bakery.” Her husband, Jimmy, who has been out of work for a long time, pitched right in and they baked and delivered to the doors of thankful receivers loaves such as you see here:


God’s Café

While we are temporarily limiting people gathering at The Prayer Mountain Chapel for services there. (I myself, and the staff required will broadcast tomorrow and every Wednesday online.) My son, Terry, decided with my agreement that we could not suspend our Third Saturday preparation of a good, hot-cooked meal to homeless and otherwise vulnerable people.

Here are pictures Terry sent me Saturday evening, along with his heartfelt comments.

Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks volunteer Don Clark, cooked and served today over 100 grilled hamburgers and 75 brats. [We were able to get buns in Branson.] Also served was a tasty smoked was tasty smoked chicken, and white bean soup. Vegetables. Desserts such as Carrot Cake and Strawberry cake.


We also get the opportunity to bless people with free clothes, shoes, hygiene supplies, and other non-perishable food. Sue and Roger Desmarais manage this much-needed part.


Our volunteers think they are the ones who get the bigger blessing.


This is an overview of God’s Café… We set up every 3rd Saturday in a great location to minister to the homeless, addicted, lonely, as well as anyone who visits.


Here’s our nearby clothing/food store. [Open more than 3rd Saturdays.]
We have joined with Selfless Blessings Ministry, to help those who might not be able to afford clothing, sometimes needed for a job interview, or proper clothing to protect from the weather. We have clothes for the whole family. [Billye Brim note: I was told by the manager they have a shortage of men’s clothing.]


A volunteer praying for a guest of God’s Café. The best part is God brings His Presence and needs are met. We witness salvations, healings, and miracles. And we are thankful. (learn more about God’s Cafe)

God’s Club

Check out our street pastor’s 1974 Volkswagen hippie van. Yes, he is from California with high energy and commitment to reach the people, get them delivered, and turn them into soul winners. He operates the God’s Club portion of our ministry. There is a place for them to meet and have service. In that place they have a weekly prayer warriors group who come together to take back ground from enemy!!! They are powerful!!!


Terry’s Closing Thoughts

So many things have happened since we went on the OFFENSIVE!! [Billye Brim note: It’s a long story and has to do with pray-ers sitting in their places of authority and targeting in an offensive against the powers of the air for this area and these people.]

I want to thank all of you who support Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks with your prayers and finances. And I want to let you know how others are being added to YOUR account!

We love you all!
Terry Brim, General Manager
Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks




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  1. Sheree on March 24, 2020 at 6:19 pm

    I listened to Chip Wednesday and Sunday. So great to hear a word of encouragement rather than fear and doubt. Interestingly on Saturday night, Mac Hammond also preached ‘crisis is opportunity’! It is time of great harvest! Praise God!

  2. Vondia Caruso on March 24, 2020 at 6:25 pm

    God bless you all for the wonderful ministry you are doing:)

    • Trudy Davis on March 24, 2020 at 6:32 pm

      Thanks for the praise report it’s great to hear good report

  3. Randy on March 24, 2020 at 6:30 pm

    Answers To Prayers Ministry is doing a wonderful work. Roger & Sue Desmarais are a God-Blessing to many folks who get to see Jesus’ love in action.

    Glory be to our Good God….

  4. Frances Shive on March 24, 2020 at 6:34 pm

    WOW! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF YOU, for making a big difference by going on the OFFENSIVE to drive out Darkness from your territory, & bless so many people!!!

  5. Jim A Hall on March 24, 2020 at 6:38 pm

    Reading these stories brings the longing to be back near Prayer Mountain. We should be back there and volunteering before this fall. So glad these folks are receiving spiritual and physical food.

  6. Jan McLaughlin on March 24, 2020 at 7:04 pm

    No fear over here only praise for what God is doing to turn this Satanic virus into an awakening of all his body. I have learned so, so much from you Billye and since my return from Israel I am reading through the OT and marking all the places where we visited. When I read the mountains of Israel I get so excited remembering everything you taught us. I have been taking my authority every morning. Love you and Shelli so much. Cannot wait for Wednesdays and Sundays!!

  7. Benita on March 24, 2020 at 7:42 pm

    This is so wonderful! God a Bless this ministry❤️❤️

  8. Pamela Byrd on March 24, 2020 at 7:43 pm

    Shalom sister Billye Brim praise the Lord. Thank you for this new email with new blog and pictures this so good. If I was living in your area I would come volunteer and help. So blessed by seeing this. I also would like to see bibles and materials given to those who are homeless. It be nice to see children bibles Youth bibles paper ink pens and to see get bible study. It be nice for carpenters for Yeshua to build homes for homeless train up in what God wants them. Then farmers to help give free food and help learn plant victory gardens even flower gardens herb gardens. Organic gardens with organic fruit gardens . Then also give art lessons telling the gospel to people and children. Praise dance worship to touch hearts of all ages. Invite the Lord allowing Him to do what His heart desires are. This just some thoughts just excite so see these pictures. For Lord knows plans way in future Jeremiah 29:11. Hope okay that I shared this from my heart to your beautiful heart. Thank you for pleasing the Lord so sweetly. As pray for others if only we could reach all who crying out that needs help. We all do need to run to Lord in this time of new Era and churches are not going to be the same . I pleating bloodline over all these blogs and each of us seeking the Lord like never before. The Lord wants a deeper relationship like never before. Shalom Shalom. Praying we get prepared for the harvest of souls. Which will need be trained up to reach them all and we will need materials and bibles to get the new Believers rooted and grounded. Just Like Shellie shared on Noonday prayer and others. They will the ones coming in with different colors of hair and tattoos on there skin. And they will have questions and they are hungry for the Lord. This harvest of souls is just Shellie and others shared on Noon day broadcast. This harvest will be in waves even Late Bob Jones of Morning Star where Rick Joyner in Fort Mills S.C. I was there at Harvest Feast as spoke in2003 and 2004. And went to 2010. Pleating blood over all I have shared. Shalom Shalom. Isiah 54:17. Mark 11:23-25.

  9. Janette S. Raiche on March 24, 2020 at 8:30 pm

    Thanks so much for your encouragement today. Thanks for always being so informative it helps me so much. Your such a blessing

  10. Jan Wurtz on March 24, 2020 at 8:32 pm

    Pastor Gregory would you email your question to our ministry. Blessings Jan

  11. Lois Asbridge on March 24, 2020 at 8:37 pm

    Shalom and thanks for sharing what GOD is doing through the Ministry there.

  12. Garry on March 24, 2020 at 9:21 pm

    Greeetings sister Billye: Great photos and stories!! Kylie’s home baked bread brings back memories of my mom and her bread making only without oats on top. Bless her heart!! I hope she receives 100 X return and also the others who put time into that outreach in such a crucial time as this is.

  13. Rosie Stull on March 24, 2020 at 9:26 pm


  14. Strawberry on March 24, 2020 at 9:35 pm

    Such a blessing to be a blessing…huh…????????

  15. George bryant on March 24, 2020 at 11:02 pm

    I was so blessed to see and read what you are doing in the name of the Lord there in helping those who are in need physically but spiritually as well .God Bless all you !

  16. Kelly on March 24, 2020 at 11:35 pm

    God bless all you WWPs. Pamela, you go girl. You’re an Awakening just waiting to happen.
    Thank you, Ms. Billye, for all you shared. Your blogs are so important. As we “shelter in place,” it’s wonderful to connect the techie way.
    I hope you will have a Sunday Prayer again on March 29,2020.
    I just want to add that our daily prayer time with the Holy Spirit helps bring through ALL the moves/plans of God. For example, God’s Cafe was the result of WWP prayers. Never forget the importance of your daily Holy Spirit prayer time (in your prayer language) and we praise the Lord Jesus daily for the honor to be fighting in prayer in the Army of the Most High God.

  17. Brenda on March 25, 2020 at 6:13 am

    God Bless YOU ALL!!!

  18. Mori on March 25, 2020 at 10:41 am

    Thank you Dear Billy and Family for Shining like the firmament and the stars for the
    Sacred Heart of Jesus.! Shopping for people is the Best Adventure and journey anyone can do Blesssings Always! Love in Him!!

  19. Elaine GRaham on March 26, 2020 at 12:40 pm

    This is Elaine Graham sending blessings to you and your ministry. You have taught me so much in the past.I loved to come to your fall prayer conference . It always uplifted me and filled me with the spirit even more. I don’t travel as much now because I don.t have any traveling companions. Thanks

    for all you do in the Lord.

  20. Don McCall on March 28, 2020 at 8:54 am

    It is a pleasure to see how far your work has come. I count it a BLESSING to know your family and to watch how much they have became a part of one GREAT work for the nation and world God Bless everyone in your family. Look forward to seeing you all someday in near future

  21. Chuck Cordy on April 2, 2020 at 12:59 pm

    I praise God for His goodness through all that is being done with the God’s cafe’ and send all of you dear souls blessings for being His hands and heart in this time of such need. Billye and family you’ll are such a blessing and I thank you for all the wonderful works of the Lord that you seem to endlessly do.
    May the Lord God almighty richly bless each and every one of you for such big hearts that you bestow upon so many and touch and change the life of soo many souls. You and your family are such a blessing to us!
    All praise to His holy name!!

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