THE LORD SEES And Provides
Recently, I heard more than one minister refer to the following and point out that God sees and has already provided alluding to the current Corona crisis. Brother Keith Moore smiled as he shared how he’d thought about where that ram was a day or two before. As Abraham and Isaac were making their way to Mount Moriah (site of the future Temple) that ram was making his way to the thicket. God had already provided.
Gen. 22:13 Then Abraham looked up and glanced around, and behold, behind him was a ram caught in a thicket by his horns. And Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up for a burnt offering and an ascending sacrifice instead of his son!
Gen. 22:14 So Abraham called the name of that place The Lord Will Provide. And it is said to this day, On the mount of the Lord it will be provided.
Gen. 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of Jehovah it shall be provided.
Literal Hebrew – Yaweh Yireh
Clyde McGee
Then I thought about how all over our nation and others, congregations were assembling themselves together through the technology of the Internet. And I thought about how the Lord had provided ahead of time that ability largely through a man I used to introduce as “our genious brother, Clyde Mcgee.” He was a southern gentleman, a member of our ministry’s board, and a truly gifted-by-God for God’s purposes genious.
As Clyde often explained, early satellites used to go up a few hundred miles then they would orbit the earth. A few men including Clyde working at Hughes Aircraft developed the synchronous orbit satellite. This satellite was launched 22,236 miles above the earth and orbited in sync with the earth’s orbit. This allowed the eventual development of what we call the Internet. (The following is something I found on the Internet on the 20th anniversary of Syncom II’s launch:
The Little Satellite That Couldn’t
Then, in February 1963, catastrophe struck. During the first Syncom’s apogee motor firing in space—the crucial burn to boost the craft into geosync orbit—the little satellite exploded. Small wonder, then, that six months later, “there was a fair amount of anxiety and anticipation associated with Syncom II’s launch,” said Clyde McGee, who was in charge of launch operations for Syncom, and who has overall responsibility for Division 43 mission operations.
And then (A later article recalling history from Hughes)
A Part of History–Hughes News April 9, 1965
Posted on September 19, 2014
Hughesites at Cape Help Launch
When Marconi and Bell touched their fingertips to the outstretched hand of an infant science, history records that hardly a handful of their contemporaries realized the immensity of their achievements.
But on April 6, 1965, the achievement that is Early Bird was known worldwide in a matter of hours – even minutes – for its launch was fully documented by television, radio and press reporters.
And a small group of men who were at Cape Kennedy may never be remembered as are the Marconis and Bells, but they always will have the satisfaction of knowing that they played key roles in launching “Public Satellite No. 1” – the spacecraft that opens the space age to the average man …
Personal Excitement
Sending Early Bird into orbit did provide a substantial share of personal excitement that accompanies participation in a successful event of historic significance.
“Yes, this shot was uniquely different from the Syncom series,” declared Clyde McGee, HAC launch director. “Here, for the first time in history, a public satellite owned by literally hundreds of thousands of persons would be placed into orbit to open up a whole new communication medium. Talk about incentive and motivation…you can bet that we really gave this baby good care and feeding.”
Clyde: ‘Mr. Launch’
Clyde McGee was tagged “Mr. Launch” because he had directed every Hughes Cape shot, from Syncom 1 to present. His responsibility encompassed all areas of decision and planning, from preparation of a 5-pound package of launch documentation to reporting that “Ascension Island has now lost contact…Australia acquisition coming up next.” Only at that point, 37 minutes after liftoff did Clyde finally sit down, take off his headphones, and enjoy the luxury of relaxation for the first time in four weeks.
Eufaula, Clyde’s wife, asked him, “Tell me when you launch the one that will allow something to happen somewhere and people all over the world can see it.” He said, “The next one is it.” She shouted! “Oh, God has used you to fulfill prophecy. We’ve always wondered how the two witnesses can raise from the dead and the whole world can be watching.”
At the time of his homegoing in 2007 (I was blessed to deliver the message), he had launched and maintained more satellites than any other person. For the many years I knew Clyde and Eufaula, in close fellowship; I knew the part prayer played in his career. When one was “lost” and they didn’t know if they could retrieve it, I remember how Brother Philip Halverson prayed along with others and they found it.
I miss him. And I wonder if he knows how his endeavors are being put to such good use by the Body of Christ in these days. Yes. Some misuse the Internet. But some misuse the Bible. That didn’t stop the Lord from giving it to us. I’m so thankful we can still meet together in “virtual” ways.
Wake Up Call
My grandson, Branden sent me the message he preached last Sunday at his wife, Destanie’s grandfather’s church. By phone he told me how it came to him. He’d been up at 4am with their new baby daughter, and he turned on YouTube and watched Brother Oral Roberts telling about his then vision he called “A Wake Up Call.” I have attached Branden’s sermon from last Sunday (click here). I think you will enjoy it. And I think your young friends and relatives would be touched by a young preacher with fire in his belly talking about The Second Coming!
Tomorrow I will write my tithe and offering checks and get them in the mail. Just like always. And I know you will give in the way you always do, as well. Let’s don’t let anything stop our worship expressed in giving. Our churches and ministries must go full steam ahead in the work of our Lord. And don’t forget the evangelists and traveling ministries. They aren’t able at this time to keep their traveling itineraries. I know you have some which visit your churches. Or that you know about. Here are some for you to consider.
Josh Radford
Online Giving: www.revivallife.net/invest
Check by Mail:
Revival Life Ministries
P.O. Box 1844
Deland, FL 32721
Branden & Destanie Brim
Online Giving: www.hisnameministries.com/partnership
Check by Mail:
His Name Ministries
P.O. Box 262
Montclair, CA 91763
Hannah Brim
Hannah Brim Ministries
Online Giving: www.raisemyvoice.org
Check by Mail:
Hannah Brim Ministries
P.O. Box 544
Omaha, AR 72004
Shalom, Shalom, Billye Brim
P.S. Many thousands joined us on our Facebook Live Communion service last Friday (click here to watch). How wondrous it was for me to sense His presence and yours as we sent this live from my living room, and you can still join us as it is still posted. Facebook.com/DrBillyeBrim
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Much love to you my dear sister.
I could not participate in ur communion my phone won’t let me //bob Tilton I believe he launched satellite bible school (?)Jesus is coming very very very soon
Dear Billye, I was wondering this days why you talked here about satellite launch and internet connection. I understood that with the help of this technology we can connect now in this times. Unfortunately this can have effects on our lives and perhaps there is hidden connection between this pandemic and 5 G, the new level of connecting. Maybe is better that all of us connect with God and latter through the Holy Ghost with each other like in old times when there was no way to communicate. There is divine information available for everyone. God bless you and shalom.
Please talk more about the blood, im old now but i remember you even picked the songs looking for a day as this. I love yall.
Miss Billye,
I’m convinced that you are the most connected person in areas that count and are important, than anyone I know… and I know a lot of people.
You are precious on so many levels, and always practical, you deliver steak on a plate, not pie in the sky..
Long live Dr. Billye
Cheers, Mike Moorhead
I agree. Thank you, Sister Billye. Blessings!
Shalom sister Billye pleating bloodline over all these blogs. I agree with you on Isreal call conference today April 1,2020. Praying in spirit for you and everyone on call and our leaders and President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence and Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. And all medical and scientist also let’s include our organic farmers and all foods to be purified and spring water and pufied water and lakes oceans rivers and weather and our phones and computers and Facebook Google all networks. To bless them salvation all those they lacking off workers there. That there families be protected supernatural. I also command healing angles to go into hospitals all over nations and salvation that ministing angles tell them good news through dreams visitation from our Yeshua. That no one be left behind knowing Yeshua as messiah. Eph.3:20. And financial we call come forth supernatural for all crying out for help and owe no man or woman nothing but love. We call ministing angles from north the South the east and west. Even Elijah had help in time of great need. And food was brought to him and even the widow woman with her son how she had last ingredients to fix bread and oil she then had Elijah come and he prayed and supernatural oil was given to her by faith in obeying and got jars of oil filled supernatural and all her Bill’s paid and saved. Nothing is to hard for the Lord. He sees uphead and will help all of us. Debt to be cancellation and help get gospel out so many can be saved know the Lord by spending time with the Father in fellowship and a relationship is needed deeply for all of us to be rooted and grounded in firm foundations of deeper love like never before. Making ways where there’s no ways. Mercy and great grace in Yeshua name amen. Also we lift up our senior citizens that need healing supernatural and that they be provided in Isreal and mother’s that are with child in wombs to receive supernatural fast help even before I finish this blog and for grandparents that are caring for there grandchildren. We praise you Lord in advance amen. Cancellation of all debts and Christian businesses to be restored and bless Eph.3:20 and Phil.4:19. Christian restuarant and messianic restorations and unity in Churches no more point fingers speak in love like never before. The Lord heart desires . We walk with Him daily and repentance forgiving everyone and forgive ourselves in advance amen. Ps. 91:1-16. Mark 11:23-25. Psalms 100.
O Miss Billy that Picture was a well of tears what can I say but Thank you for Blessing us all and
Letting us draw on your gift, The Sound, tell Brandon thank you for amazing message and his boldness and your family being lay down lovers for Jesus. May your Spirit Soar and do all you have Visioned to do for Him.
Thank you Sister Billye. I appreciate the blogs and the additional outreaches during this time in our nation. I pray with you every Wednesday morning and now have joined in on Sunday afternoons. What a blessing. The communion service was wonderful. I hope you will have another one. There is such a sense of unity as we join together from all over our nation and all over the world. May the Lord bless you for everything you do.
Thank you Billye!! You always cheer us onward and upward!!
Love you and all of your family so much!!
Dear Billye, I went to Israel with 3BI and loved it!!
Wanted you to know that I have been communicating with the family that allowed us to share ASHA art with them. Such a blessing
Whoops I meant to say Shabatt
Thank you for again demonstrating to us the Lord’s faithfulness and provision! No matter where we are on the face of this earth, we, the body of Christ do praise Him! I think of Psalm 33 verses 20-22.
We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us O Lord, even as we put our hope in you.
Thank you Dr. Billye Brim for the Communion Service right from your living room!!! It was so very special!!!
Thank you also for the Blog, I always look forward to reading about important happenings in the natural or spiritual realm!!!
Much love to you all!!!!
To God be the Glory!!
Thank you little lady, I often think of the beginning of our friend ship and I thank God for the first day that you & Kent came to the church here, what a blessing you’ve been ever since that day. You taught us so much and I love you for it. mt.
Could you please comment on the statement made by Brother Copeland that Israel has masks that kill the virus naturally.
Where is the attachment for Billye Brim’s son preaching?
She mentioned it here in her blog, but I can’t find it anywhere.
Did it fail to get on the e-mail or am I over looking it someplace
on the blog as she spoke of his sermon?
It is just one word here highlighted you click on when Billye is talking about Brandon.
Thank you for sharing this. It is encouraging and exciting at the same time!
Blessings Abundant!
I believe that the virtual ways of meeting are for the lost and dying of this world. Holy Spirit led me to Jeremiah 17 after the prayer call for Israel this morning and during my own tongues prayers for the end of days and to stop the plans of the enemy, I believe that the body of Christ should not forsake the assembling of ourselves together. How do you lay hands on the sick if you are in your house or car? Do we stand on Psalm 91 Is.53 and 1 Peter 2:24 or not? We are soldiers in the army of the LORD and we stand up for JESUS. The word is true! Fear not! Only believe. I love you, Billye
I have been learning from you for many, many years. Thank you for the communion service. Thank you for every thing. Thank you for the blogs. God made a glorious MIRACLE for me. Praise His Holy Name !!! My liver was 100% dead and when that happens it draws on your kidneys. Mine were 80% gone. It started when I went to my primary caregiver. I had my yearly exam. I went back for the results. She said, ” Every thing is good except for this one. It was not good last year and worse this year. ” So I went to a cancer doctor. She sent me to a gastroenterologist who sent me to a gynecologist who sent me to a higher up gynecologist who said that I needed a gastroenterologist and gave me the name & number of a higher up one in Ft.Worth. I called. I sent my records from the first gastroenterologist in Wichita Falls. He said, ” I can’t help you. You need to go to UTSOUTHWESTERN. I made an appointment with a doctor at UT. My first visit she said with such a sweet smile, ” We do liver transplants here. ” I was shocked. I only came for a doctors visit. My friend from church said, ” You need to see my doctor, he is the best. ” My friend has Chron’s disease. The 3rd time he told me, my husband said, “You had better make that appointment. ” So I went to my next appointment with Dr. Grant and I told her I had gone to Dr. Arora. At the end of the visit she said. Come here, I want to show you something. I stepped out of the room. She pointed to the room next to it and said, ” This is my room and that was his room. I worked with him many years. He only left because he wanted to be on his own. I went back to Dr. Arora for my next appointment maybe twice then he sent me to the hospital 2 or 3 times to have fluid drained off of my abdomen. On Mothers Day, 2017, I couldn’t wake up. My husband and daughter took me to the Denton hospital. I believe that I was almost dead. Dr. Arora got me back and sent me to Dr. Grant at UT. I have no memory for 2 years, only bits and pieces. I do remember a voice, ” We don’t have a liver for you. ” Then I heard another voice, ” Your liver is here and it is a very good one.” Hallelujah !!!!! I AM SAVED !!!!! Glory TO THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL !!!!!
Where can we get the Kenneth E Hagin message that you are reading on this Wednesday Noon Webcast?