A Beautiful Day in the Ozarks

It’s a beautiful day in the Ozarks and especially beautiful to have a day at home to enjoy God’s creation from the place He (and you) have provided for me. When you gave to the Parsonage Account for my birthday, we were able to put $20,000 on the balance. Praise the Lord!!!!!
And Thank You Sooooooooo Much!!!!!!!

Going About in the Service of the Lord.

This is my third week to leave at the first of the week and return the last of the week.

First, I so enjoyed the Kenneth Copeland Minister’s Conference. The best ever.
See earlier blog.

Then last week Shelli and I were in San Antonio for CUFI before flying to John and Dianna Hagee’s ranch near our country’s southern border at Del Rio, Texas.
Always enlightening. These meetings stress our standing with Israel. As you well know, and we talk about all the time, we MUST pray for and support in every possible way the much beloved and oh-so-prophetically important modern state of Israel. The people of Israel returned to the Land of Israel exactly as the Father told us they would.

Now—tomorrow, we fly to Washington D.C. for the National Senate Prayer Breakfast. As well as attending the Breakfast, and some of the breakout side meetings, I will be speaking at a Wednesday morning Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast meeting.

These are indeed amazing times in which to walk our earth walks—and to be in partnership with the Creator of the Universes. I look forward to what we will witness in D.C. Please remember to pray FIRST OF ALL for our President, all Leaders, and this Breakfast in particular.


Tomorrow night, Tuesday February 5, President Donald John Trump will address this nation. Today on a phone conference call from the White House, we were advised of some things he will talk about. The part that resonated with my spirit is a call to unity and cooperation. Please pray for him and this address. And for that very unity we so desperately need.

Hannah’s Broadcast: Raise Your Voice

Upon returning Friday, I taped two episodes of Hannah’s new broadcast.
It was fun. And I believe enlightening. Get your young people to watch it as she has such a heart for them. And the Lord has given her this amazing platform.

Also, watch it yourselves. And give her your prayer support—believe with her for great things for her generation.

You can watch it here | The PTL Network is available on the following streaming devices: Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire.


Billye Brim Bible Institute.

We completed the first classes here at Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks. It was great. I so enjoyed it. And now we are scheduling the next classes. I am also working on taking a teaching trip to Israel. It will be an official 3BI tour, however you are welcome to come, even if you are not desiring credit.

Click here for more information about 3BI.

Shalom, Shalom
Billye Brim



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  1. Sheryl Mercer on February 5, 2019 at 11:14 am

    I enjoy Billye’s preaching so much!

  2. Don and Judy Laib on February 5, 2019 at 11:58 am

    This is an awesome way to stay connected to such a precious ministry. Thank you for all you and your staff do for His Glory.

  3. William David Delzell on February 5, 2019 at 12:27 pm

    Great to know what going on! GODSPEED!

  4. Kim Glynn on February 5, 2019 at 1:50 pm

    ALWAYS Grateful for Your Steps Sister Billye!!
    In HIM. Kim & Mike

  5. Cindy Knudsen on February 5, 2019 at 2:38 pm

    Thank you for the updates. We will continue to pray for President Trump and for unity in these United States of America. Such an honor. Sister Billye be strengthened and encouraged in the Holy Spirit as He speaks through you at these breakfast meetings. God Bless you and your family and staff. Jesus is Lord!!

    • ROSIE GUERRERO on April 3, 2019 at 12:58 am

      We gave been so blessed by your preaching and teaching videos on YouTube, thank you and Shalom????

  6. Mori on February 5, 2019 at 7:39 pm

    So glad that you are able to enjoy your time at your Parsonage. especially since you have such a heavy schedule. But Praise God He is renewing your strength as the Eagle. WE just got to see for second time the Bald Eagle, fascinating and beautiful creature. Will definitely be praying for you and the words of utterance for this most important prayer breakfast and that the Glory will overtake all of you!!!

  7. Deborah Redfearn on February 5, 2019 at 10:36 pm

    I’m so enjoying you and Gloria Copeland this week on the KCM broadcast!
    Lifting you up in prayer for all that you do. God bless you, Sister Billye.

  8. Sally Blanchet on February 6, 2019 at 6:37 am


  9. Marcia on February 6, 2019 at 8:42 am

    Thank you for this blog. We continue to keep our President in our prayers. May God bless and keep you as you lead and teach.

  10. […] Media Mentioned: Prayer Call | Billye’s Blog […]

  11. Velma on February 6, 2019 at 5:08 pm

    Thank you for the encouragement you are sooooooooo loved

  12. Carole Rambo on February 6, 2019 at 9:25 pm

    God Bless! Praying for President Trump and all government officials. Have good trips.

  13. Regina on February 9, 2019 at 3:42 pm

    Thank you for the update. I continue to execute my WWP duties and pray for our Nation and our leaders. I’m grateful to sow into BBM and the parsonage.

  14. […] Mentioned: Prayer Call | Billye’s Blog | 3rd Sunday Miracle and Healing […]

  15. mark Warrener on February 22, 2019 at 2:58 am

    I count it a tremendous privilege to receive these posts and information thank you Dr Brim!
    Being Spirit-led may I please ask you a question about my Daughters ?

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