Pat Robertson’s Resurrection Sunday Challenge
Yesterday I texted the following to many pastors and leaders in the Body of Christ:
I’d like to share a challenge Pat Robertson issued one day this week on The 700 Club. He appeared to be livid. You could almost imagine smoke coming out his ears. He exclaimed how can this inert little bug hold such sway when we are the Church of the Living God. The Body of Christ, which has been given dominion. He dramatically challenged pastors over the nation to have their congregations take authority over the coronavirus this Resurrection Sunday.
I believe if pastors and congregations will take Pat’s challenge and join together we can take that virus down in a precipitous decline. One that will demonstrate something supernatural happened.
We can do this. We must do this. We will do this. Together!
In their Sunday service at A Glorious Church Fellowship in Collinsville, Oklahoma, Chip and Candace are calling me and we’re going to take authority according to Ephesians 1:17 through 2:1, 4-6. The service is at 10:00 CDT. You can join on Facebook or their webpage aglorious.church
Be ready to rule and reign. Be ready to rule from a position of fearless faith and love. To help you conquer fear and stress, I am reposting a blog I did in May 2015.
The Chess Match
Kenneth E. Hagin taught us to engage in a sort of “chess” match with God.
This encounter has rules:
- You have a turn, and then God has a turn, etc.
- God will never move out of turn.
- God will never fail to move when it is His turn.
Here is the Scripture:
Phil. 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
Phil. 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Phil. 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Verse 6 is your move.
Verse 7 is God’s move.
Verse 8 is your move again.
Brother Hagin emphasized that the first move is your move.
And you can do it.
God would never tell you to do something you cannot do.
He liked to use the Amplified translation’s instruction for your first move.
Amplified Bible
Phil. 4:6 Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.
You can do it. You can refuse to fret and have anxiety about anything.
Bring your thoughts captive. Talk to yourself.
“Worry, fretting, anxiety, I rebuke you. I refuse to worry. I refuse to fret. God told me I can do it and I can.”
Then you pray. With thanksgiving. You let your requests be known to God.
When you have done step one, and moved in your turn, you can be assured God will move in His turn.
The Peace of God that passes all understanding will come upon you, it will move into you, it will move into the situation. Your heart and your mind will be kept through your Lord Jesus Christ.
The Peace of God will guard your heart and your mind.
Phil. 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Now it’s your turn again. Verse 8 is your turn. You have to do something with your mind. You have to control your thoughts. You have to make your mind stay on whatever meets these criteria:
Phil. 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
I learned to practice this in my late 20s, and I have known much peace where I could have known torment.
A relative who loved to gossip would always try to fill me in on the latest when I went back to our hometown to visit her. Even though she was my elder, I often had to tell her that I did not want to hear it.
“But it’s true!” she would retort.
“Yes,” I would say, “but it isn’t lovely.”
One thing that meets all the criteria (true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report) is the Word of God.
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Yes keep sending them!!!
Thank you so much for reminding us how to obey God and walk in His peace.
Thank you sister Billye.
It will be done Bless the Lord.
When we give in to fear, anxiety, fretting, etc. we are bowing before Satan’s golden calf and worshiping fear so to speak. We MUST take authority over our thought life and choose to believe what God says. It’s been a hard lesson with all the hooey that is put before us in print and on the news. We must “Take heed then what you hear” and listen closely to our Lord.
It’s speaking and Declaring HIS WORD. As it is Written (Spoken) let it be done.
Thank you. I agree. I have had a peace about this. ” plague”.
Gods continue blessings upon you.
Thank You Jesus
Thank you for sharing this. It has opened up for me a new insight for me! You are such a blessing! Thank for being a willing and obedient leader to the body of Christ. You always bring me up higher and higher into the things of our Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit!
The Word of God is amazing. Thank you.
BILLYE Brim you are greatly Beloved…this will be done! Hebrews 1:14, standing on this verse of scripture for Creator God’s most helpful in these present days…His Warrior angels Gabriel and Michael to fight the Good fight up over your head wherever Yeshua has placed you! Blessings of the only first fourteen verses of Deuteronomy 28…are ours!!
Supernatural, not of this earth…unconditional love of God…for all of His “little children”
I remember as a child coming home if my parents weren’t there they usually left me a note with detailed instructions on what I was to do while they were away. How comforting it is to know the father God left us a note very detailed note but all we have to do is read it and follow the instructions know that he will soon be home and all is well !
That’s a simple, but really great example you’ve applied to everyday life as to Sister Billye’s teaching.
Such a helpful reminder Billye. Thank you!
Thank you, Sister Billye.
We stand with God people that this is done!!
GOD Bless you Billye and your family. Happy Easter
Sharing with you Dr. Billye Brim the following words given to me on Tuesday March 31st.
The Spirit of the Lord says
You are a part of the Body of Christ Maria and as such you have authority to speak to that, that is considered a plague.
Stand in the authority I have given to the church the Body of Christ and tell that virus it is dead!
Do it all in the Mighty Powerful Name of Jesus, in the authority of Jesus’s Name!
And Praise Praise Praise Me Your King for what you speak by faith, decree and declare by faith in the Mighty Powerful Name of Jesus will be done!
Speak it over your city and state!
End of words given
And that is what I am doing!!!!!
To God be the Glory!!!!!
Praise God, this is a wonderful writing as usual. Bless you this wonderful Easter season. God richly bless you. We are standing the ground of God against this virus. Taking authority united will surely take it down and bring death to it. Love to you!
Thank you Ms. Billye! Yes I will join in prayer with our family in Jesus Christ.
Yes we can and should take authority over this evil bug, but I want you to know what I’m seeing. We have virtual church services on Facebook. I go early and invite everyone of faacebook friends k own and those not personally known. I have seen many including Catholics that would never step into a church if invited. People I have worked with I nursing. I have also seen a person from one of my Facebook games that doesnt live around here
What the evil one means for harm God is going to use for His glory in these last days to bring in those from the highways and byways. Hod is doing a new thing, not tradition this time.
Love this! I remember years ago you teaching on these scriptures….I have them marked ~My part~ Gods Part ~ My part!
Yes we will be using our Authority Tomorrow!
Grateful that you and your family are witnesses for Christ!
Have a Blessed Easter, for He has truly Risen!
Thank You Sister Billye
Thank you!
Thank you!!! I will watch and stand in authority over this virus in Jesus name!!!
Dear Sister Billye, my mentor since 1985. You have taught us to take and use the authority based on the word. Before this came so apperant my daughter (my prayer parter) begin to intersected and at that time I drew the Blood Line around my family, partners and around this city then our beloved nation and President. We have watched our city and county officials walk in love and unity. As of this date we have no positive people with covid19 and I believe it will stay that way. We set
ourselves in agreement with Bro. Copeland and George that this covid19 dies and we will be standing with Bro. Robertson also.
Bro. Hagin use to say, “that God never comes up behind the devil” we win!!! Thank you for your teaching on the Authority of The Believers.
Thank you for reminding us of this powerful principle. The corona virus is defeated & anything else the enemy attempts. No weapon can prosper!
Tracey, Are you the Tracey that lives in West Plains/Thomasville Mo. area?? I love Billye Brim and her ministry. Barbara Williams
I stand that it is done I stand as Abraham did concerning Isaaci and as God did in the beginning. Light be and Light was He spoke those things that were not ad though they were.The virus has to go it has been spoken Montrose Lilly
This blessed me. I am going to forward it to my prayer group. Thank you. Happy Resurrection Day! Hallelujah! Jesus is risen!
Amen Ms Billye!!! I’m sitting over here on the VA/NC line and I’m saying take your authority take your seat in Christ and I feel like it just me and my sister praying over not a area no more but a region!!! Daily!!! The church we have been attending is a young church their service was pre-recorded but I know what I’m doing in the morning right here in my lil habitational REGION!!! I will be taking Authority against COVID19 like if it’s just me by myself!!! Praise God!! I love you and your ministry, keep blogging, keep teaching, keep feeding me the word!!!
It is not the virus that is the problem. It is the evil response to the virus. God shut down the virus back when Kenneth Copeland decreed it. The response to the virus is evil. The deep state used the virus to shut down businesses, to shut down churches, and to loot the country.
Instead of keeping businesses open and building up the God-given, natural immune systems of Americans so that people would experience mild to no symptoms to COVID-19, the establishment medical community chose to let people die and wait for a patented vaccine, 6-12 months later. This response is based upon a love of money or greed and corruption on the part of the CDC, FDA, HHS, and other alphabet agencies.
God sees ahead and makes provision for our needs. God provided zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D3, elderberry, and other substances to defeat COVID-19. Our establishment media and health care just chose to ignore these substances. If it hadn’t been for President Trump telling people that these substances would cure COVID-19, the CDC and the media would have NEVER mentioned them.
We decree that God will render justice. There will be reform in the health care industry of America. The greed and corruption of American health care will be judged.
Precisely. Thank you!
Thanks for teaching us to STOP GOSSIP with WORDS…I don’t want to hear it…It’s not LOVELY!
I am going to apply this in my life. Thanks, Billye. : )
Thank you for reminding us of our authority in Christ.Let God’s name be praised.
Dearest Billye, I am so grateful for this opportunity to receive your teachings daily! My Brother forwarded to me!! I have also followed your& Gloria’s TV program when you are on w/her!
Hi sister Billye Brim keep on sending this scripture it is very inspiring and helpful. We learn from great teachers like you.
I pray may God bless you with more wisdom and understanding.
Dr, as a member of the body of Christ, I decree Corona Virus to die from the root in Jesus Name.
Please Billye can you please tell us something about Meditating the Word of God and the Blessing of God. Based your teaching on Deut, 6, 10-12 and Isaiah, 66, 11-14 FOR THE BLESSINGS. And Joshua 1,7-8 and Psalm I, 1-3 for meditating the word of God. I can,t wait to hear from you Billye Brim.
Thank you looking forward to hear from you soon.
Dear Sister Billye,
Thank you for reminding us about (Phil. 4:6,7,8) especially verse 8 regarding our mind where the battle is. I have to bring my thoughts into the captivity and obedience of Christ, daily. May God bless you and yours. Happy Resurrection Day!!.
Yes, so so good! My pastor preached about “checkmate” today and that God always has another move up His sleeve! Thank you for sharing!!
This is such a wonderful word of encouragement. Thank u for a great way to make the word come alive ! I always have and on time word! Bless u during this Easter season.
I once created a bookmark ruler and gave that out to all my congregation and friends to measure our thought life.
I enjoyed this blog today.
Mthank you Moma Billye
Thank you very much for sharing this.
Thanks so much for sharing the Chess Match. How can I copy it? Am always blessed by your teaching. Blessings and blessings abundantly on you.
Shalom sister Billye pleating the blood over this blog . It good hear your voice on the prayer for Isreal call May 6th, 2020. May you be deeply blessed Eph.3:20 and Phil.4:19 and Happy Mother’s Day to you and your whole family and children and grandchildren and great grandchildren. Also I agree with the Word of God to pray in spirit deeply more. So thankful. Thank you for pointing us to the Word of God to pray and seek the Lord for wisdom and guidance and spend time with our heavenly Father and seat in our heavenly seats so that enemy can’t touch us. We need know all 3 in one God the Father and God the Son and God Holy Spirit all 3 in one never disagrees with what they say in written Word. And praying in Spirit will clearly give us deeper understanding. For Yeshua prayed for the disciples to get understanding . We are supposed to know deeper understandings and love like never before . Praying everyone on blog and was on prayer call this morning be deeply blessed overflowing with Love sensitive and no lacking in anything. Eph.3:20 and Phil.4:19. And you as well and healings and restoration. Salvation. Our babies to live not die. America to repent quickly and all nation’s. Then national day of prayer tomorrow to pray like never before. We blind enemy off our families and churches and pastors and government leaders and all leaders wrong ones to repent and get back in line what Lord wants. John 3:16. Mark 11:23-25. Isreal to be saved totally and healed all the way. Making ways where there is no ways become your hEARt desires Lord. Remove things out that not your ways. Roots in love in firm foundations forever and ever that you true love Lord get the glory and honor truly. I praise you and give you all the glory and honor amen. Psalm 91:1-16. Psalms 100. Mark 11:23-25. Shalom Shalom. Thank you Lord in advance in Yeshua name amen.
Pastor BillyE,
This is the fourth time that I’ve seen a chessboard after the vision that I had. I had a vision/dream of a huge chessboard and some pieces on the board. I wasn’t sure what it meant I’m still trying to put it all together. I haven’t played chess in maybe six years or more. But I’ve been so puzzled by it that I literally went out and bought another chessboard. And now on this blog there’s the chessboard again it keeps popping up I’m trying to figure out the meaning behind it and why was it in my vision/dream. Pastor Billye if you could shed light on that I’d be grateful. I’ve always asked God to show me truth and what’s going on in the world today. Thank you.
I signed up and paid my fee for the 3BI online classes when it first launched. I am having a problem getting on to the classes.