Kibbutz Be’eri, Second Visit
Julie Sironi came to our hotel to join us for breakfast. Such a good time sharing with this lady, now so well known in Israel for her own heart for Israel and for her coordinating the work of Kenneth Copeland Ministries here. It’s so pleasurable to communicate with a kindred spirit.
2nd Visit to Be’eri
Guy, our friend and guide, picked up our little entourage for a second visit to the site of the earliest October 7 terrorist attack. David Cerjan, of FaithWalk International, and Dylon Sironi, Julie’s son, joined Terry, Shelli and me for our trip to Be’eri.
I had no idea what a feat this was until I walked in Jerusalem later and people asked, “How did you get into Be’eri?” I don’t know how Guy pulled it off—first with a tour of 63, and then for our small group the second time.
I just knew I had to go back. For one reason, when we went the first time, we were divided into two groups, with two guides. Shelli told me about all she heard and saw, and I knew I needed to go through with her guide, whose name is Or Yelin.
Kibbutz Be’eri had actually been established in 1945 with Or’s grandparents a foundational part of its beginning. Or’s father was a leader of the border kibbutzim and a member of the parliament of Israel.
The people of this beautiful, peaceful kibbutz were those who believed they could live at peace with their close Palestinian neighbors. The ones who took the sick, especially children, of Palestine into Israel for treatment at Israeli hospitals.
We began near the fence where the perpetrators of the massacre first broke through.
Three heroes were leaving as we entered. Three members of ZAKA. Google their website to discover what these remarkable volunteers do. I copied this short paragraph from there:
True virtue (Chesed Shel Emes)—this is the emotional and highly distressing work for which ZAKA is best known. This is a unique unit with a unique mission—to honor the dead and ensure a full Jewish burial for those who meet a sudden death.
What their eyes have seen, no person should have to view. They have cleaned, with honor, the physical evidence, bodies and blood of the people so unspeakably terrorized and murdered. They have worked to identify what were sometimes just body parts.
Perilous “Safe” Zone
Or took us into homes and told us their stories.
All were heartbreaking. I will share only one here. The family within included the father and mother and several children, including the only daughter who survived.
Theirs was one of the first houses broken into on that High Holy Day Shabbat.
The small saferoom the family ran into became a shooting gallery for automatic weapons fired through the door and the one window into the horrified family.
We listened to the recorded voice messages that the 13-year-old daughter whispered into her cell phone, pleading for the recipients to call for help. She had no way of knowing they were in the same dire circumstances. We listened to several of her messages reporting on what was happening. How she was trying to keep her father alive after he’d been shot in the stomach. How her mother was dying, as well as her siblings. Several of her messages were made after she’d been shot in the legs six times. Repeatedly, rounds of ammunition were emptied into the small room. She and her father were the only survivors.
House after house. Home after home. Person after person. Terror. Torture. Rape. Murder. Kidnapping.
Or told us that the videos the terrorists themselves made revealed how, although they shouted in Arabic, they would switch to Hebrew when it suited them. After terrorizing victims, they would sometimes hold a gun to their heads and shoot them. Before they did, they said in Hebrew, “We do this for fun!”.
Some of the atrocities Or described I just cannot put into this blog.
It is safe to say, the perpetrators were possessed by devils. Like Judas and Hitler, Satan had entered into them.
Or was in a safe room with his fiancée. She said to him, “Kill me.” She didn’t want to fall into the hands of the demon-possessed men.
Kibbutz Be’eri consists of 380 households.
96 were killed.
A number are missing.
30 were kidnapped. 18 have returned.
Walking Through Be’eri
We slowly walked the streets of this once evidently beautiful kibbutz, lined by well-kept homes and yards. Flowers. Fruit trees. Plants. Life blossomed here.
I am told there was a TV program in Israel some time ago entitled “Billie B’Derek” or “Billie on the Way.” In it, the woman named Billie produced her programs from “places along the way.” From somewhere deep within me, I remembered hearing about that program. And I thought of the “way” in which I was walking. The “way” I was allowed to witness.
First, we met a man and a woman whose family members were still being held hostage. They, like Romi’s father, whom we’d met in Tel Aviv, wore photographs of their loved ones as they walked the streets they’d known as home.
Military Men
Three men in uniform met us and entered into a long conversation. The one who spoke so genially with us, I think Guy said was a General. He took out his phone and showed us an act of his command in Gaza that had just occurred. From the shot, we first saw a long row of buildings in a Hamas headquarters city. Then we heard a countdown. Saw a hand pull a handle. Then building after building over a large area came down all at once.
It Has To End!
This country, were it not for The Most High, would be sitting like one of those unsafe safe rooms. Israel must be without restraint. Without pressure from the United States. Hamas must be cleared out of Gaza. And Hezbollah from Southern Lebanon.
Pray for the Promised Land and His Chosen People.
Pray for the leaders of Israel.
Pray for the soldiers.
Pray for the people of Israel.
Pray for the hostages.
Pray for their families.
Pray for the economy.
Pray in the Spirit and let the Lord give you the utterances He wants spoken into the earth.
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Thank so very much for sharing keeping us informed I’m lost for words but I’m praying for Israel
Yes! We “love Mrs “Billye “‘Brim and her “”beautiful family. Praying for the whole family and group, Max’s as well and family along with Israel 🇮🇱 Benjamin, family the families, the taken , the babies and safe returns which I know they are and will. What a awesome trip they will never ever forget walking and praying over Israel 🇮🇱 for such a time as this. Whenever I think of it or Mrs Billye Brim and family I just say thank you Jesus for Mrs Billye Brim and alluding me to be apart thank you for this awesome assignment; than I say Next my family and I are Next in line to be such a blessed family and ministry and blessing. Salome! Shalom! Love you dearly. 😘❤
Yes we do!
Thank you Sister Billie! It’s a very insufficient message but know there are many, many of us whose hearts are there with you and undergirding you in every Godly Endeavor you do. We love you and your family and are so thankful to have the privilege of sowing into this incredible soul!!!!
I have so much joy and His Presence so sweet. ALSO deep concerns for those affected in all parts of the world. So I pray…. And I know He will do all He has planned.
He said to me in 2015 from Isaiah 45 from the East to the West they will know I am God and their is no other!
Thank you Sister Billie! It’s a very insufficient message but know there are many, many of us whose hearts are there with you and undergirding you in every Godly Endeavor you do. We love you and your family and are so thankful to have the privilege of sowing into this incredible soil!!
So pleased to hear the details.
Praying for the peace of Israel. Some of the things are hard to imagine. So glad God is with them.
Such good work you are doing!! Praying always!🙏🏻😘💗
Hod bless you! I thank you for doing this trip for the Lord!! You encourage me and I lighten me as well!!! Looking forward to seeing you in person, standing before us. Doing what only you can do.
God bless you and Merry Christmas, Bj
THANK YOU Billye for these first hand reports from our beloved Israel! It makes one nauseous to see / hear of man’s inhumanity to man. Take special care of yourself dear Woman of God. Abba will have His justice!
God has had me on assignment since last March (2023) praying against the spirit of DECEPTION across our Nation (& beyond)! Knowing Him & what a God of Order He is, I am certain MANY are doing the same! May God be GLORIFIED!
Shar Schimmels St.Hilaire
Yakima, WA.
I cried as I read of the 13-year old watching her mom and siblings die. How horrible esp for someone that age! and the ZAKA group! God bless them for their sacrificial work. That is what needs to be reported on the news!!!!!! I listened to Blinken’s Year end speech. I was so proud of him when he stated that no one is condemning the Hamas for the deaths of the palestinians by hiding in their homes and hospitals! What a twisted world we live in! We comman the TRUTH be released and the twisted and perverted lies be shut down in the powerful and Blessed Name of Yeshua ha Machiach! Amen!!!!!! ENOUGH!!!!!
We are praying for all.
We are praying for Israel!
No words! Pray without ceasing, the enemies strongholds pulled down and consumed. Glory to God and Praises to our Lord forever!
WWP’s I Chuck Cordy am writing this here and hope you will do the same to show our brothers and sisters the Jews that we here in the USA are standing with them. We love you and support all you dear people of Israel the Jews, I am praying for you. I am also speaking for ALL of my friends here that they are in support of you too.
Shalom pleating the blood over this blog. Father in Yeshua Holy name we speak peace to Israel and Jerusalem and healing and restoration and forgiveness and repenting and love like never before. I command warriors angels with flaming swords to beat up devils angels now. As you Father in Yeshua Holy name you said on prayer conference call this morning December 20th 2023 that we prayed together and it was spoken you Father will Hamas and the 5 nations will be visited by Me, Church. Very strong. Isiah 29:6., I will destroy them IAN, Psalm 144:6. I AM , coming they will see My power. Very strong. This will come to pass. Then was on noon day prayer online today and praying in the Holy Spirit and interpretation came. Very powerful. Will continue to pray in the Holy Spirit. Praying for your son Pastor Terry as he going home tonight safely and brother Max on Saturday and Joe and praying for you and Shelli as you are ministering to others thur Christmas. I be on prayer conference calls with brother Bruce with Pastor Max’s on Thursday night.s. also praying for love like never before. I mailed my offerings to you since Dec 6th, 2023. But tracking number keeps starting it is late getting to prayer mountain in the Ozarks Branson Mo. I speak protection over it I command warriors angels with flaming swords to beat up devils angels over travelling getting to prayer mountain in the Ozarks quickly no more delays. Help for USPS trucks to be protected and helping with all Christmas packages and mail not be delayed they be delivered and help to them all in Yeshua Holy name. I am wwp and partner with you. From Pamela Diane Byrd from Orangeburg S.C 29118. Love you all on blog and love you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2023. Praying for President Trump and Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Also on December 20th, 2023 Praying in Spirit for President Trump major breakthrough the Judge trying to stop President Trump he removed president Trump name off Colorado off the ballot. I command warriors angels with flaming swords to awaken the judge there a visitation happened to him a Holy fear writing on wall and also about abortion campaign that enemy is using people that don’t know this is evil demonic spirits telling they get away with that. No by blood of Yeshua. We thank you heard our prayers and you Lord will deal with them and not allow them to sleep and they will be exposed. The word never fails. Thank you Lord in advance amen. Psalms 91:1-16..Matt.8:23-27 Is.54:17 Mark 11:22-25.Eph.3:20 and Phil4:19. No TRESPASSING on our areas and no TRESPASSING on the Lord’s true love plans. Jer.29:11 Eph.3:20 and Phil4:19. Thank you Lord in advance amen.
Thank you for the updates, I look forward to them everyday. Praying for all!
Amen and Amen. Praying in agreement with you. A watchman on the wall in this hour. God Bless you. Shalom Shalom, Beth Kelly
Thank you Billye for sharing this with all of us….I am praying for Israel and all the points you have listed. Just reading this is hard , I am so grateful to be a WWP, knowing I am in agreement with others for Israel and grateful for your teaching and guidance to deeper prayer for Israel and the HEART OF GOD….
Love you Billye
Merry Christmas to all of your family
Did Or and his fiancé survive. Thank you for sharing all this with us.
A light shinning in a dark place,Thank you Jesus!!!Thank you for your blogs of truth!!!Love you all continue ing Prayer 💕 💗 Love DlC
Thank you, Billye, for this update. CBN News recently had an article of Congresswoman, Michele Bachmann, visiting that Kibbutz shortly after Oct. 7. She had lived there several years ago, and knew some of the people killed. She showed pictures of what a beautiful place it use to be.
Appreciate the list of things to pray for.
Will continue to pray for all of you as you spend time in Israel.
These accounts have moved me beyond tears to a zeal and passion to have these truths preached boldly to a Body of Christ who either dont know the Word of God and or His heart for Israel and His land or they have been so indoctrinated by the antisemetic propoganda that has been beclouding their minds and hearts.
Thankyou Billye for being that true Witness for God
Thank you sister Billye for the updates..praying for the leaders and the people..the promises of Psalm 91..
Praying for you. The Negev was my project since 2000. My last recount was helping to fund water and playgrounds. Thank you for being there since I can’t. I lost a whole community of “family”. I have a prayer team and we are praying with you.
Thank you so much for keeping us updated. It is just heartbreaking to hear of the terror and deaths that consumed the people. Our prayers to God for healing and strength to surround you and the community there so that the Name of the Lord will be glorified by your visit. May the angel armies of the Most High God surround you and the tour as you minister to those whose lives have been so violated. Praying for a great outpouring of the Spirit of God to bring healing to the hearts and minds of the Israeli people.
Thank you Billye….thank you for Knowing the Voice of our LORD, for your peace, for bringing us the truth in pictures and word. Thank you for the specific focus for prayer; I will follow your direction. I’m standing in agreement you will have traveling mercies, favor where ever the plane lands, with whom ever you encounter, and for whatever reason. Angels will interveen when ever needed and the joy of the LORD will remain your strength….
I’m praying our LORD opens the door for me to get my doctorate at 3BI. I’m searching for my credentials as I write…..
Lord Thank you for HOLDING ISRAEL in YOUR arms; and working for good what the devil meant for evil….in JESUS Name I pray!
Oh Billye I can’t even imagine what it was like to walk down those streets we’ve only seen from a far away distance on the news media! God ordained you to be a witness and gifted and anointed you with such beautiful heartfelt crystal clear utterance and writing! It moves all of us who have walked with you through your Blogs on our knees! We can feel the Love of God pouring out of you for His people ISREAL! May they be Comforted with the Comfort only He can give! May He protect and provide and Shepherd the apple of His eye! Believing that every PLAN AND PROMISE HE HAS FOR ISREAL BE FULFILLED! May He destroy their enemies as He has said in His Word! He keeps COVENANT AND CHESED with His BELOVED! Praying for the Shalom Peace and Wholeness of Jerusalem 🙏💙🇮🇱🧎🏻♀️Love YOU BILLYE AND SHELLI❤️ Brenda
Amen yes it has to end! With the Lord’s help, the host of His warrior angels and Archangel Michael contending over Israel, we pray that good will prevail swiftly. My oh my what a mighty battle at a great price. Thank you sister Billye for sharing what you can with wisdom to fill us in knowing there is soooo much more. Thank you too for the very specific prayer points for Israel. I honour you, Shelli, Guy and your entourage for pressing in and boldly treading where others wouldn’t dare in order to listen, care and love on these deeply wounded people. May the angels pour their healing balm into all their emotional; physical and spiritual wounds and fill them with His supernatural love and peace to restore this nation exponentially. I pray that you and the ZAKA members will all be protected and continually filled with supernatural joy amidst the sadness. Psalm 30:11-12 AMPC: “You have turned my mourning into dancing for me; You have put off my sackcloth and girded me with gladness, To the end that my tongue and my heart and everything glorious within me may sing praise to You and not be silent.”
The Lord reveals the deep things of darkness and brings utter darkness into the light. Job 12: 22
Please keep telling. We were not alive to reveal what the Nazis were doing to the Jewish people during World War II.
We are alive now to tell the world what Hamas and their allies have done to the Jewish people and what they wish to continue to do to the Jewish people.
Please keep sharing what you have seen and heard. Please keep sharing. Please keep sharing.
Let the Lord’s Truth with Great Exposure shine throughout Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey and Iran. Let this utter darkness of evil be brought forth and broadcast everywhere and in every nation. Let the UN explode with the undeniable Truth of the Lord.
The Lord sent you to Israel for such a time as this.
He is sharing the TRUTH concerning the Hamas’ (and allies) evil actions. Judgement has begun.
His Judgments also includes how people treat Israel and the Jewish people now. Even the words people speak are being analyzed as El Nicamot fills His Hand with lightnings and commands them to strike their mark. (Job 36: 32-33)
Please keep sharing what you have seen and heard.
Billye, witnessing the demonic attack areas would be so awful. Satan is trying every dirty trick in the book and stealing souls in Muslim nations by using radical extremists . Bless you as you witness. Yeshua please flood Israel with your healing touch. Peter
Dear Ms Billye, I am so very glad you went back Be’eri. I know the prayer you prayed on that ground this second time around, will start start something so very powerful in that land. From my heart, Thank you for sharing!
I have no words! All I can do is pray.
Bless you. I love Israelis, Jews and I’m allowing Holy Spirit during my designated wwp time to pray through me for He knows all. Pray Terry and Max get safely home as well as praying for you and Shelli’ s safety there as you minister to the brokenhearted. And then travel home. I am so glad for your blogs, it brings more compassion for our brothers and sisters there. I love you all. I have seen no negative posts on fb from my friends regarding Israel. I pray they know not to believe the mainstream news here. Pray Congress will have a day of prayer for Israel. And a change of heart toward the people they are supposed to be representing! Merry Christmas to you both , may it be extra special!
Our hearts absorb what your heart has seen and heard. We are impacted in a very deep way. Thank you Sister Billye. Marty and. Susan Gilbert. WWP’s. Prayer watchers. Newark, Tx.
Thank you for the guidance words of prayer how we should be praying for Israel. I wrote them down to help me pray on our 15 minute watch hour prayers.
Praying for you and your group. Love your blog. Thank you.
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh.
Praying and fully believing Hashem guide each footstep and the Word be fulfilled according to His will.
Nesiah tova
Shalom Shalom
Oh thank you Billye. PRAYING!!!
Praying. GOD is, FAITHFULL!
Thank you so much , Miss Billye for giving us your thoughts and for taking the time to write. Your writing is amazing. So heartfelt.
You have taken us in to Israel’s heart. I will pray with God’s grace daily for them and their military. Oh there pained hearts and vexed souls. I hurt for them
Love, Kim Wear.
Standing with you Sister Billye. Mindful of Israel and in Prayer
Thank you for giving us first hand accounts that we can trust, as you always do. Over and over again I am reminded of the cry of Kim Clement when he was doing his “boots on the ground” prayer watch on Israel’s border!
“Israel is forever!” God bless and keep you till you return home safe and sound! In the name of Jesus, protected by the blood of Christ.
Sooo heartbreaking and sad to hear of the pure evil done to beautiful people. Thank you for your honest reporting and for keeping us in the prayer loop. I’m certainly in prayer with you for all your points and we will continue (Christmas or not) to pray UNTIL it is over. We are as much part of their army as they are, just on the other side of the world, but one in spirit.
Safe travels and may you have a Blessed, comforted (It’s not easy hearing or reading about these atrocities) and rested Christmas time there.
May the peace of God, the comfort of the Holy Spirit and the Grace of our Lord be with you all the way and all the days you are there.
In Him
Thank you for taking us with you.
Praying constantly 💛
Thankyou Billye and Shelli and Guy for going back to the kibbutz again the 2nd time. It reminded us of what Jesus done going back to the temple of destructive things in there. the 2nd time. It’s so hard to take in what you saw. Yous are very strong and courageous . The Lord Adonai bless yous and keep yous over Christmas in israel. Thankyou for comforting and speaking tenderly to the Jewish people you meet each day They need people like yerselves. Much love from Ireland
Thank you for sharing
Thank you for sharing with us. I know we can’t begin to imagine what they have been through nor what they have seen. Let them know that they are being prayed for and prayed over with love, as well as you and your family.
Thank you for sharing Billye. We are definitely praying!
Shalom Shalom Dr. Billye.
Praising FATHER and greatly rejoicing in the rescue of the four hostages. While the horrors of October 7.Kibbutz Be’eri. and continuing war encompasses more than we can fully comprehend. we have prayed the requests given at the closing of your Blog and trusting Yahweh to continue to move in HIS perfect timing. FATHER’S loving kindness to you in your dedication and love shown unto HIM in all you do.