Israel’s Borders; Gaza, The Golan, Syria, Trump Heights & More


I just finished the 8 am Prayer Call For Israel. And I have to confess I almost missed it. I’d forgotten the U.S. goes on daylight savings time before Israel. Shelli saved the day with only about 10 minutes left before the call.
Again, the Lord got me to the right place at the right time.


3BI Israel Study Tour

And I have to go back to Tuesday’s blog and the miracle of Hans and myself working on this project together. I’ve spent some time in the “selah” mode over it. I’ve pondered how more than 30 years ago, the Lord directed Hans’ path and mine to meet in Israel. Each of us trained and equipped to bring the teaching of God’s Word in The Promised Land to many people around the world!!!


Israel’s Borders


We drove north from Beer Sheva to the Elah Valley, site of David’s victory over Goliath. The place of the confrontation has been purposely kept in its natural state. Most of us gathered 5 smooth stones from the brook to take home. Chip easily got into the telling the account of probably his favorite O.T. hero. We looked up at the hills where the opposing armies encamped. Then, some of the group saw lights flash in the sky. It was the Iron Dome defense system taking out rockets being launched from Gaza just a few miles to the West.


The Golan

One of my favorite days is when we tour the Golan.


Valley of Tears

Rani Levy−from his heart and from his father’s close personal ties to the hero Avigdor Kahalani−described the critical tank battle of the Yom Kippur War that happened where we sat. And again, we heard sounds of battle in Syria, not far from where we were.


Trump Heights

Israelis love President Trump! And in honor of his recognizing the Golan as a part of Israel they will build a town in the Golan named for him. I wanted to go there and have our picture made with the sign.


Lebanon Border

We visited again, as is our custom, Misgav Am in the High Golan on the very border with what was Lebanon. It is still that on maps. However, every house we looked at−and they have built so many−is a Hezbollah weapons storage facility. As I understand it, they offer people to come to the area with the promise of a home and salaries. But every house holds missiles.
When you hear that Israel has taken out a convoy in Syria transporting missiles, know that Iran is trying to get them to the Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Our camera crew was with us for every border event from the Elah Valley to the borders of Syria, and Lebanon. And on another day the border with Jordan.


The Site of Jesus’ Baptism

We went to the place where Jesus was actually baptized. The land of Jordan lies just across the River Jordan from where we sat.

Thoughts of John the Baptist flew to mind. Especially the moment he saw his cousin approaching and the sign of the Dove alighting on Jesus. I am sure they knew each other. They were family. Joseph and Mary would have brought their family to the home of her cousin Elizabeth during Passovers and other feasts. But when John saw Jesus here it was the moment of Divine revelation.


Back to the Present
Israel’s Stringent Corona Controls

Probably no other country has established the restraints Israel has. Early on they banned entry from many countries. China, South Korea and other Asian countries were the first. Italy, Germany, France, etc. soon followed.

Today, Israel imposed a 14-day quarantine on passengers coming from any country. (This includes the USA.) As a result, airlines are cancelling flights to Israel. Of the many tour groups that were planning to come, I doubt they have any place for their people to stay holed up 14 days. Hence the cancelling of airlines coming into Israel.

These controls are not imposed because Israel has a large number of infected people. But because they are taking precautions to keep that from happening.

Rani Levy told me about hearing an interview with the Director of the Ministry of Health. It went as follows:

Q: Aren’t you overreacting?

A: Well, ask the Germans and the Italians if they could go back in time if they would do what Israel is doing?
And ask me if Israel could go back in time if we would do what Germany and Italy did?



I called Rani to see if he could help me with understanding how it stands.
He said that Right Wing parties clearly won the elections.

The Likkud Bloc has 58 seats.
The opposition Blue and White party can garner only 45.

The idea has been floated that perhaps the B&W could form a coalition with the Arab parties who have 15 seats. But 5 to 7 of these seats are declared enemies of Israel and supporters of Hamas, etc. Such a coalition has not set well with the public.


A United Government with Likkud and B&W
A 4th Election.

Keep the clear-cut right wing majority in mind. For I’m going to write another blog tomorrow about something amazing we heard in Hebron. Something good!!!


Shalom Shalom and THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND SUPPORT!!!!!!! I will have been gone from home and the traveling ministry for a relatively long time and it is your faithful support that God uses to keep us going. May you have much fruit to your account.



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  1. Shirley Offill on March 13, 2020 at 12:13 pm

    I really enjoy reading your blogs! Especially ones of Israel. The Lord sent me and 2 others to drive and pray Israel’s borders in 2012. If you go again I would like to know.

    • Joy Wills on March 13, 2020 at 1:44 pm

      At a Service during the fall or Winter, referring to your Bible School in Israel. You made a statement that I grabbed a whole of (don’t know if you were serious, but I would love the Idea of such a contribution; even if it was in Name only) !
      “For $248.00 You could own 1 square inch of Israel” ?
      That Appeals to me ♥️????????????????????

    • Jeane Batty on March 14, 2020 at 10:19 am

      A wonderful report. Health and blessings!!

    • Trudy Davis on March 17, 2020 at 5:07 am

      Ps91protection /we are in the prophetic time clock

  2. Elaine Zarief on March 13, 2020 at 12:14 pm

    Sid Roth heard from a rabbi…that President Trump is to call a National Day of Prayer for America to repent and be bold as Esther was bold. He said he hopes it gets to the President as it will stop the coronavirus and bring
    millions into the Kingdom. Please watch him on u tube…
    How to Stop the Coronavirus.

    • Robert Sylar on March 13, 2020 at 5:28 pm

      Believable news from Israel is very refreshing. Thank You Kindly!

  3. Cecelia Fancey on March 13, 2020 at 12:24 pm

    God bless Billye Brim, her ministry, and staff for all you do! Shalom!

  4. Barbara Knowles on March 13, 2020 at 12:31 pm


    THIS DO !!!
    More Important Than Alcohol
    Or Hand “Sanitizer”
    Have You Got Oil In Your Lamp
    Lest It Runs Out
    This Corona Virus
    Is What GOD Is About…
    Do You Know HIM??
    Most Important That You Do
    HE LOVES You, Can Heal You
    And SAVE You Too
    Spend Time With HIM
    While You Have It.
    THIS DO……………………

    Matthew 25:1-13
    As Received by Barbara Knowles
    Copyright © March 12, 2020

    • Betty on March 13, 2020 at 12:57 pm

      Love you people.. You are precious and hounoured in Gods sight and He loves you.. we love you too!!

  5. Cindy Bonvillain on March 13, 2020 at 12:31 pm

    Billye you have been one of my heroes for a very long time! I loved seeing you and your teachings at the West Coast Believers Convention every year! I got to meet you and Shelli and talk with you at your book table! I treasure those memories. Now with everything you’re doing and all the information you pass on to all of us is amazing! Thank you for your faithfulness to our precious Lord,Jesus! And your faithfulness to all of us. I will always pray for you and your family and your ministry! God Bless You!


    PS: Love you Prophetic Witess show on GodTV!

  6. Linda Jones on March 13, 2020 at 12:31 pm

    Thank you

  7. Pamela Byrd on March 13, 2020 at 1:31 pm

    Shalom Billye Brim so happy to hear from. You. Praise the Lord. Giving glory and honor to the Lord. We speak love like never before healing restoration. And pleating bloodline over all these blogs. Psalms 91:1-16. Isiah 54:17. Ex.20:15. And James 1:5. Salvation for Israel. Break spirit of fear off all those crying out for mercy and grace. We agreement that we pick up the 5 smooth stones to bring down spirit of fear target focus repentance to spirit of fear and to co.virse that will be knock down by blood of Yeshua now we decree it and declaring it and off our families and churches and pastors and nations and we sit in our heavenly seat of Authority in Yeshua name amen. Pleating blood over all blogs. Over internet and all networks all computers amen.Mark 11:23-25. Psalms 91:1-16.

    • Melinda Endora Moga on March 14, 2020 at 11:42 am

      Shalom Billye, I am following you from Italy since I met you in Jerusalem in June of 2011. I was with a Texas pastor (he recognized you in a shop) who was living in Budapest, having there a Neo-Evangelic church, Love of Christ.(i’m half hungarian living in Italy from 20 years). I was the translator of the group. I love when you are reporting from Israel, it’s like getting information from the future! You are such a blessing to us Christian believers and for jews as well. You are a holly connection with God’s work at a large scale. Thank you for continuing your blessed work. Everything you write about is fitting perfectly to my desire to know about Israel and the situation of the Holy Land. Behatzlacha and Toda raba.

  8. Pamela Byrd on March 13, 2020 at 1:39 pm

    Shalom sister Billye Brim pleating bloodline over all these blogs blessings over all partners and no more spirit of fear or lack. We decree it and declaring it Eph.3:20 and Phil.4:19. We speak Christian businesses and Ministries will learn how sit in there seat of Authority and in all nations and all over USA and we pleating bloodline over it no man can open and no woman can open all doors shut to emeny of God. Pleating blood over all crying out for help that supernatural help comes now before I finish writing this Blog of walking by Faith not by sight amen. Praise you Lord in advance amen. Psalm 100. Psalms 91:1-16. Praise you Lord in advance. We forgive everyone and forgive ourselves in advance amen and we decree it and declaring it in Yeshua name amen.

  9. Janet Rector Bryant on March 13, 2020 at 3:19 pm

    Much love to you and all with you!

  10. Carol Hudgins on March 13, 2020 at 3:20 pm

    I’m so “un-techy” I don’t even know if this is a blog or not but I know it’s an email and THAT I can do, much to my joy as a follower of yours for many years Pastor Billye….yes, you feed us flock of seniors when we can not travel anymore with all the wonderful things coming to pass right on schedule! AND on BVOVN I watch you on SATURDAYS and am thrilled to have heard you at recent Conference on your prophecymessage I know you will give us the most up-to-date cogent Israel news and pics! THANKS AGAIN FOR THESE POSTS & TEAM.
    In deep gratitude,

    • Jan Wurtz on March 13, 2020 at 3:59 pm

      It is a blog that comes to many in the form of an email. Blessings Jan

  11. Sandra Kadubic Bass on March 13, 2020 at 4:25 pm

    Praying for Creator God’s utterance for all you there in the Promised Land…His own. Get it Done!!

  12. Mary on March 13, 2020 at 4:53 pm

    Great to see yous and all them wee photos posted Did our hearts good
    We remember Shelli up the Golan on the kcm tour we were on last year in Israel
    The Lord bless yous and keep yous all safe
    Billy’s we love those programmes on go victory .com with your chip and candace and Shelli
    They have taught us a lot here in Ireland by them and they make them broadcasts so joyful too
    Cheerio for now

  13. Mark on March 13, 2020 at 5:15 pm

    How Astonishingly Wonderful is Our G_d :- the Sovereign ..

  14. Beverly Allman on March 13, 2020 at 6:29 pm

    Thanks for sharing….Love the updates and pictures….taking my authority over my area….bleeding tbe blood of Jesus….praying for you daily…

    God Bless
    Bev Allman

  15. Susan Duncan on March 13, 2020 at 7:59 pm

    Thank you for clarifying the status of the Israeli election. What can we specifically pray or declare that will cause it to come to its proper conclusion? There’s been enough interference. Time to get down to business!

  16. Kathy Fain on March 13, 2020 at 10:32 pm

    Love and appreciate your updates and insights on Israel and the Middle East. What a wonderful way to honor President Trump! God bless you Miss Billye and the ministry. I’m looking forward to my next trip to Israel with you.

  17. Fola on March 14, 2020 at 1:55 am

    I would love to come to Israel. God bless Israel may there be peace within thy borders
    Thanks for doing wonderful work Ms Billye and team

  18. Joalyce on March 14, 2020 at 11:53 am

    Shalom Sister Billye! Thankful for your update from Israel received today! (Keeping you & your 88 students bathed in coverage of the 91st Psalm while there, & your return to America.) Blessings & Hugs in Yeshua! Joalyce

  19. June Purnell wagner on March 16, 2020 at 8:41 am

    What an amazing tour you must of experienced! So thankful for the calling and obedience on your life Billye. You have taken up the torch to teach others and opening their heart for Israel and Blessing the people of Israel. How I longed to finish my course in this way. God has used you in a mighty way. Love that you can carry the torch. Prayers for you to continue your calling in strength and anointing.

  20. Trudy Davis on March 17, 2020 at 5:09 am

    Of course I may repeat myself sorry /my prayers is that we never forget the goodness of God and what He has done for us

    • Catherine Evers on March 20, 2020 at 5:43 pm

      Numbers 33:7. The Isrealites camped by Migdal. You are God’s Favorite. Lady.May manifest Blessings flow in open heaven over Prayer Mountain, and new grand baby

  21. Ruby Campell on March 17, 2020 at 6:47 am

    I love you Billye , and love your blog. Keep them coming, love hearing first hand accounts of how God is showing His self strong in this holy land. I feel as though I am part of the group. I am praying the Psalm 91 for all of you. Shalom, Shalom

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