The 67th Annual National Prayer Breakfast

First, I apologize for telling you I would be blogging from the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C. last week and then not doing it. It was because I found I could not type or send email on my laptop. That’s fixed now. And here are some highlights of what I think was the best NPB I’ve ever attended.

The 67th Annual National Prayer Breakfast, February 7, 2019

Once again, the Lord provided excellent seats for Shelli and me. In the picture below you can see over Shelli’s shoulder Pastor Andrew Brunson, released from Turkish Prison in October 2018. In his heartfelt address, President Trump told us that Pastor Brunson would walk his daughter down the aisle to be married on the Saturday following.

Here are some things I experienced and observed.

The Presence
Several times it seemed to me, that His Presence was especially manifested. During the worship led by Chris Tomlin, people entered in, and several lifted their hands. I watched our President. With his eyes closed, he gently swayed to the music. This entering in by the entire congregation was strongest when Chris led us in Amazing Grace.

Another time was when the Co-Chairs, U.S. Senator Christopher Coons, Democrat from Delaware and U.S. Senator James Lankford, Republican from Oklahoma prayed for the President. They lead a weekly prayer meeting in the Capitol where democrats and republicans pray together. They demonstrated before us a genuine Christian love for each other and said that such love pervaded the non-partisan weekly prayer meeting.

At the end, these two Senators stood behind President Donald John Trump with their hands on his shoulders. Senator Lankford led out in a prayer worded exactly as you and I would pray for him. One part was that the President would be able to find even snippets of quiet time, and that the Lord would speak to Him distinctly leading and guiding him. Senator Coons asked the Lord to “bless” the President. How special it was to hear that blessing pronounced from this democratic senator.


Side Meetings
Chief Neigel Big Pond’s
First Nations Meeting

It was evident that those who came to this meeting definitely honored Chief Big Pond. One of the most prominent was former U.S. Representative, Senator, and Governor from Kansas, Sam Brownback.

Last year at the National Prayer Breakfast, I heard that he’d been appointed U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for Int’l Religious Freedom—a State Department position. Someone who’d long worked in a clerical position said something like this to me, “You’ll have to pray for him. It’s a swamp over there.”

As you WWP’s know, the State Department has long been on our spiritual radar. At Neigel’s meeting, opportunity came to share this with Ambassador Brownback. His eyes lit up a bit, and he said, “Keep it up. It’s working.” I don’t feel free to share everything he said, but let’s keep it up.

Neigel feels he has heard from the Lord that upon a public apology from the office of the President of the United States for atrocities against the First Nations, broken treaties, etc., there will be a blessing released upon our country that can only come in this way.


Israeli Reception

Although we didn’t have the usual contingency of Ministers of the Knesset presence, due to the upcoming elections, it was so good to be among supporters of Israel—and to hear from leaders such as Michele Bachman.

One testimony we heard here touched me deeply. Tamrat Layne was a former short-term Prime Minister of Ethiopia. He described himself as a terrible person. A hard-core communist. A guerilla fighter. An atheist. In 2000 he was in prison 12 years. In solitary confinement he was in irons, when one night the bright light outline of a person entered his cell. He said, “I am Jesus. I am the only one who can give you life. Follow me.”
Tamrat could not say yes.
It happened again the next night.
Still not agreeing to follow Jesus, he thought about it, and asked something like, “If you are Jesus. If you are God. Come back again tonight.”
He did. And Tamrat said, “Yes.”
However, he knew nothing of Jesus. He asked a nurse that came into his cell, “How do I find out about Jesus.” She brought him a bible.
He opened it, and his eyes fell on Psalm 119:71:

Psa. 119:71
It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.

He says that when someone asks him about being imprisoned, he says, “It was a blessing.”
He now lives in Denver and travels for the Lord.

Shelli and I just happened to be behind him in the checkout line. He told us of another incident in Ethiopia. In a certain town there was a small Christian church and a large mosque. Once when 300 were praying in the mosque, Jesus appeared and spoke to them. When He left, they talked back and forth about how they might find out more about Him. Someone said we could run to the church. So 300 Muslims took out running to the church. The far fewer Christians in the building were frightened to see them approaching. Eventually, things were cleared up and you can guess what happened.

Click here to watch me share about these stories on our February 13 Noon Prayer webcast.


P.S. We had such a WONDERFUL charter class session of 3BI–Billye Brim Bible Institute. We are now ready to tape our second week of classes. (We need a certain number before we can go on line.) We have 8 spots left for students who can study in the classroom here at Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks the week of March 18 through 22. You will need to register by February 22. Click here to register.





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  1. Rev . Sandra Tarr on February 15, 2019 at 6:47 pm

    Thank you for the wonderful report. It was a blessing I needed to hear

    God Bless You !

  2. Mori on February 15, 2019 at 6:56 pm

    Oh Billy how exciting thanks for confirmation about this prayer breakfast. The Father doing an amazing work in you and the Prayer Force . Blessing and Strength to you for the Father is resuscitating the very Heart of America Hallelujah!!

  3. GLENDA ROBERTS on February 15, 2019 at 7:07 pm

    Sister Billye it is so nice to be able to get first hand experiences from the Capital. I really enjoy your Blog and love the online Wednesday Prayer. Thank you so much for live streaming. Blessings to you!

  4. Darlene on February 15, 2019 at 7:32 pm

    Thank You for sharing these highlights! How wonderful it is to know of the move of God in our White House! I would love to come to the classes in March but not possible at this time.
    Love in Christ

  5. Audrey on February 15, 2019 at 9:40 pm

    I am in AWE on how THE LORD IS USING YOU in these last days. It is because of your obedience and love you have tapped into Our beautiful country and WASHINGTON D.C.
    I pray God continue to give you the strength that you need for this mission Amen

  6. Pamela Byrd on February 15, 2019 at 10:24 pm

    Could not get the February 13 th 2019 prayer Breakfast to come on.

    • Pamela Byrd on February 18, 2019 at 12:53 pm

      Finally got watch the bog. Had problems with my phone. Pleating bloodline over my phone to work always for radar of enemy is broken now focus target repentance now in Yeshua name. Isaiah 54:17. Mark 11:23-25. Praise the Lord in advance. Phil.4:19. Psalms 100 in advance amen. We call forth warrior angles to beat up the devils angles off everything computers textes phone calls e-mail pictures videos everything off everything and finc. And assignment s to very roots and give the Lord Abba Glory and honor in advance with love faith spirit fear to die to deepest roots and protect our president Trump and families and that churches run after heart of what God wants His love and faith forgiveness. Praising Him in advance for Yeshua died on cross for everyone never forces you only loves us so deeply amen. Everything the enemy stole from everyone will be returned 100 fold and because of John 3:16. Mercy and great grace . Thank you Lord in advance for protecting Billye Brim and all staff and families and partner’s in Yeshua name amen. Psalms 91:1-16.

  7. carolyn pingley on February 16, 2019 at 5:43 am

    Thank you for sending me this Blog. Blessed me so much.

  8. Jan austin on February 16, 2019 at 7:00 am

    Could not open the last part. Could you resend?

  9. Sally Rumble on February 16, 2019 at 10:12 am

    I checked Christopher Coons (D) voting record and it saddens me emmensely, it’s hard to imagine Christians putting party before God…..

    • Jan Wurtz on February 16, 2019 at 10:14 am

      Let’s agree that God will soften his heart and remove the blinders in Jesus Name. Blessings Jan

    • Linnea LeBoeuf on February 16, 2019 at 2:12 pm

      I agree!!! It’s hard to imagine someone who has our precious Holy Spirit living inside them choosing to follow those who are so opposed to anything our Lord stands for. I pray he will listen to Holy Spirit over and above what his party stands for.

  10. MaryAnn Byrd on February 16, 2019 at 10:13 am

    Thank you so much Miss Billye for keeping us all informed. It brings much joy to my heart to have you and your ministry on the front lines. Love and Blessings to you all.

  11. Sandra Tanner on February 16, 2019 at 11:17 am

    Thank you for sharing about this wonderful prayer breakfast and thank you for standing with and supporting our President Donald John Trump.

  12. Lisa KING on February 16, 2019 at 2:43 pm

    Glory to God on High! Sister Billye, thank you. Thank you for your obedience to God and never backing down. Thank you for standing in the gap for so many who haven’t yet had the guts to make time with our Father in His Word the highest daily priority of life.
    Because of you keeping your mind, will and emotions crucified, you have allowed the Holy Spirit to move seamlessly as He wills.
    Glory to God for all His children who seek Him first and stand on Truth regardless of what the liar throws in the face.
    We continue to partner and pray with you every day. We begin as the Word teaches us with the FIRST OF ALL PRAYER then seated we Take our Authority according to Eph1:17-23 Eph2:1, 4-6 over the defeated devil.
    We love you Billye and thank you for surrendering your all for our Lord. Love, Lisa and all of us at KING Worldwide Ministries, Inc

  13. Lydia yu on February 16, 2019 at 4:54 pm

    Billie thank you so much for sharing. My sister-in-law is from Ethiopia and her brother and best friend also were in prisoner for more than ten years. Her brother is very bitter about this experience and this testimony will be such a blessing for me to share with him. I can’t thank
    you enough. Lydia

  14. Katie Jimenez on February 16, 2019 at 9:40 pm

    Thank you so much, Sister Billye, for sharing this event with us. Christians do not hear enough of what God is doing in Washington, D. C. and around the world. Please continue to share as much as the Lord will allow!

  15. Katie Jimenez on February 16, 2019 at 9:42 pm

    I so appreciated this blog! Christians do not hear enough about what God is doing in Washington, D. C. and around the world. Please continue to share as much as the Lord will allow.

    • Sandy Nicholson on February 28, 2019 at 7:42 am

      What an honor to be there!
      Your account and photos of this event really blessed me. Thank you so much for sharing this. I’ll continue praying for our President, our country, my brothers and sisters in Christ, and all the lost. God bless you, Shelli, and everyone in attendance.

  16. Corleen Thompson on February 17, 2019 at 2:35 pm

    Sister Billye, I thank you for sharing snippets of the Prayer Breakfast and especially the prayers of the two Senators who are men of God that would demonstrate an openness of their faith showing by example that we need to pray for The President . He is our President regardless of party affiliation. I pray that we all would like these two Senators forget about who is Democrat and Republican and focus more on God and the great nation he has allowed us to live in. We have a perfect God who is able to use an imperfect man who fears God to do what needs to be done and he is doing it As for the other snippets you shared, we give God thanks that He has Divine timing and purpose for everything. To God be the all the Glory.
    I join with others in thanking God for you as He open doors of opportunities for you and those around you to be able accomplish what He has called you to do. Live long, live strong. Looking forward for the next Blog

    Sincerely, Corleen.

  17. Carole Rambo on February 20, 2019 at 11:17 pm

    Thanks for keeping us updated. Glad you are back and had a goodtime.????

  18. Joy Wik on March 5, 2019 at 12:39 pm

    Dear Billye and family, I know I am called to be a part of this LIVE, corporate, prayer group of intercessors. I am committed every Wednesday. Today, I finally signed up for your blog; there is the quiet knowing, this too, is where I need to be faithful. I am So Grateful to be once again, joined to a group of intercessors for God’s Purposes and Plans.

  19. […] Dr. Billye Brim’s Blog;The 67th Annual National Prayer Breakfast […]

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