Ezekiel 38 War

Do Today’s Events Have To Do With Ezekiel 38 War?

[First, an Urgent Prayer Request

  1. First of all pray that our leaders, especially America’s and Israel’s, will have the wisdom of God regarding these matters.
  2. Pray for God’s protection of military personnel involved.
  3. Pray for protection of Israel.
  4. Pray for the salvation of souls.
  5. Pray in the Spirit asking the Lord to give you utterance to direct your prayers according to His will.]


Regarding my opening question, “Probably.” They are at least a preamble to the war of Ezekiel 38. How long the “preamble” lasts is unknown to us.

The players of Ezekiel 38 have a physical presence in the area: Russia, Iran, Turkey, et al.


Time Line of Most Recent Events

For some time:
Dozens of attacks directed by Iran and its proxies against American and Israeli interests culminating in a missile attack in Northern Iraq that killed an American contractor last week.

Sunday December 29, 2019
In retaliation US air raids against Iranian backed Hezbollah militia bases.

Tuesday, December 31
Iraqi paramilitary groups storm the US Embassy in Baghdad.

January 3, Friday (Today)
At the direction of President Trump US kills Qassem Soleimani, the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp—Quds force.
(Quds means Jerusalem)

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in media interviews that this was: “an intelligence based assessment” that drove the U.S. decision to target Qassem Soleimani, the commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force. “He was actively plotting in the region to take actions—a big action as he described it—that would have put dozens if not hundreds of American lives at risk. [Brim comment: Not to mention hundreds of lives in Israel and the area.] “These were threats that were located in the region,” Pompeo added. “Last night was the time that we needed to strike to make sure that this imminent attack…was disrupted.”


End of Days Wars

Jewish sages teach that there are two Gog-Magog wars.
I believe there are two Gog-Magog wars, but that there are possible three end-of-days wars.

The first:

Ezekiel 38, 39
(An invasion of Israel by Gog’s forces.
This war could occur at any time now.)

The second:

Zechariah 14, Revelation 16:16
Battle of Armageddon.
End of 7-year Great Tribulation
The Antichrist and his forces.
The return of the King Messiah ends.

The third:

Revelation 20:8
At the end of the 1000 year Millennial
Reign when Satan is “loosed out of his prison.”
He goes forth to deceive the nations,
Gog/Magog gathers a large army of followers.
God destroys with fire from Heaven.

Psalm 83 I see as an ongoing war of attrition with the forces of Islam against Israel. Does not have an exact date we can point to as a starting date. Called by some the Arab-Israeli conflict. But it is really an Islamic confederacy.



The storming of the US Embassy in Bagdad (Babylon, by the way), reminded me of the storming and hostage taking of the US Embassy in Tehran on November 4, 1979, forty years ago. This was the start of the current Shia Islamic State of Iran.

It was my blessed privilege to be called by Lester Sumrall to help him write a book even while the hostages were being held. He said, “We
have to get this out quickly for this is JIHAD and no one knows what that means.”

That book will help you understand. Entitled JIHAD: THE HOLY WAR, The Destiny of Iran and the Moslem World.

We are offering it for $10.00. Shipping free.
Call 1-800-972-3447, or click here to order online.




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  1. Audrey L Jones on January 3, 2020 at 5:24 pm

    Thank you for the timely updates!

    • Thank you so much for keeping us updated and sharing with us these important things. It’s the whole body of Christ praying together that makes a difference. Again thank you on January 5, 2020 at 10:07 am

      Thank you so much for keeping us updated and sharing with us these important things. It’s the whole body of Christ praying together that makes a difference. Again thank you

      • Trudy Davis on January 28, 2020 at 10:59 pm

        Much prayer much prayer for protecting over America and president Trump in Jesus name /isreal

        • Hollie on June 5, 2020 at 8:36 am

          Do you believe the US suffered so greatly economically from the covid virus due to the President unveiling his plan, in the end of January, to give the Palestinians double the land they had, essentially causing Israel to give up more of their lands? I believe the US has been so extremely blessed because President Trump had been such a great friend to Israel and even recognized their capital as Jerusalem and moved our embassy there. I’m just wondering your thoughts and if you thought this was a consequence of the US trying to again get Israel to divide their lands. I support President Trump and will continue to pray for him regardless. Thank you for all you do for the Kingdom of God.

      • Pamela Byrd on January 29, 2020 at 1:42 pm

        Shalom sister Billye so good hear you voice on prayer call of Israel this morning January 29,2020. Praying in spirit for you major breakthroughs for all on prayer call for Israel for financials supernaturally we decree it and declaring it now. Miracles to happen for financials now before finish this email. Where there is no ways there will be a way. Pleating blood over all our financials and canceled all debts off everyone we take our seat of Authority and speak to the financial be loose and blind spirits that stole financials and we speak Psalms 91:1-11. Ex.20:15 they shall not steal land from Jewish people and all and they shall not steal my land in Branchville S.C and Orangeburg S.C and we decree it and declaring it in Yeshua name I have a blood covenant and I refuse to allow these spirits to operate in my area for Lord said those lands are get gospel out and salvation to come to people in my area John 3:16. Isiah 54:17. And no impeachment on our president Trump and on prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu protection for them and there families and we repent. Things will change. For Kenneth Copeland spoke prophetic word and all will come to pass. And all prophetic word over my life will come to pass no more hinders. Or word curses. Pleating blood over the internet and wifi and over our new cell phones and we decree it and declaring it by blood of Yeshua amen. We call forth warriors angles to protect us and we decree it and declaring it. As we sit in our Authority of believer in first place in our areas. All assignments are broken off everyone off our pastors and churches and Ministries and all family members. All gossip shut down all traps removed closing lions mouth in Yeshua name. Pleating blood over my new church and pastors and family there pastor Joey and pastor Renee and there children and homeschooling children and we praise you Lord in advance. Sweet dreams and blessings and visions no more abortion of babies and over our visions and dreams can’t be aborted pleating bloodline over them to stopped them and over the thoughts pleating bloodline over them too. We are sealed by the Blood of the Lord amen. Shalom Shalom.

    • Sharon Stern on January 7, 2020 at 7:52 am

      Thank you for helping us to understand what is going on in these last days so that we can stay prayerful (and not be afraid) and prepare for what’s ahead.

    • Simon kibe on January 29, 2020 at 11:11 pm


  2. Corrine Cardoza on January 3, 2020 at 5:25 pm

    Dr. Sumrall’s book is a good read once a year. We still have our original copy from 1979. When I first heard him minister about these events I must admit it mostly went over my head. I’d never heard of Jihad or known the background of Islam. I’m so grateful for his faithfulness to keep it before us. Now you have picked up the baton and continue on. And so we watch and pray with more information and the leadership of the Spirit. Thank you.

    • Deborah Lawrence on January 3, 2020 at 9:09 pm

      Holy Spirit whispered to me this morning the retaliation from Iran will be “unconventional”. Maybe cyber or biological?

    • Trudy Davis on January 3, 2020 at 11:13 pm

      We need to get back into prayer the Warriors style this what we need is strategic tactical planning

    • Gina on January 4, 2020 at 1:33 am

      I have read this book. My first husband is from Iran and is in ministry after having a Paul like experience. I marvel at the great things Holy Spirit is doing in the world. Today. Shalom. Gina

    • Edith on January 4, 2020 at 4:36 am

      Has anyone noticed that President 45 Donald John Trump is a type of Cyrus? Also PDJT just defeated evil leaders in Babylon (Iraq). The next step is to help the Jews rebuild their temple.

    • Carlos Martinez on January 4, 2020 at 6:45 am

      I’ve known about the battle of Ezekiel 38-39 for many years, but I ‘ve noticed many scholars have confused it with Armageddon. Thank you for the book offer, I want it. GBU!

  3. Ruthetta Young on January 3, 2020 at 5:33 pm

    When I prayed today I spoke with the Lord and discussed with Him that this is the beginning of Ezekiel 38, although it has been in the beginnings for a while now. I emailed my girlfriend and let her know what I
    have known for awhile now and been looking for it to happen soon. I was telling her the nations that will join Russia in this effort and why they will march. God has been talking to me for long time bout this and am not surprised! Blessing Sister Billye

  4. Kim Matthews on January 3, 2020 at 5:56 pm

    My thought today on sister Lynn Hammond’s 3years ago at Autumn Assembly
    So Good to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in Prayer

    • June Moore on January 3, 2020 at 6:39 pm

      Yes! With the corporate anointing to undergird her, she called him by name and took him out — in the Spirit. Now it is manifested in the natural realm. That was such a powerful time. Wasn’t that in 2017?

      • Shannon on January 4, 2020 at 2:29 pm

        Yes it was! I remember it well!

    • Dr.Pam on January 3, 2020 at 6:58 pm

      Dr. Billye:
      I too remember the name being prayed out by Ps. Lynne regarding this person! It reminded me of what you said about Bro.Halverson and the level of prayer that he prayed on and that it would be things you would see on the nightly news! I am so thankful for AA and having been blessed to attend 3 out of the last 4 years!! Blessings to you! Shalom

    • Mark & Janis Alexander on January 3, 2020 at 7:04 pm

      That was also the first thing we thought of…Lynn Hammond calling him out in Prayer at the Autumn Assembly.

    • Jeane Batty on January 3, 2020 at 11:07 pm

      Thank you Dear Billye for your Biblical history and anointing to deliver this important message to the Church and all who will receive and pray for an awakening during this Time. Blessings abundantly!

    • patty knotts on January 4, 2020 at 12:49 am

      Yes, I was thinking the same thing.
      Is this the guy Lynn Hammond was telling us about at that time?
      If so, maybe put that video up on this site for confirmation.

      • Peggy on January 4, 2020 at 6:56 pm

        Yes please put the video up on line. I was there also.

    • Kim on January 4, 2020 at 7:36 am

      What happened at the Autumn Assembly?

    • Jenny Stigall on January 4, 2020 at 7:39 am

      Me too!!! Also, the last message Lucy McKee delivered was a charge to pray concerning all these matters! As well as Sister Rachel Teafatiller leading us to “Pray in a leader,” our last year at the Chateau! Wow!! What an elite prayer force we are a part of.

  5. Kathleen Baer on January 3, 2020 at 7:08 pm

    I tried to order the book online, but without shipping selected (there is no shipping available to be selected because it’s free) it won’t finish the order.
    Do I have to wait until Monday to call?


    • Jan Wurtz on January 4, 2020 at 8:41 am

      You can call today at 1-800-972-3447. Blessings Jan

    • Cheryl Masterson on January 4, 2020 at 11:06 am

      Same for me.

  6. Barbara Knowles on January 3, 2020 at 7:32 pm


  7. mary on January 3, 2020 at 8:52 pm

    Yes. the war of Ezekiel has been on my mind. I also have been thinking. God says who side are you on? Its time to chose. God is beginning to separate the tares from the wheat. It is time to stand up for God. There is know time to go back and forth. Get ready for a shaking on the east coast.

  8. Jane Milligan on January 3, 2020 at 9:09 pm

    Thank you billye. I look to you and Pat Robertson and brother Copeland for accuracy in world events and prayer. I have had Lester’s book for sometime and never read it. I am going to get it out!!!

  9. ryan wilt on January 3, 2020 at 9:13 pm

    Doesn’t China play a big role in this?

  10. JOANN on January 3, 2020 at 10:48 pm

    Thank you Sister Billye for your insight into the Spirit regarding current affairs. I was out and about today and made sure not to get involved in the discussions. As soon as I got home I logged onto you blog to see what you has to say about what is happening. I praise God for you.

    Yours in Him,


  11. Linda Cates on January 4, 2020 at 12:04 am

    It is starting!

  12. Catherine Evers on January 4, 2020 at 12:16 am

    Thanks for telling us the General affected Israel. Pray regions bank returned money for my heart and held little $ I had all week. I have to go in bank tommorrow and be courageous. Tony sent me twenty. I was really sick so I ate and watched Keith Moore on the Blessing. Tony and Brenda were in the front row. As Blessings. May your electric,water, vehicles, plane be full of gas for the new year. and migdal be blessed.love. thanks be to God, Shabbat shalom ,

  13. Evelyn on January 4, 2020 at 1:48 am

    So many things have gone over my head in the past. I recall when we were told to pray for the countries in the 10-40 window. That didn’t last long for me. I was a young mother and was having marriage problems with an alcoholic spouse. Tangled in my own mess and not having any revelation knowledge kept me in the dark. I was in a traditional denomination church that was clueless and the weekly sermons were weak. Along comes weekly preaching/teaching by Kenneth Copeland and the BVOV. Light begins to shine a little brighter. Then I got filled with the HS with the evidence. Next found a full gospel type church. Grew some more. That church went belly up because of problems in the ministry. Had no good church but TV for awhile. Then internet comes to be. Slowly, the teachings become more numerous and easier to get to. I think others probably had similar experiences to mine. If we had the right revelation knowledge about the 10-40 window countries, maybe we wouldn’t have gotten into the mess in 1976. By the time 911 came along the stronghold had been established for sure. I’m not asleep anymore. Good teachers like KCM, and BBM and others are equipping us with good revelation knowledge for our times.

  14. Scot Bellenbaum on January 4, 2020 at 2:50 am

    I suggest a study found on youtube by dr.Hilton Sutton where he specifically taught on prophecy and these wars sister Billye speaks of, he also teaches on the positive side ,not doom and gloom of the Book of Revelation! You will be blessed

    • Stephanie de Freitas on January 15, 2020 at 5:50 pm

      I have recommended to so many Christians over the years to use the teaching syllabus as the main foundation in the magnificent book of Revelation by Dr Sutton to no avail. It takes some serious discipline time to read, study and yes write down to make it stick but it raises our faith so much and drives out all the fear, hysteria and wrong teaching. Now you tube is here… so manny ways to get the right knowledge. I so pray for the body to wake up as the time is closer than ever.

  15. Kathy Mikshenas on January 4, 2020 at 8:52 am

    Thank you Dr. Billye for this blog post and thank you for your ministry! Many blessings of God’s very best to you and your family!

  16. Margie Newsom on January 4, 2020 at 9:41 am

    Thank you Sister Billye Brim for sharing your insights with us. What a blessing!

  17. Cheryl Masterson on January 4, 2020 at 10:20 am

    Thank you so much for keeping us updated on these things! I, for one, am continually grateful and eased in my mind, when one of my dearest, trusted ministries shares their wisdom from the Lord! Their insights! I appreciate you so much, Billye Brim, and thank the Lord for giving you these insights! I also appreciate the insights of the commenters here. Thank you all for sharing what the Lord has given you!

  18. alma curtis on January 4, 2020 at 3:01 pm

    I too have gained from reading comments! I appreciate so very much finding your teachings and books !!!! You tube brings teachings from Saints and lessons from people Miss Billye you introduced me to……I have grown so very much from all .

  19. Ninamarie P. Shinta on January 4, 2020 at 4:54 pm

    I have been expecting this word from you. We must pray like never before! I am praying much for you, my sister Billye.

  20. Patty Wimmers on January 4, 2020 at 7:57 pm

    Thank you for that timely word. I have Sumrall’s book and will reread it in light of your information. I had the privilege of working with him at the Miami tv station. L
    I learned so much from his ministries and had our program Bread For Daily Living on there South Bend station and on satellite thanks again .love your ministry of the word.

  21. Edith on January 5, 2020 at 4:32 pm

    A friend of mine and long time friend of the ministry, who is a seasoned pray er, said less than 2 weeks ago she had a dream of war planes in the sky that reminder her of the attack on Pearl Harbor. The time of HIS return is soon approaching.

  22. Barbara on January 7, 2020 at 7:56 am

    ThankYou so much for clarification, we appreciate and love u very much .

  23. Pamela Byrd on January 7, 2020 at 10:55 am

    Shalom sister Billye. I received a new phone and new email. I had get resign up for everything. Made my commitment over since my old phone didn’t transferred my old email. But got done. Psalms 100.

    • Pamela Byrd on January 20, 2020 at 7:55 pm

      Shalom sister Billye, we thank the Lord in advance. Praise the Lord in advance. Praying for major breakthrough for financial s for everyone on this blog as I write it. Ministering angels go forth and speak to correct people who are cheerful givers and get cash money from north the south the west and the east. We thank you Lord nothing to hard for the Lord. Making ways where there’s no way. Eph.3:20. Phil 4:19. Isaiah 54:17. Mark 11:23-25. We forgive everyone and we forgive ourselves in advance amen. Thank you Lord to bless sister Billye Brim overflowing Eph.3:20. And her whole family and church and friends and she love like never before. Thank you Lord for bring forth everything for your glory and honor. Isaiah 54:17. Thank you Lord for paying everything and not failing amen. ♡♡♡

  24. Paul on January 7, 2020 at 7:28 pm

    Pray now for the President. Pray hard and fast. Iran has decided to attack US Military bases are n Iraq.
    Lift up our leaders praying in tongues.

  25. Elvina Wiebe on January 7, 2020 at 9:08 pm

    I would like to take the online bible school but my registration isn’t going through. Maybe this will reach the right department.l love the ministry so much and am happy for the teaching. I would also like to sign up for the first of all. Elvina

  26. DeAnna Garfolo on January 8, 2020 at 2:50 pm

    Will you please post Lynne Hammond’s Autumn Assembly where she prays about this man being removed? It would be a blessing! Or make it available? Please?

  27. Kathy Fain on January 16, 2020 at 10:17 am

    Miss Billye, thank you for keeping us informed with your Godly insights.

  28. Pamela Byrd on January 17, 2020 at 11:48 am

    Shalom sister Billye blessings to Eph.3:20 for you and everyone on the this blog as I text it come now we decree and declare it ministering angels go get cash money on blog and to Billye Brim and weather to clear up we blind the enemy off everyone’s finc. Supernatural healings to. To north south east west. Bless the cheerful givers. Make ways where there’s no ways. Praise and worship you Lord. Thank you for my new anointed job that no man can open or shut. I redeemed my land in Branchville S.C. 29118. Those that stolen my land repents now they forgive them selves in advance. The government repents for not giving noticed. I get all back now cancellation of all Bill’s and taxes now. And I praise the Lord I got my car Insurance paid in full was blessed and was blessed by a new church that I just joined they receive me. They support Billye Brim too they little church and support Paul Wilbur Ministries and we having sabbath Torah tonight at set set. Praise the Lord. Isaiah 54:17. Mark 11:23-25. Psalms 100.

  29. Pamela Byrd on January 20, 2020 at 8:23 pm

    Shalom sister Billye blessings to you in Yeshua name. Thank the Lord in advance. Praying that everyone on this blog be blessed deeply overflowing. Eph.3:20. Isaiah 54:17. Mark 11:23-25. Praying supernatural major breakthroughs for all on blog as I write. We decree it. We declaring it I command ministering angels go forth now get all financials now to north to the south to west to east. That all cash that was stolen be returned now in Yeshua name. We thank you all word curses broken off everyone and pleating a bloodline over all on this blog. Blessings overflowing non stopping. Cancellation of owen taxes and fire Insurance and not owe no man or woman nothing. We praise you Lord in advance amen. Everything paid on time no lack. Spirit of lack die to roots now in Yeshua name. Never to be in lack ever. No bad weather we speak to weather to be at peace. Protection for our financials and over our Ministries and over our families and churches and creative job s that is stress free and enjoyable. No pay check to pay check. Blessings over flowing. Exposing the enemy and we take Authority over enemy and love like never before walk in faith and love. Thank you Lord for major breakthrough. And healings and miracles now comes amen. No more lack. Dividen healings and divined visitations miracles love like never before and sensitive hearts wanting what the Lord wants. Repenting wanting Gods deepest heart wants amen. Shalom Shalom.

  30. Pamela Byrd on January 22, 2020 at 6:58 pm

    Shalom sister Billye Brim. It was great to hear your voice this morning. I am from Orangeburg S.C and standing in gap for Branchville S.C which the Lord said big ministry to come forth in Yeshua name amen. Shalom Shalom

  31. Lynda Fork on February 10, 2020 at 8:18 pm

    Amen! Still praying every day, first of all and more, as The Holy Spirit prompts me. Thank you, sister Billye, for your teaching/direction. Love in Him from a WWP in the Twin Cities Metro MN

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