Special Anointing at Yesterday’s Noon Prayer
Special Anointing at Yesterday’s Noon Prayer
Recently, a strong impression from the Lord brought to my mind the only two times in 40 years that I have had a strong mantle, which actually felt like a blanket, drop upon me from over my head.
The Bible says that the spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet. That means that the prophet can choose whether or not to speak. One doesn’t have to interrupt a church service, for instance. However in these two instances, it was like I had no choice in the matter. The words which flowed forcefully from my lips were not really under my control.
The point the Lord was making to me in bringing this to my remembrance was that the things prophesied the first time in July 1979 came miraculously to pass. And now, the things prophesied in June 2008 would just as surely come to pass.
So, I was led to share in detail about the 1979 prophecy in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I even read it aloud. It is easy to see how it foretold in detail the 10-years long ministry behind the Iron Curtain that ensued. And looking back how effective this ministry was. The Lord used Jim and Kathleen Kaseman and myself along with many others who performed their all-important-parts as the Lord commanded.
I shared this on Wednesday noon prayer yesterday, February 27. I truly believe it will bless you to watch it on the archives (Click Here to watch!). And it will inspire you to take your part in the command the Lord gave us in 2008 to pray in an Awakening to God. And it will aid your faith to believe that we will most certainly have a great end of days move of God.
A Special First-Time Visitor at MiMi’s House
Master Nathan Joseph Houle, son of Jared and Rebekah, celebrated his one week birthday, Tuesday February 26 with his first visit to MiMi Brim’s house. He spent a quiet restful afternoon, much of it in Mimi’s arms.
Dilley Texas Meeting
Flying tomorrow to San Antonio, Texas. Will be in meetings Sunday morning and night 10am and 6 pm at Christian Faith Center, Pastor Jack Stephenson, Jr., 13848 IH 35, Dilley, TX 78017, phone: 830-965-1880. (Click Here to view my calendar.)
If you’re anywhere close, come by and say “Howdy” at this church which is one of Chip’s favorite places to go. He is sure that it will be one of mine too after this my first time to be with them.
Shalom, Shalom
P.S. One of our WWP’s sent me an email saying she prays the following for President Donald John Trump. I tweeted it today and have had a lot of response.
Rom. 8:33 Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect [when it is] God Who justifies [that is, Who puts us in right relation to Himself? Who shall come forward and accuse or impeach those whom God has chosen? Will God, Who acquits us?]
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I was so blessed to have your prayer leader,Fay, call me yesterday and have her proclaim the Word of the Lord over me. I plan on attending the Autumn Assembly and share with her my total healing of Recurrent Breast cancer which had spread to hips & spine. Shalom, Mary Anne
I have been blessed with tuning in to your broadcast on BVOVN.Thanku
Loved yesterday meeting. Felt the last anointed word you gave was at least was for me and my husband. So glad we were there. I pray we can make it more often.
Look forward to seeing you both again. Blessings Jan
Greetings from Tauranga Bay of Plenty , New Zealand…
God bless you Miss Billye…your life in JESUS inspires me to carry on…so wonderful and privileged to be a WWP here at the ends of the earth. Praise God…
Thankyou for the encouragement you and your ministry bring????
God bless you all ???? hoping you visit us someday????….Love y’all..
Precious baby. So happy for Jared! When are strong, Godly, genuine Christian leaders going to speak out about child trafficking and sacrifice? Our President needs support as he is seeking to “Save the Children”! Needs to be faced by Christians who have their heads in the sand!Truth! You are an awesome Godly woman of God!
Praise God! My husband came with me on Wednesday as well as our pastors and we all thoroughly enjoyed the presence of God as you recounted Gods answers to the 79 word. Thank you for allowing God to flow through you like you do. We are praying for the awakening!!
I saw yesterday’s broadcast! I watch via your Roku channel and sometimes from Facebook. I haven’t had cable or satellite service in over a decade because I didn’t want to pay the high prices and support content that I would never watch. I often re-watch your Wednesday programs and binge watch your weekly programs.
I really like when you reminisce about your early days. I regularly donate to your ministry because I know it is good ground to sow into. Shalom, shalom.
Love, Evelyn
Thank you Evelyn! Blessings Jan
I just love your blog’s Miss Billye……would not miss a one for anything! God Bless you precious lady!
How soon do you think the Lord’s return will be?
It will be on a rosh Hashanah, as the Lord is fulfilling on God’s Moadims(appointed feasts), and when is the next schmitah year? Take notice! God Bless you as a seeker, Eric Cagle
Eric, The next Schmitah year is Sept 7 2021-Sept 25 2022. Blessngs Jan
Hello Miss Billye and prayer mountain family! I am always so blessed by the wed a.m. prayer calls and the noon prayer meetings! I always look forward to this time together! This wed a.m. when I awakened I felt a real stirring in my spirit to pray. Afterwards, I was led by the spirit, to pull-up the FoxNews app (which I Never do). I started reading about the Cross monument from WW1 and how some are “offended” by this and want it taken down and replaced by a monument that makes everyone happy. I can hardly understand this, except for the spirit that is stirring up dissention among the people. I am a veteran, as well as my husband, brother, and Grandfather. Those who have died for our freedom deserve recognition and this really doesnt come close to the thanks they truly deserve! But, I say all of this because I was amazed when you started out first, on the prayer call, talking about this very thing and how the supreme court will be hearing about this case. I live in VA and my husband has even trained with the Maryland National Gd. Now I understand how important this topic is, not only to us, but to God, as well!
Blessings Billye!
Kelly Williams from VA!
I was streaming and praying right along with you such a wonderful powerful connection in the
Glory to
God our privilege to pray and yes .
Awakening is happening! Blessings
Have a safe trip! Congrats to Rebekah and Jared! Blessings to all.
A few weeks ago I had a one minute dream about President Trump. There were three long stemmed flowers in front of him that he picked up. One red, the second I thought was red but as he picked it up it turned white, and the last was blue. I see the red being the blood of civil war, the second as war turning to righteousness, and the third as blue representing heaven and the glory of heaven. I feel like that is the progression God is taking our country through with his hands. I also felt like the US might have it’s 50th president in 2050 and that could be significant.
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