Minneapolis-St Paul Area & “The Soul of This Nation”


On our Wednesday 8 AM Prayer Call, someone from Minneapolis urgently asked us to pray about the tragedy that occurred Monday May 25th. A video recorded the senseless choking to death of George Floyd by one policeman while others stood by doing nothing to stop it.

I immediately thought of a word from the Lord that I’d received about God’s plan for the area. I said to the prayer call participants, “I’ll see if I can locate it, and I’ll post it later.” But without even getting up from my prayer chair, I looked into a woven basket at my feet. It contains Bibles and things I’m studying along with a couple of small note books to write prayer notes or things I receive from the Lord. There it was!


The word came a year before while I was watching the Sunday, April 28, 2019 service at Living Word Christian Center in Minneapolis with Pastor Mac Hammond preaching. He had been under media scrutiny for statements he’d made about the Lord’s working a miracle for a young boy who was thrown from the third story of The Mall of America. As I watched the following word came to me. I telephoned Lynne Hammond sometime later about it, but otherwise, I had not shared it until our prayer call this past Wednesday. Here is how I journaled it:

Sunday, April 28, 2019
as Pastor Mac shared.

Minneapolis is a major battlefield—an arena of great proportion for the soul of this nation.

That’s why I have stationed my strongest soldiers there—most pointedly in the realm of prayer. This has been my mode of operation through many years.

The end of this age will reveal My victory through the saints in the Light

For darkness—which seemingly operates unchecked—shall not, and is not overcoming the Light.

All the nation shall see and benefit from what I am doing in Minneapolis.


Minneapolis – St Paul
Prayer Warriors Through the Years

I could see it! When the word came, I immediately thought of several things, present and past, the Lord had caused me to know about His stationing prayer warriors in the Minneapolis – St Paul area.

Pastors Mac and Lynne Hammond
Right now, the Pastors Hammond, and particularly, Lynne, are mightily used by the Lord, both to pray—and to shepherd and teach powerful Spirit-led pray-ers. I can name several of those prayer warriors, but I don’t want to leave anyone out.

Phillip Halverson
And then, someone I consider to be the most powerful man of prayer I’ve ever known, Brother Phillip Halverson, lived in St Paul. (This is just my opinion for I am not one divinely commissioned to rate pray-ers.)

Lynne Hammond and I learned from this man who prayed on a level, and in a realm of the Spirit few have ever touched. In a recent blog I wrote about the space scientist Clyde McGee. Brother Halverson was used by the Lord to pray over “the birds” before he met Clyde. When the two met they discovered Phil had been praying over the groundbreaking technology God was revealing to Clyde and two other men. When I prayed with Brother Halverson it was difficult to pray. This was because I was listening. As he moved in the Spirit, words in English would come out. Often he prayed about something and you would see it in the news some weeks later.

Included here is a video so can see how this man prayed. We made this 5-minute video in an extraordinary gathering of praying saints in Los Angeles in 1983. We called it “Secrets of Intercession.” The meeting came about because of a word of the Lord to me through Kenneth E. Hagin. He’d walked into my office and told me that the seasoned pray-ers I fellowshipped with were going to start going home to Heaven. He said, “If you don’t get out of them what they have, we are going to lose it for the next generations.” Hence the LA meeting.


Dr. George Washington Carver Prophecy
This great African-American genius of science who literally saved the agriculture of the South was born to a mother who had been a slave. His “secrets” were learned from One he called, “Mr. Creator.” Rising at four o’clock every morning he communed with the Lord. And later in the day taking no book but the Bible into his laboratory he worked out what Mr. Creator had given him.

In his wonderful book, The Man Who Talks with the Flowers, The Life Story of Dr. George Washington Carver, Glenn Clark records:

“My third meeting with Dr. George Washington Carver was the fitting climax of them all. He had been invited to speak as the high point in a Crusade for Christ being put on in Minneapolis.” [The author describes the supernatural meeting in detail. In his introduction of Dr. Carver at the meeting, Glenn Clark ended with, “…no one ever sees him without a flower in his buttonhole and the love of God in his heart.”]…

“The next day I took him to the chapel in Macalester College. His address there was just as wonderful and carried us even further than the address before the larger group the night before. When he closed, they applauded till I began to wonder whether the next period classes would ever have a chance to meet. I finally raised my hand to still the enthusiastic boys and girls and said, ‘Dr. Carver has an encore. Great as he is as a speaker, he is still greater as a man of prayer…so I am going to ask Dr. Carver to put his blessing upon us in a closing prayer.

“As we rode to the station, Dr. Carver said, ‘Last night as I rode to the auditorium I was holding a little white flower in my hand all the way, and in the silence while we rode, I was talking to it and it was talking to me. It told me some wonderful things. And the flowers have never failed to tell me the truth. It told me that there is going to be a great spiritual awakening in the world, and it is going to come from people up here, from people connected with you and me, from plain, simple people who know—not merely believe—but actually know that God answers prayer. It is going to be a great revival of Christianity, not a revival of religion…a revival of true Christianity. It is going to rise from the laymen, from men who are going about their work and putting God into what they do, from men who believe in prayer, and who want to make God real to mankind.’

Personally transmitted stories about Billy Graham, Dr. Lileon B. Yeomans, Dr. Frank and Irene Lindquist and others are a part of my God-given memory bank of His workings in Minneapolis – St Paul unto this day.


The Soon-Coming Great Awakening

With all my being I see this greatest of all awakenings and harvests on the horizon. Therefore I know that the enemy of God and man is going to do everything in his power to stop it. He too has seen how God has marked the Minneapolis – St Paul area for a great part in praying in the awakening.

So, I know, without a doubt that behind the riotous aftermath—and possibly even behind—the initial incident is the prince of the powers of the air and his cohorts.

But I also know without a doubt that these evil spiritual forces can be stopped by the believers in the area using their God-given spiritual weapons. Especially THE AUTHORITY OF THE BELIEVER. Sitting in their seats at the right hand of the Father and taking authority over the powers of the air, forbidding them to operate. This is something that has to be done daily. Not just ascribed to by head faith. But practiced by doing the Word of God.

Yes, the devil has great wrath seeing his time is short. But we overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. Combatting every word of the accuser of the brethren morning and night with the weapons of our warfare that are not carnal but mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds!!!


Items To Help You

If you don’t have them—or if you want to give them to others, add these to your arsenal of understanding.

You can get from us the following from us. Prices are plus shipping:


The Authority of the Believer by John A MacMillan $12.00

The Believers Authority by Kenneth E. Hagin $ 9.00

The mini-book
The Authority of the Believer and How To Use It
by Billye Brim $2.00

The Authority Package (All Three Above Books) $20.00


The Secrets of Intercession DVD’s $50.00
The entire 9-DVD package of the seasoned pray-ers in the Los Angeles meeting of 1983. Phillip and Fern Halverson, John G. Lake’s Daughter and Son-in-Law Gertrude and Wilford Reidt, Rachel Teafatiller, and others.

Phillip and Fern Halverson two DVD’s from The Secrets of Intercession $10.00


Secrets of Prayer and Power (with Phil & Fern Halverson), 6 CD’s……………………………….$24.00


The Man Who Talks With Flowers, By Glenn Clark
(We are currently unable to get the book from our supplier.
But you can find it online. )





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  1. Susan on May 30, 2020 at 12:55 pm

    Thank you for writing this to read and reread. I’ve been praying in the spirit regarding the news for the last few days and thinking of our authority in prayer. We know that God’s hand is on our nation and helping our godly leaders to move forward.

    Jerry Savelle said the Word of the Lord for 2020 regards Supernatural Increase and I am declaring that and restore!

    • Donald Trump NyarSimba Simba on May 31, 2020 at 12:25 pm

      I’ve read this and the message is great and the resources listed as well.that’s the books.
      God is Good All the Time.
      All the Best.

      • victoria brand on June 4, 2020 at 1:35 pm

        Amem, Amen and again I say Amen!!!!!!

      • Chris Vowels on June 5, 2020 at 9:56 pm

        I am so Thankful you Miss Billye and your family. I feel like part of the family since I signed up to be a wwp. Today I drove thru a small coffee shop and the young girl told me she had excepted a teaching position in Oklahoma City. I Immediately grabbed my phone and looked up the information for Chip and Candices church. I wrote it down on a piece of paper; the name, address and phone number, then handed it to her. I told her to please visit if you are looking for a great church. She asked me how I knew of this place and I said I was connected with you and your family. I have learned so much and words cannot tell how blessed I am to be connected with you all! Much love,

    • Cheri Cearley on June 2, 2020 at 8:17 am

      TV he

    • Rachel Fessler on June 4, 2020 at 8:26 am

      Yes! Light overcomes the darkness every time! Speak life over your city, over your leaders, over trump and this great nation! When God saw darkness, He said LIGHT BE! And we as his children, sitting in the seat of authority say LIGHT SHINE in those dark areas????

  2. Marinda Gobert on May 30, 2020 at 12:59 pm

    Thank you.

    • penny marrone on May 30, 2020 at 2:15 pm

      There are strongholds over Minn. As a portion of population is muslims. Many have a high office in government. So we need to pull down those strongholds with prayer and vote them out . We call for righteousness men and women stepping in to thos positions. We thank you Father that the light will overcome the darkness of demonic strongholds in Jesus mighty name

      • Michelle on May 31, 2020 at 3:21 am

        I agree with you according to the Word of God. Every spirit of evil, demonic activity will immediately cease, in Jesus Beautiful Name. Every Muslim in office in our country will be withdrawn from their seat &replaced with godly honorable person of high morals.

        • Marie Lundbom on June 1, 2020 at 2:23 pm

          I AGRER, AMEN! If they won’t turn to God, be removed, any ungodly person in office, spiritual or political has been my prayer for years! GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS AMERICA!

    • Trudy Davis on May 31, 2020 at 12:01 am

      I see that there to hose who riot /protest will drop their stones/rifle and repentance is the greatest gift in,the,awaking of this nation

  3. Jo on May 30, 2020 at 1:13 pm

    Wow! Powerful. I’m praying for Minneapolis too.
    Thank you for sharing this Dr. Brim.

    • Barh Hugo on May 31, 2020 at 2:59 pm

      Wow, this so so powerful! Thanks for posting.

  4. Georgann Henjum on May 30, 2020 at 1:19 pm

    Ruling and reining in St Paul Minnesota’s Westside! The devil cannot have my city in Jesus Name. He won’t have it in Jesus name. Thanks Billye for all the many yrs. of great teachings especially on the Authority we have in Jesus name. LWCC is our Church so we are well equipped.
    Look forward to the call tomorrow at 3:00.

    • Char on May 30, 2020 at 1:48 pm

      Praise God and thank you Billye! I am an African American woman and this blog has blessed me with a totally different perspective on what is really happening in Minneapolis. I now know how to pray and I’m taking my authority as a believer. This is a game changer!

      • Marie Lundbom on June 1, 2020 at 2:33 pm

        THANK YOU DR BILLYE! YES, My prayer for years began in Prayer at Church, LORD RAISE UP Pastors who will teach YOUR TRUTH or move them out, then He added political leaders, to turn to Him or move them out! I was Very BLESSED to learn prayer 1st from HOLY Spirit, then Lucy McGee & had David Ellis as Pastor at Gracevin Montgomery where I 1st saw you in I believe February 92 or 93! I HAVE BEEN ABSOLUTELY BLESSED!!! Ee were then merged with Harvest family Church, a Rhema Church, 27 years ago in May on Mother’s day! THANK YOU & BLESS YOU! GLORY! I also like how the Flint, MI. sheruff defused a riot! GLORY!

      • Jeane Batty on June 14, 2020 at 7:19 pm

        Continue sharing the Word of the Lord and testimonials of prayers! It is powerful! Blessings and love,
        Jeane and Otto Batty

    • Pamela Byrd on May 31, 2020 at 11:58 am

      Shalom sister Billye Brim praying for Minneapolis also I am praying for all 50 states and all nations to be protected. I am 1 hour from Columbia S.C. they had yesterday in afternoon attack of police officers were injured . Police cars burned. And was state of emergency. Pleating blood over our families and churches and pastors and family members and Neighbors and friends and my home town and where I live. I bind the enemy off people that they repent and return back to the Lord. No more racism. We forgive everyone and forgive ourselves. I call forth warriors angles with flaming swords to arrest the people who have unforgiveness and bitterness no more. Pleating blood over all these blogs. Isaiah 54:17. Mark 11:23-25. Praying for miracles and and healings like never before. Pray for me and my family members to return back to the Lord. And churches to be deeply in love with the Lord that we have the hEARt of the Lord our hEARts be sofen. I blind the emeny my town and cities. That Lord will be done on earth as it is in heaven. As I sit in my seat with the Lord that far above the enemy. Praise you Lorf. Praying the interessors will mature here in my area to learn how sit in heavenly seats . Also praying they want order your materials pastor Billye Brim. So they be prepared and know who there are in Yeshua name. I can’t do this alone. There is only one other sister that’s got your teachings how take the Authority of the Believer. She and I praying the churches will want to be trained . Pleating blood over all these blogs amen. Praying making ways where there’s no ways there will be a way amen. Also for financials to come forth in fast non stopping for all on this blog and for you as well. Eph.3:20 and Phil.4:19. I decree it and declaring it in Yeshua name amen. Thank you Lord go forth ministering angels go get the financials now in Yeshua name. There’s nothing is to hard for the Lord making ways where there seems so impossible. We decree it and declaring it in Yeshua name amen. Shalom Shalom. Praise the Lord today is pentecost and may all church bodies be so deeply touched miracle and healing now ministing angles go forth in homes businesses everywhere amen. You true Lord get the glory and honor amen. Shalom Shalom

    • Marie Lundbom on June 2, 2020 at 11:58 am

      SHALOM!! PRAISE. Our Lord you have Mac & Lynn Hammond & LWCC and I was BLESSED to be in Church with Lynn’s twin, Lucy, 28 years ago for a little over a year learning more about Prayer, HOLY SPIRIT had begun teaching me & OUR ABBA put me with Lucy for a season! How Blessed we are! Blessing and Psalm 91 over you and your city! I am praying over my city, Montgomery, AL, State and AMERICA & our leaders!

  5. Jamie Dershem on May 30, 2020 at 1:40 pm

    Thank you for sharing this as the Lord does to me as He did w/Phil Halverson, taking over his words as he speaks (going from Spirit language to English). I believe as the Word says that it lets people know that He is there.
    I have one of his books.

  6. Sheree Graham on May 30, 2020 at 1:41 pm

    Thanks Miss Billye. Many of the wwp’s have been joining with Pastor Ray, Pastor at the Hammond’s church for some time now. It is streamed Monday to Friday 830-930 AM central time at lwcc.churchonline.org. I would encourage all to join us. Together we can get more done more quickly and it builds us up at the same time!

  7. Vela Griffis on May 30, 2020 at 1:46 pm

    I just finished reading your book”The Blood and the Glory” an awesome powerful study . Thank you so very much

  8. Vase Gilbert on May 30, 2020 at 1:55 pm

    There are many who seek to divide us in this nation. As I was waiting for President Trump to speak yesterday on May 29, 2020, I was watching it live via an online feed. Prior to the President speaking, the channel do a whip around the nation on the latest developments and updates. Also the channel has a chat-room for to voice their opinions and thoughts. People from around the world gather there to let their thoughts be heard…especially when the President is speaking or during a crisis like this. My point is this, there are demon filled people out there (worldwide) who fan the flames of hatred and sow seeds of division. This took place in front of my very eyes in the chat room. These demon filled people are suggested that the 40 million African American people here in the United States totally disassociate themselves from others in this nation amongst other things. I immediately responded “GOD’S WAY IS UNIFICATION….satan’s way is division, KNOW THE DIFFERENCE”. I know GOD was using me. There were thousands of people in that chat room with varying degrees of thoughts about current events. I’m Grateful and Thankful GOD was able to use me in this moment. I’m also Grateful to you for your Book “THE BLOOD AND THE GLORY”.

  9. Vivian Tucker on May 30, 2020 at 2:00 pm

    Thanks for the opportunity to speak to you! I have been supporting you for some time but have never said thank you for following the Lord and your great teaching.
    You took over in my life when Brother Hagan left here! Maybe if I ask Pastor Bill McNeese ,who taught at Rama, to have you teach us you would come. I’ll be praying to see what God say’s????
    Blessings, Vivian(Bibbie) Tucker

    • Marie Lundbom on June 2, 2020 at 12:08 pm

      Hi, Vivian, I go to Harvest, but I am not getting around to everyone(temporarily) like I have been doing & have we met? I am Marie (whiteheaded) and usually sit on the front row on the right. Everything is temporarily changed, but I sill get to sit near the front, hehe. I am back at Church & Saturday morning prayer. SO GOOD!
      IN HIS LOVE!

  10. Sally Whitby on May 30, 2020 at 2:00 pm

    Was very informative, we are living in a time where God is moving in a different way, really exciting as things unfold. l don’t want to miss out on this time that He is moving in a new way,

  11. Mark and Janis Alexander on May 30, 2020 at 2:17 pm

    Thank You Billye, I’ve been looking for something from you regarding this. We will take our place.

  12. Lynda Fork on May 30, 2020 at 2:18 pm

    Thank you, sister Billye, for sharing this. Also, for the video of brother Phil Halverson. Since you introduced him to me via Noon Prayer teachings/videos, I’ve felt an affinity. Maybe it’s just the love of the Twin Cities we share, but I’ve felt like he’s a mentor, a teacher figure for me because Our Father called me to be a pray-er. I am a “transplant” to the Twin Cities Metro. Our Lord uprooted me in 2008 from the Chicago metro on the Indiana side, Hammond, IN, and planted me here in the Twin Cities. Over the years, during one of our intimate times, Our Lord told me, “I chose you, I changed you, and I placed you.” I believe He meant here, the Twin Cities, as I was born in Hammond, IN and had no thought of leaving there in my own mind. Thanks to all my brothers and sisters of the WWPs for supporting us here. Been praying in The Spirit day and night since George Floyd’s senseless death incited by the evil one and his cohorts. Taking authority against the evil ones, I mean, and however Holy Spirit leads me to pray.

  13. Jennifer Filen on May 30, 2020 at 2:26 pm

    Thank you Billye for you faithfulness to the Lord. I learnt so much from you in the 80’s while at Rhema Bible College in South Africa, when the Lord first called me to the ministry of intercession. A few years ago, I incurred what seems to be vaccine injury which has affected the muscles in my face. My face contorts, I can hardly speak, I choke and start to cough uncontrollably. Needless to say it has hindered me in the ministry of intercession. Please pray with me for my recovery. Thank you. Jennifer Filen

  14. Corrine Cardoza on May 30, 2020 at 2:26 pm

    Thank you again for providing us with great perspective . So much of what I pay attention to, and watch over and pray about has come through your insights and the things you have shared with us through the years.

  15. LILLIAN ROBERTS on May 30, 2020 at 3:00 pm



    dormant ministry: Moravian flame CHESTERFIELD, VA

  16. Sandy Weller on May 30, 2020 at 3:24 pm

    Thank you for this message of hope!

  17. Jane Weston on May 30, 2020 at 3:31 pm

    Thank you!

  18. Regina B. McClure on May 30, 2020 at 4:15 pm

    I take authority over the principality and power and their cohorts operating over Minneapolis and U.S. of America in Jesus Name. As a partner and WWP, I own most of the resources that you mentioned, and plan to meditate the Prayer of Intercession DVD today.

    Min. Billye, thank you for acknowledging the horrific murder of George Floyd – Mr. Floyd’s murder is witnessed by all who dare not turn away. The incident and its violent aftermath is an assault to the Body of Christ in the earth, Mr. Floyd’s family, the African American community and to our entire country 🙁

    Our adversary, the devil, will pay and God will restore to us DOUBLE for the destruction, shame, trauma, fear, etc. the enemy has brought upon us!!! (Isaiah 61:7 CEV) Now and in the world to come, as we take authority and dominion of this earth realm for the Kingdom of God!

  19. carol hudgins on May 30, 2020 at 6:04 pm

    Please pray for President to not be afraid of martial law and sending in BIG military and swat teams and special ops as well as other soldiers as the mayors and GOVENORS ARE NOT doing anything but PROMISING and not backing up promises. My brother in Minneapolis is NOT being let off work at his factory, nor any, on night shift. Fires burning only a block away.He said last night FRIDAY night, the WORST so far, after promises, and Precinct 5 so gorgeous , burned to ground. They are NOT allowed to carry firearms inside bldgs. Last night he was armed with a CROW BAR of all things.I prayed BIG angels from THRONE ROOM around him on his break tonight on cell phone, AND THE BUILDING all AROUND to protect ALL THESE INNOCENT PEOPLE inside, in parking lots, and roads coming in.

  20. Susanna Lorg on May 30, 2020 at 6:07 pm

    Thank you Billye for sharing about George Washington Carver and reminding us about brother Halverson’s location there in St Paul. We have been praying and standing for the awakening and now even more so for Minneapolis area. So expectant during this Pentecost season. Holy Spirit move on all this there and in churches this Sunday.

  21. Susan on May 30, 2020 at 7:01 pm

    For years, as I pray in the spirit, I have been getting “Minnesota” and “Minneapolis” in prayer. I love how Holy One includes us by giving us utterance when we give time to Him,

  22. Jeanne Etem on May 30, 2020 at 8:48 pm

    Thank you Dr. Billye for mobilizing us into a global prayer force. I can feel the connection to the community of pray-ers all over the nation as a WWP / AOB prayer. Last night (May 29, 2020) as I finished praying I sensed the words “I hear the sound of abundance of rain.”

  23. Sourneat Krawczak on May 30, 2020 at 11:19 pm

    Thank you, Dr. Billye for sharing and giving us the opportunity to pray according to God’s Word. For the Body of Christ to rise up and arise and lift up our voice and pray in the spirit. Taking authority, dominion, power over the evil. This is a part of the enemy in spiritual warfare. These are crimes, I can’t believe my eyes as we’re watching the news, it’s totally more than the protest.

    “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—Eph. 6:18.

    The weapon of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood]. Our weapons are divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ, being ready to punish every act of disobedience, when your own obedience [as a church] is complete. 2 Corinthians 10:4-6, AMP.

    Father God, I speak peace to America all over and I take authority over the power of darkness. Thank you, Father for calm the chaos and the division that formed by the enemy shall not prosper, becuase we come to You as our God and we take our place, Lord. We bind the spirit of confusion that is taking place all over, we speak peace over the sea of confusions all over. We bind every evil plan in America. You love her still, Father God. We plead the blood of Jesus on all the authority all over that is working around the clock to bring peace into the communty from the North, East, West and South and all in between in the United States of America. We praise You Father, God for You always hear us we two of come together in prayer. We bless Your Holy Name. Help us to have faith in God, faith that speaks, faith that moves mountain. We love You Lord God and You are love. So I pray for all the body of Christ to take this opportunity and pray and to come together to destroy the power of darkness by our faith in God and taking the authority, dominion, and power over the enemy.

    Father God, we pray and we bind the spirit of “fear” that the enmy is controlling the people that’s what we’re seeing the harvest of it in the nation today.

    That is why you ought to resist fear like you resist the devil. Now you can understand why Job said, …the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me and that which I was afraid of is come unto me (Job 3:25).
    When you get out there in the business world or in the ministry, you must come against fear, for Satan uses the fear tactic.

    If you speak the words of the enemy, you are writing the words of the enemy on the table of your heart. The reason some people are so filled with fear is that they believe everything they see and hear on television. Jesus Himself said this about the last days:
    Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth….Luke 21:26

    Father, God I pray over our nation and leaders and the Body of Christ to rise up and take our place in taking authority over spiritual warfare that is running rampage in these cities, our hometown. Protect our children, our family and the elderlies and the vulnerable. Jesus came to destroy the work of the devil, that’s what the Bibe says. Therefore, we know that at the end, we won! Glory to Jesus’ Mighty Name.

    Praise God! We know that the awakening is coming that’s why the devil is working over time to stop it.

    Hallelujah! (Speaking in tongues).

    Anna K.
    Bethesda, MD for the Mid-Atlantic, region. I please the blood of Jesus on the United Staes of America, the land that God has given us. Devil, get out, I bind the spirit of confusion, you leave no, in Jesus’ Mighty Name.

    These signs shall follow me because I believe the Lord Jesus Christ in Whom I serve. Let the redeemer says so….We’ve been redeemed from the curse, sin, sickness and diseases. The Law of Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. Therefore, we rule and reign in Christ Jesus over our cities and over our national dn all around the world. I speak peace to all the chaos in American – Peace, be still in Jesus’ Name.

  24. Ps Peter Pritchard on May 31, 2020 at 1:29 am

    Bless your twin cities IJN. I’m a pastor in Australia . All I see is evil people hijacking a protest and using it to divide a nation . Satan is trying to get at us all but is in his death throes .
    Jesus is alive . He is our overcomer. A tragic loss of life which has nit been fully detailed as yet is being used to cause violence. I suggest evil forces at senior global levels are encouraging this .
    Prayer and testimony is the answer . Pentecost was the start of Christian persecution. These folk rampaging across the USA aren’t followers of Jesus . Let us pray to reverse the curse and have them all saved.

    • Marie Lundbom on June 2, 2020 at 12:21 pm

      Thank you, Pet Peter Pritchard! GOD BLESS YOU AND I agree with you!

  25. Marla Flores on May 31, 2020 at 6:07 am

    Thank-you for sharing this. I look to you and Lynne as Generals of the Faith and your input, by the Spirit, is very helpful. It can be confusing to me why, if pray-ers are taking authority in their regions, these kind of things manifest. It could almost appear that our spiritual authority does not work or is “hit or miss”. Your insights here are helpful to understand the struggle spiritually between light and dark. We will continue to sit in our seat of authority day and night covering our region in the spirit. Thank-you again!

    God Bless You!
    Marla Flores

  26. Laurie Hendren Molzahn on May 31, 2020 at 11:16 pm

    Such an interesting, powerful word from the Lord. I had the privilege to have Phil and Fern pray with me as a young kid to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They were prayer partners with my dad when he was called into full time ministry. Phil continued to cover my dad with prayer and was one of my dads closest friends until he went to be with the Lord. Just before my dad went to be with the Lord (a few years ago) he would call me (As I still live in the Twin Cities area) and tell me. “ You need to know about The Minneapolis Miracle”. I told him I remember all the people getting saved in the early 70s but I was just a kid. He told me details that lead up to thousands of people accepting the Lord that turned into the Midwest Jesus movement. In these details he told me how Phil had saw the the waves of youth giving their hearts to the Lord before it happened. It was very important to my dad for me to know about this. The last few days have left me heartbroken and praying until late into the night. At our parking lot church today I broke down crying as I cried the Lord started putting in my heart the word “Awakening” kept coming to me. I felt that God was going to do something in Minneapolis/St Paul greater then the
    ‘Minneapolis Miracle”. Greater then the “Azusa Street Revival”. It would be the start of a great Awakening that would spread to the whole word. Then tonight a friend sent my this blog post. Wow I’m praying for the Awakening to start happening here in the Twin Cities!

  27. Thayer Freese on June 1, 2020 at 12:13 pm

    Thank you for all this! My husband’s family all live in that area. I am so pleased to read that there is this prophecy about this area. I will also add my prayers to all of yours, all we will see this areae come alive for our God!!!

    Thayer Freese

  28. PAT KNEPP on June 1, 2020 at 1:16 pm

    Thank you for sharing this, and all you do. As I pray and intercede now (have been for 40 years); I sense the comradery of fellow believers all over the world, as I pray. Thank you Lord for sharing with us, what you see, of ALL the body of Christ you are bringing together in unity. We love you, Jesus, and thank you Holy Spirit for your kingdom come, here on earth, NOW as it is in heaven.

  29. Sheila Murrell on June 1, 2020 at 6:25 pm

    Thank you for sharing. I live in Louisville, Ky. Last night I began to pray in the spirit for all that was happening in my city. I took authority over the evil and destruction some were trying to make escalate. Thank you for teaching us how to intercede in the area we live in! I am encouraged because I understand that this is only a distraction and we can stand against it. God bless and you are most loved by the body of Christ.

  30. Sourneat Krawczak on June 2, 2020 at 9:00 am

    As we continue to watch the news and the violence progressed by the hundreds, if not thousands in the cities in which we live and enjoyed the peace and prosperity that God gave us in America.

    What the Spirit of the Lord speaks to me is the prophecy of Isaiah 60. It takes me back years ago when my mother and I attended a friend’s church at a camp meeting in Richmond, VA when Dr. Creflo Dollar was sharing a message of prophecy from Isaiah 60 in Richmond, VA.

    “Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all to see.
    For the glory of the Lord rises to shine on you.
    2 Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth,
    but the glory of the Lord rises and appears over you.
    3 All nations will come to your light;
    mighty kings will come to see your radiance.

    4 “Look and see, for everyone is coming home!
    Your sons are coming from distant lands;
    your little daughters will be carried home.
    5 Your eyes will shine,
    and your heart will thrill with joy,
    for merchants from around the world will come to you.
    They will bring you the wealth of many lands…


    Blessed the Lord, standing for America in prayer. As Dr. Billye is sharing on this blog “The Soon-Coming Great Awakening
    is soon coming starting with the confusions that the enemy is doing before our very eyes today.

    I believe the Lord has prepared mine hears starting 2017 as I watch and study on the Believer’s Authority with Brother Hagin, the Blood and the Glory with Dr. Billye, and Gloria Copeland. The Spirit of the Lord has prepared my heart for this and what is coming.

    “… ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ saith the Lord of hosts.” Zech. 4:6.

    Dr. Billye, thank you so much for all your teaching and words of encouragement to the body of Christ. May God give you strength as we move forward during the end-time harvest of souls. We are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. We are “the salt of the earth.”

    Glory to God!

    Anna K. Bethesda, MD

  31. Louella on June 2, 2020 at 9:32 am

    Lord, America has sown much seed for the Gospel and needs of many in other lands, and our soldiers have shed their blood. Our President Donald J. Trump has blessed Israel more than any of his predecessors. I am bringiby this to your remembrance and asking you to release the blessing and harvest that you promised you would give for those that give for your Gospel to go forth and for blessing your people Israel. Lord of Angel Armies, we need your help. In the Glorious Name of Jesus our Lord, Savior, and Shepherd. Amen

  32. Carole Rambo on June 2, 2020 at 11:31 am

    In prayer with all cities…praying God would rain down the Glory. Perhaps in spirit and in actual physical manifestation. Man can you imagine if these cities were flooded with search lights..medic helicopter lights..police helicopters…vehicle with search.lights….wow would the glory shine on the people????

  33. Tongues Israel on June 23, 2020 at 9:59 pm


  34. DeLanie Phillips Brewer on July 1, 2020 at 11:33 pm

    My Dearest Sister Billye, HELLOOO and Shalom! I used to listen to you almost everyday on KMSI/the Oasis network in Okc. And I LOVE how you allow God to use you… sooo powerful!!! Fyi, this blog truly blessed my soul!!!! Clearly, more than ever, it is evident the GOD is up
    to something. This is not a surprise to Him-at all..???? He is definitely up to something. “This is a move! “ So PLEASE, I want to join and agree with you in this time of prayer. I believe there are strongholds of hard-heartedness to pull down. If there are any prayer groups that are joining,
    I would like for our family and church to be a part of something like that. And please share any further insight you receive from the Lord on this!!!!!

  35. Evie Ross on July 31, 2020 at 11:35 am

    Sister Billye, do you recall Bro. Hagin’s prophecy from 1963?
    He was caught up before the Lord and shown atheistic communism and the racial riots that would take place in the USA and devastate the nation. Then the Lord showed him the ball of fire that would come down upon the land and break up into the fire of the Holy Spirit upon individuals mouths and hands. They will go forth and proclaim the Word in power and demonstration and then the Lord would return. This is the essence of it.
    You actually can pull up the audio on you tube: 1963 Prophecy Kenneth E Hagin America End-Time Revival.

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