Tears of Grief; Tears of Joy

Started early on our very full day, after a great Israeli breakfast, of course.
We drove to Ashkelon and visited a marvelous school for kids with ASD (autism).
I am honored to have my name on the door of one of the computer classrooms.

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Fear = Forgetfulness of God

Faithful prayer warriors from across the United States and other nations have joined with us at 8:00 A.M. Central Time each morning to pray for the upcoming elections. In addition to asking the Lord’s help, we focus on using the authority of the believer against the enemy. Each day we focus on a certain area.…

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Seeing the Hand of God

I spoke with Guy Leibovitz, our Israeli guide just this morning.
The feelings in Israel after the events of the past few days—beginning with the pager, walkie-talkie and cell phone explosions, through the decapitation and virtual elimination of Hezbollah leadership—are like those just after the miraculous Six-Day War!

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Four Hostages Rescued!

Just two days ago, we stood at the site where they were taken. Hundreds were murdered, kidnapped, tortured and raped in unimaginable deeds performed by undoubtedly demon-possessed terrorists.

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Remembrance Day Ends, Independence Day Begins

Yesterday we went to the shopping area of Ein Bokek. As we sat at a table outside the mini-market we heard a clean-cut young man about 17 or 18 years old ask a question of an Israeli woman in English. We took up a conversation with him. He is from Vancouver B.C. and in this Land with a Jewish youth group. We talked a while and explained  who we are—Zionist Christians and what that means, etc. 

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A Day of Remembrance. A Day of Celebration.

I just came back inside my room. I had stepped outside on this balmy desert evening a few minutes before 8 PM. I knew that a one-minute siren would sound throughout the state of  Israel to mark the start of Yom HaZikaron. In English that’s Remembrance Day. A Day for the Fallen Soldiers of the Wars of Israel and Victims of Terrorism.

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Tel Aviv, Mount Carmel

The large square formerly called Tel Aviv Art Museum Square has been renamed The Kidnapped Square. Here families, friends, and concerned Israelis gather to honor and await news of the hostages. A giant digital clock counts the days, hours, and minutes of their captivity. On the 63rd day, our 63-person Solidarity Tour went to the square to demonstrate that we stand solidly with them. 

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