Posts Tagged ‘glory’
Another Reason for the Rapture
On this rainy Saturday I have been studying for the upcoming 3BI class here at Prayer Mountain. The lengthy title is: WATCHING THE FIG TREE: For The Signs of the Times. The signs are so evident now. I am overwhelmed with just how quickly things are progressing prophetically. I truly believe that we are that generation that will see all things come to pass. Last Wednesday, I received what I sensed to be a revelation from the Lord. There is another reason the catching away of the Church has to happen.
Read MoreKCM Eclipse
Just back from the best ever KCM Ministers’ Conference! As well they should be as we approach the soon-coming of the Lord. It is humbling that they continue to invite me to be a speaker to this congregation of those serving the Lord.
Read MoreThe Glory
Last week my son, Chip, called me.
“Mom,” he exclaimed, “you were ahead of your time!”
Then, excitedly, he went on to tell me the Lord was dealing with him to study on “The Glory.” He said, “I’m going to preach on it Sunday and I’m going to preach it straight out of your book.” (The Blood and the Glory.)