Awakening & Good News
I’ve had two impacting phone calls in the past two days. The first one this morning was from my son, Chip. He preached me what the Lord downloaded into him after he woke up one morning actually feeling the despair and hopelessness people, especially those who don’t know or act on God’s Word, are experiencing in the wake of all the bad news they are hearing. He walked outside, began to praise and thank God for everything he saw. And the Lord literally downloaded into him a message and a plan to help people. And it is GOOD NEWS!
On Wednesday prayer, I gave you the address to watch the 10 AM Sunday morning broadcast at A Glorious Church Fellowship in Collinsville next Sunday. But he got ahead of me. He began preaching it Wednesday night, March 18. The service is archived and you should watch it before tuning in Sunday. Here is the link: www.aglorious.church/media
White House Call
to Faith Leaders March 19, 2020
They gave us the latest guide lines. I was most impressed with the spiritual character of those who spoke. Of course, Paula White-Cain. And the gentleman who assists Vice-President Pence’s task force. The spirit and faith of these genuine believer’s was transmitted to us. Their sincere thanks for the prayers of believers was palpable as they expressed what those prayers meant for them.
(I absolutely know that the National Day of Prayer called by President Trump and the multitudes of prayer ascending to the Father from all over the earth will prevail. I sense that this crisis will taper off and almost abruptly stop.)
They asked us to accept “responsibility” in complying with the latest guidelines of 10 people in a meeting. When I heard that word, I decided we would do so. Not out of fear, but out of respect for the office of the President of the United States.
They asked us to stay in contact with people so that they would not feel isolated. To use all the social media tools we have at hand.
Our Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks schedule to do so is:
Wednesday 8 AM CDT Prayer Call (weekly phonecast)
Call # (701) 801-1211
Access Code: 492-836-754#
Wednesday Noon Prayer CDT (weekly webcast)
Billye Brim sharing live online, followed by corporate prayer.
Aired from Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks Chapel
I will be there live. You will join online.
Sunday Afternoons 3PM CDT
Corporate Prayer Call
Use the numbers for the Wednesday 8 AM call
I’ll pray with you on line beginning Sunday, March 22.
God’s Café Third Saturday’s (Including Saturday March 21, 2020)
Terry Brim and team will cook and serve at The Yacht Club
We will not forget these people who may need it most in these times.
Also open is our lovely thrift store where clothing in free.
Thank you for your support of this ministry.
You can see more about it here online: God’s Cafe Social Media
Regular Billye Brim Blogs
TV Program: The Prophetic Witness
Victory , God Channel, NOW Network
Radio: The Voice of One Witness
We all want to remember to give with cheerful hearts as outlined in the Scriptures. Our local churches. Ministries who operate depending on our Source and His plan to give through His people.
Evangelists, whose meetings have probably been cancelled.
As I saw Evangelist Josh Radford who was in our past Wednesday’s meeting, this came to my mind. And then my grandson, Branden Brim, who is getting started with a powerful anointing. He and Destanie have a brand new baby girl. I have attached a picture of her, as well as the addresses of Josh and Branden.
Josh Radford
Online Giving: www.revivallife.net/invest
Check by Mail:
Revival Life Ministries
P.O. Box 1844
Deland, FL 32721
Branden & Destanie Brim
Online Giving: www.hisnameministries.com/partnership
Check by Mail:
His Name Ministries
P.O. Box 262
Montclair, CA 91763
Healing Scriptures
We have posted “My Divine Health and Healing” Scriptures
I try to read these aloud every day. Seemed to hear in my spirit this morning: You will never have the Corona virus if you keep your confession loud and clear, untainted by fear.
Our 3BI Tour was in one of the oldest biblical sites when we heard it.
Herod the Great (the one who murdered the boy babies) built an edifice more than 2000 years ago over the cave/tombs of the Patriarchs in Hebron.
Gen. 23:19 And after this, Abraham buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the field of Machpelah before Mamre: the same is Hebron in the land of Canaan.
Gen. 49:31 There they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife; there they buried Isaac and Rebekah his wife; and there I [Jacob] buried Leah.
Hebron, site of Abraham’s altar and dwelling place, which Joseph conquered, Caleb inherited, and where David was anointed king and reigned seven and a half years has a recent bloody past. Jews and Muslims lived together there until in 1929 the Grand Mufti called for an uprising which resulted in a slaughter of Jews. From 1929 till after the 6 Day War Jews did not live in their ancient holy city until a few brave women and children sneaked in at night. That began the return of what now is a community of 900 Jews among more than 200,000 Palestinians.
You will hear David Wilder, one of those brave Jews living there. I have known him since his hair and beard were black. On this video you will see it is now very white.
When he opened it for Q & A, one of the ladies, an attorney, asked what was the biggest thing he saw happening in Israel today. His answer thrilled me, as you can see from my expression.
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So happy to see you and shelli home..you were on my mind a lot..you both were so full of the Lord.. thank you both …
Your great grandaughter is beautiful!
Like you, I am thrilled to hear about the Spiritual awakening in Israel –I pray regularly that God’s grace and mercy brings about this wonderful change in his chosen people.
Thanks for the blog as well as keeping us encouraged to pray from the heavenlies. Im 88 and need nudging to not neglect to pray without ceasing. God Bless Migdol and all your doing for the kingdom.I will start giving against week.
Good to hear from Mr. Wilder about the spiritual awakening in Israel. Exciting times.
Your Great Granddaughter is beautiful.
I enjoyed hearing about your 3BI trip to Israel. I would really love to be able to go some day.
God Bless you in all you do. Your are a blessing in my life.
Greeting sister Billye: Thankyou for the loads of information of contacts in your immediate area of outreach and making vital scriptures also available to those who may not know even what the Holy scriptures say about them in this time. A few months ago, I saw two square oblong metal containers that were painted desert camo. They were joined together by one solid girder and were of the same dimensions. This was a night vision or dream of coarse and it represented two political parties coming together to be a governing defense to Israel. Now that it is almost a reality I feel a little silly to now even blog to you about it. Thankyou for being a spiritual mother to many and also the character qualities that the Most High God wished more of his kids had. Shalom Shalom Garry
Happy days are here again! Welcome home. I always miss you when you go away from Prayer Mountain but I am happy when you travel to Israel. What a blessing for Israel! Thank you for your blogs.
We are family.
Your face when the gentleman talks about a spiritual awakening is a picture! Thanks for these encouraging blogs. In the UK we are facing lockdown because of Covid19. Inevitably it will affect the talks about our leaving the EU, for which so many of us Bible believers fervently prayed. We need God’s blessing so much. We don’t deserve it, but who does? We have to rely on His grace.
Thanks again for the updates. Huldah
Welcome back Pastor Billye. Thank you for sharing the Good News from Israel. You suggested that we click on Chip’s messages from Saturday and Sunday. What an uplifting Chip spoke about to be reminded of “us” The Believers to speak The Good News”
At such a time as this!! Sending Peace and Love ❤️ From Ohio
Thank you Ms Billye for keeping us informed on Israel, the White House & the importance of praying for others. I share what I learn with family & friends so that they will pray as well. And thanks for the encouragement not to walk in fear & the healing scriptures. Btw Chips sermons are always wonderful. I will be listening to Wed & Sun messages. Grace and peace to you from Maryland. Cheryl ❤️
Hello Bilyef ,
Welcome back from Israel. We love you in Chicago. I have a lot of your tapes.
They were eye opening.
I wonder if you know Sid Roth? He is helping big time to bring people to the Lord in Israel. I am very fond of him too.
Shalom sister Billye Brim,pleating the bloodline over all these blogs. Thank you for updates. Pleating blood of Yeshua over all internet over our phones and computers our food and supplies and praying for our areas for repentance for mercy and grace. Wisdom of God like never before. Mercy and grace. Psalms 91:1-16. And Eph.3:20 . As we repent the Lord can help all people. Need to know the Lord heart desires and be not afraid of doing the will of the Lord. The Lord is so faithful to rescue all of us if we repent and run to the Lord for everything. Thank you Lord we praise you Lord to help all who crying out to You true love Lord to be obeying you deeply amen. Pleating blood over all these words and the blogs.
Shalom Dr. Billye,
Thank you so much for all your teachings on The Authority of the Believer and We Rule and Reign in Jesus’ Name.
Thank you for sharing with us on the Awakening & Good News. Agreed, now is the time to sharing the gospel more than ever. God is having a way of turning the evil day into a harvest time of bringing souls to the Kingdom. Blessed the Lord. We’re praying for you daily and will continue to contribute during the end-time harvest. We’re thankful to God for our jobs. Glory to God!
Anna K. Bethesda, Maryland
Shalom, Dr. Billye! I just want to drop a note to say, “Thank you! and I love you!” We are blessed by the Wednesday Noon Prayer on June 3rd. Glory to God. Thank you for praying for me over the phone today, for my job transition as my husband and I are planning to move from the Washington, D.C. area (Bethesda) to Richmond, VA where our God-fearing mother is living with my step-dad. It’s been her prayer and a police officer in the criminal division from our church prophesied to her that in 5 years I will be moving back to Richmond, that’s true, my husband started to feel the urge and agree to move to my home town about 5 years ago. Mr. Quesinberry was our prophetic voice, there were other prophecies that we’re waiting to see unfold. So thank you, Dr. Billye for standing in prayer with us. As tithers and joyful givers, we have no fear as far as finances are concerned, because our economic resources are from above. I just thank God for my new job every day. He did it in recession in 2009, in 2012 and 2013, I know He’ll promote me in the midst of these trying times. God is good and we are in the Faith-Zone. Glory to God! I pray that everyone that joined in the Wednesday prayer will be blessed and they all are in my prayers each morning as I wake up and take my place of authority and pray for our President, for our leaders and those in authority for America, for the peace of Jerusalem and for the entire world. I am studying your book The Blood and the Glory. When I received Jesus as Lord in Thailand at 9 years’ old my family left the country of Cambodia with nothing after the communist, my father a college professor was killed, but I said a prayer to Jesus, “Lord Jesus, please take me to a place where we have food and freedom and if I ever get rich, help me not to forget you.” and I remembered how joyful I was and couldn’t wait to tell my little friend and she got saved and I baptized her with a bucket of water and asked her to take away all those strings that they put on her for worship Buddha and idols. We buried her necklace and she asked me what to do when her mother ask so I said, just tell her you received Jesus. Thank you for sharing on Remembering: Using the Name and the Blood To Bring Up Children – Chapter 2 in your book, my mother did that I now live past my 30s when I was supposed to die at 5. Dr. Billye, I love you – Anna AKA Sourneat
We accumulate wealth for distribution to the gospel of Jesus Mark 16:15-20 so preach the gospel to the entire world! Praise the Lord! Jesus is coming soon. Praise God!