Signs of the Times | Houston Meeting

Mark 13:8 ESV
For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places; there will be famines. These are but the beginning of the birth pains.

We all wept at the tragedy of the earthquakes that brought devastation and loss of so many thousands of lives. I really want you to know what I see about the rifts and tectonic plates shifting. It’s too much to share in this blog. So please click here to watch the archive of our noon prayer Wednesday, February 8. My teaching is at the first of the session.

Reports have come to us of our Lord’s appearing to victims. We have some details but we have been asked not to share them lest persecution result.

The Lord had said to us in the Noon Prayer that day:

You grieve but My mercies never end.
Lamentations 3:20-23

My soul continually remembers it
and is bowed down within me. [Brim Note: to me this is the grieving.]
But this I call to mind,
and therefore I have hope:
The steadfast love (chesed) of the LORD never ceases;
His mercies never come to an end;
His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning
Great is your faithfulness. (ESV)

He also said:
I set the pillars
Psalm 75:3

When the earth totters, and all its inhabitants,
it is I who keep steady its pillars. Selah (ESV)


Houston, Texas Meeting

It’s kind of a last-minute schedule, but I was impressed to have a meeting in the Houston Texas area just after I will be at the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast at the Westin Galleria Hotel February 23 and 24. (You might still be able to get tickets to this event sponsored by Knesset members and Israelis at

I’m really excited about what the Lord put into my spirit about having our own meeting the next day, Saturday, February 25! When I mentioned it on a Wednesday Noon Prayer, not very long ago, someone from a wonderful church in the area contacted us and offered us the use of their facility. So we will gather at:

The Dwelling Place
713 E. Airtex
Houston, Texas
Saturday, February 25
1:00 pm to about 3:00
6:00 pm to about 8:00

The Dwelling Place is near Bush Airport for an easy commute to and from.

The people of the church have been so wonderful to us. Some longtime friends worship there and we are excited to be with them. And with you!

This will be a rather informal meeting, probably not too large as it came into my spirit at such a late date, and we have not put any elaborate into my spirit at such a late date, and we have not put any elaborate planning into it. Really it will be just me sharing concerning Israel and the signs of the times. Any offerings will go to our Migdal-Arbel Prayer and Study Center project which I am happy to report is rolling full speed ahead!!!!!

Looking forward to seeing you who can come!!!

Shalom and Blessings

Billye Brim



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  1. Robin Parker on February 16, 2023 at 3:04 pm

    Thank you for your teaching.

    • Shirley Agrimson ♥️ on February 17, 2023 at 6:31 am

      You bring such peace..I watch you every moment I can..thank you♥️♥️

  2. Paul on February 16, 2023 at 3:05 pm

    Praying with you Dr. Billye

    • Deborah Lawrence on February 16, 2023 at 9:54 pm

      I am not very far from Housyon and I want to attend.

  3. Jeannie Huppert on February 16, 2023 at 3:22 pm

    Dr. Billye, Is that the “Damascus shall be a ruinous heap” that you had been watching for?

    • Dr Billye Brim on February 17, 2023 at 12:30 pm

      Damascus has certainly been riddled by constant civil war and Israeli air raids. Certainly the focus has been and continues to be upon it.
      These are definitely the times and the seasons.

  4. Lucy on February 16, 2023 at 3:45 pm

    Praying for u n ministry

  5. Jackie Hutchinson on February 16, 2023 at 5:09 pm

    I am so focused on the prayer Moeds each Wednesdays.
    You have inspired me and the group we meet with from across the U.K. to continue to pray daily am and I’m for 15 mins each session in tongues.
    The word and the spirit as one United with you

  6. Vanessa on February 16, 2023 at 5:11 pm

    Thank you for your teachings, my family is so grateful to God for every single one of your teachings, you open our eyes to God’s truth! Keeping your ministry in our prayers

    • CAROLE RAMBO on February 23, 2023 at 12:15 pm

      Have a Blessed Meeting full of Jesus.🤠

  7. Kelly on February 16, 2023 at 5:48 pm

    The Wednesday Moeds are the highlights of my week. Since the Lord has been speaking to us so much lately about Ezk. 38 & Ezk.39, I felt He has put on my heart to be praying for the salvation of those in the path of this war. Also, I’ve been encouraging others to do so. Your telling us that Jesus has been manifesting to so many is a reason for praise. God’s Word will Not return void, but reap that for which it was sent.

  8. Laurie on February 16, 2023 at 5:59 pm

    Pastor Billye,

    We have been praying as WWP’s with you since November 2021. We are strengthened deeply each week. ( If we cannot join the live call we look forward taking the time to listen to both prayer calls through the week and to pray in our heavenly language. )

    It’s such a privilege to be included by the Lord in this learning and prayer work. We have tried to encourage others to join, but it’s interesting how very few long to lean in – even with the words directly from the throne room to us all!! We are actually the least likely to be called in, but we were told in a dream that we were being ‘upgraded’ in January 2020 and it has been so. We are confident in our Lord’s love for us. We are being changed and we are learning to take our authority in Christ in all circumstances.

    We intercede weekly for your ministry and Max’s ministry and for the many, many deep circumstances in the world.

    I’m sure we will never meet ‘earth-side’ but we look forward to meeting you nonetheless!

    Shalom, shalom.

  9. Verna on February 16, 2023 at 6:11 pm

    Thank you for your teachings. I always look forward to the Moed Wednesday prayers. Irrespective of the time difference as I live in Perth Australia, I have depend on the Holy Spirit to wake me up, for the Noon Prayers ( 1am/ 2am). Praising God for the confirmation of His great mercy toward those who have encountered the Lord Jesus.
    My heart was full of joy to hear of your upcoming visit. Thank you again and Shalom Shalom.

    • Dr. Billye Brim on February 17, 2023 at 12:36 pm

      I am coming to Australia in June and early July. I will be at Perth sometime during the trip.
      I have been wondering, and I will check it out, what the times will be for the calls during my time there–for we will never miss a moed Wednesday as the Lord helps us to do so.

  10. Peter Pritchard on February 16, 2023 at 6:22 pm

    These disasters are coming upon nations unexpectedly. That was prophesied. New Zealand has been hit twice . The country had been in confused leadership for sometime . It’s not climate change Billye. It’s the reality of the world facing truly tough times . Only Jesus can save the souls. We pray for leaders to know Jesus otherwise they’ll continue to mislead their nations. Bless you and your prayer team in Jesus name.
    Shalom and shalom.

  11. Helen Owen on February 16, 2023 at 7:16 pm

    Bless you Ms. Billye. You are one of my heroes!!
    God bless you. I am teaching school this year. I am unable to come , but will be praying for this awesome upcoming meeting.
    Several of my friends are coming. I am praying for an Azusa Revival to break out at EastGate Church which is out of Houston. It is a very anointed fellowship. Pastor Carolyn Sissom is the Pastor. She is an on fire Woman of God.
    Blessings to you and your prayer team.
    Helen Owen
    San Antonio, Texas

  12. Judy Patrick on February 16, 2023 at 8:44 pm

    Over a year ago I committed to & started praying the Ephesians prayer you taught me & declaring my authority every morning in Jesus Christ over my “Goshen,” Knoxville Tn.
    I’m still declaring, praising God, thanking God & laughing in the face of the devils & plan to never quit!
    There is nothing more important than what God is doing in the earth right now & to think I’m in on it!!! Hallelujah & glory to God!
    I appreciate your teaching ministry, your grit, your teachings & your example! I’ve learned much!
    Thank you, God’s servant!
    God bless you!

  13. Jan Mclaughlin on February 16, 2023 at 10:24 pm

    Cannot wait to be with you and Shelli!!!! Wednesday Moed with Jesus and all the WWP’s is my favorite day of the week. I have learned so much from you Billye in 3BI and online and in Israel. The Authority of the Believer has changed my life and I am sure the life of my family. Love you and can’t wait to see you all!!!!

  14. Mari on February 17, 2023 at 9:47 am

    Will The Dwellng Place meetings be streamed?

    • Billye Brim on February 20, 2023 at 11:54 am

      I dont think so.

  15. Shelley Duffy on February 17, 2023 at 9:33 pm

    Wednesday moeds are the highlight of my week. If there is a blackout in future can we just know that we will all just do it anyway for 1/2 hour same time am and pm. God will be getting our prayers and maybe giving Max the interpretation. Then when we can be back online Max can tell us what we prayed. Is that something we could do?

    • Billye Brim on February 20, 2023 at 12:00 pm

      Yes Of course

  16. Yvonne Annibale on February 18, 2023 at 4:28 am

    Thank you Jesus, thank you, thank you, You are such a joy to participate with. As I am unable to participate live stream I look forward to when you post the weekly calls and meetings. What a blessing it is to pray with you. Thank you for your faithfulness in the things of the Lord. I have been a part of your praying for years. It is such a joy.

    • Billye Brim on February 20, 2023 at 12:00 pm

      Thank you, Faithful Pray-er

  17. Nancy Christoffer on February 18, 2023 at 8:20 pm

    Shalom Billye Brim, I’m in Michigan and I am so happy and encouraged to hear that Jesus has been appearing to many in Turkey and Syria as I know many of our prayers are for that! How great is our God! I am exceedingly grateful that He led me to the Wednesday prayers with you and Max in October of 2021. I have not missed a Wednesday (have had to catch a few on replay) since and have kept faithful notebooks. I draw and color in mine along with the highlighted verses and statements. Like many I have my own color coded system. It is such a blessing. I have since become a partner with BBM and YLH and am always watching Max’s Wednesday and Sunday church services in Minneapolis. Also I’m now Facebook friends with a few other wwp’s in different states! Love you all. Prayers for your upcoming trips Ms. Billye!

  18. Billye Brim on February 20, 2023 at 11:58 am

    Yes Of course

    • Billye Brim on February 20, 2023 at 12:24 pm

      For some reason, probably my mistake, the reply to another person was resent to you.
      So, for you, thank you for being faithful. And excited about the things of the Lord.

  19. Betty Baker on February 20, 2023 at 8:41 pm

    Ms Billye, Thank you so much for the Houston invite. What a blessing it would have been for me to hear you speak , and see you again, but I will not be able to make it. A family member is having major surgery the day before meeting and I am the only caretaker.. I do request prayer for her though..Thank you!! There has been much happening since my breakthrough in Branson. God has shown me many things about the Bubble He put me in.. Hoping to tell you about it in the near future..
    Sending my prayers for you and your team. Fire of God fall on the Dwelling Place meeting!!! You are a true blessing to me Ms Billye!!

  20. Margaret Hendricks on April 12, 2023 at 12:35 am

    Dr. Sister, and Lover of Jesus Billye.
    On YouTube, I just found Will you pray with me for an hour. So I did. This caused a great new level of praying in the Holy Spirit. Praise God . Such a blessing. I am a partner with Kenneth Copeland and Rick Renner. I have been watching and supporting GoVictory since it’s inception. Been listening to Brother Kenneth since 1984. ( I think. Long time ). I am 73 and I love and support my local church, Glad Tidings, Lubbock. I used to listen to Kenneth E. Hagin. I could pick him up on the radio from transmissions at night. He was on some Mexican radio. I was living in Amarillo. Anyway, I was saved at age 7 in a Baptist church. God is so good. I was listening to Kenneth Copeland when He called you up to prophesy to you. I have be a praying follower ever since. Thank you for your obedience and faithfulness. Margaret Dianne Hendricks.

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