Gold Coast Australia

Oh! I meant to do this so much earlier. But we have been busy!
I am so conscious of the “strength” with which the Lord has strengthened me.

I am literally “delighted,” and even thrilled with my very evident injection of divine strength. I am standing to minister for rather lengthy services (my own doing!)
Ministering with the laying on of hands for impartation.

On our Wednesday Moed calls He has said so much which applied to this trip (and of course applicable to all). For instance on the early call 6-14-23, He spoke “Be strong” three times and then he gave Daniel 10:19.

19 And he (Gabriel) said, “O man greatly loved, fear not, peace be with you; be strong and of good courage.” And as he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, “Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.”(ESV)

In His giving the Daniel scripture I was made to know that just as Daniel was strengthened when Gabriel spoke, “Be strong,” I was (we were) strengthened when He gave the preceding scriptures!

And then twice He gave Isaiah 46:4. I’ll let you check that one out! (click here to listen)

We have kept quite a pace.
California     2 meetings
Gosford Au  3 meetings
Sydney          2 meetings
Melbourne   3 meetings (flew cross-continent to Perth)
Perth             9 meetings (Shelli took 2 early mornings) (flew back across to Gold Coast).

We are at the Gold Coast now.
Lovely apartment with a Pacific Ocean view and a couple of days rest.
Drive tomorrow to Brisbane and Rhema Church
Then Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast with all its meetings
River Church,
ICFM Conference with all its meetings
(click here to view Dr. Billye’s itinerary)

Fly back to California July 9
Fly to Washington D.C. for ministry at CUFI on July 16.

At every church we find “All-In” pastors and leaders.
Hungry congregations.
Praying congregations.

Margaret Smith-Court’s Victory Life Church in Perth has a beautiful new prayer tower. It operates like we will in Israel. Places for pray-ers to stay and pray around the clock.
Indonesians were there when we were there. Indonesia, the largest Muslim nation has 120 prayer towers connected with Margaret’s prayer tower.
We zoom-call-prayed with believers in Indonesia.

Margaret holds more Grand-Slam event wins (64) than any other tennis player male or female. You should get her new biography. What a story. And Barry’s father, Sir Charles Court was Premier of Western Australia (the largest state, Texas would fit in it three times). Sir Charles was a dedicated Christian whom the Lord led in mining and agriculture development that made WA one of the leading economies in the world. We watched many huge ships lined up in Perth harbor to carry grain around the world. Blessings! Their church, Bible College, and missionary activities around the world are evidence of God’s hand upon them.

Brother Hagin, in prophesying about the great move of God and the Spirit’s anointing said it would be “fueled by prayer, fired by the Spirit, ignited by the Glory.” I am sure the Aussie believers will provide fuel to the move Wigglesworth prophesied that would reach around the world which I came here on my 11th trip to declare. Here’s what the Lord said to me on June 21 while I was in Sydney.

This is the season for the prophesied Move of God.
Speak it forth with boldness.
You are here for two reasons.

    1. To proclaim this is the season for the Wigglesworth prophecy.
    2. To strengthen once again the divine tie of Australia, New Zealand and these Southlands of the Holy Spirit with Israel.

The light travelled through the world to this the uttermost part of the earth. From here it will burst forth throughout the world and back to Jerusalem making it Full Circle.

I was connected with this prophecy through David Duplessis. (It’s a long supernatural story.) And that’s why I came here for the first trip. And now, the Lord said when He told me to come this time it would be my last trip. I came to declare: It is time!


The Prophecy as Given in Australia
(Probably sometime in the 1940s)

“Suddenly, Smith stopped preaching and told me (Pr Norm) to come out of the toilet. Then he laid hands on me and started prophesying over me.” He said, “Australia you have been chosen by God for a great move of the Holy Spirit. This move of God will be the greatest move of God ever known in mankind’s history and will start towards the end of the 20th century and move into the 21st century. This move of God will start a great revival in Australia, spread throughout the whole world and usher in the second coming of Jesus. This will be the final revival before the coming of the Lord.”


The Prophecy as related to me by David Duplessis
In three days of his personal teaching to about six of us.

David took my blazer by the lapels and demonstrated how Smith Wigglesworth took hold of his lapels and prophesied this great move in Australia, the uttermost part of the world.
Smith said there would first be a move of the Spirit, then a move of the teaching of the Word, and then this final move of the Word and the Spirit together. He gave David instructions as to his part in the Move of the Spirit. (Ministry to Catholic and older main line denominations. This came to pass and David gave us the details.) He said Australia had never known a nation-wide move of God, but this would be it and spread from the uttermost part of the earth throughout the globe and back to Jerusalem. This laying on of David Duplessis’ hands and instruction sent me here. It is so good to be a sent one.



I cannot express the help Shelli, Lynn, and Isaac are in the service of the Lord on this demanding circle of Australia. I call on Shelli to share at different points in most meetings. And she took the early morning sessions as Margaret Courts. I was especially thankful for this after having done the prayer call at 1 AM Perth time. The people are so ministered to through her anointed ministry. They know I am not coming back. And they practically “beg” her to say she will be back. And I know she will. Australia has been in her heart. She and Bob (who now lives in Heaven) actually contemplated moving here. I told her she CANNOT do that now.

Lynn is a whiz at all business items, personal needs, etc. She and Isaac carried over 9 suitcases, most filled with books. Most are now in the hands of people who will be blessed by them. I told her, I would not have done it when Pastor Dale Smith asked her to do it. But she felt people would be blessed and cheerfully she did it. In the Los Angeles airport they had to make a transfer without trolleys. Isaac has hopped quickly to the platform every time I’ve called on him. When I taught on the future of the Church, he shared about his trips to heaven. And I am amazed at how he also quickly moves to help with luggage, and everything else.

Remember the Bible “from that day forward” statute. Those who stay by the stuff share part and part alike with those who go down to the battle. That is you! Thank you partners in the Lord’s service.

1 Samuel 30:24, 25
24 For who will hearken unto you in this matter? but as his part is that goeth down to the battle, so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff: they shall part alike. 25 And it was so from that day forward, that he made it a statute and an ordinance for Israel unto this day.


Shalom, Shalom,

Dr. Billye Brim






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  1. Karen Rodriquez on June 29, 2023 at 11:46 am

    The meetings have been such a BLESSING to watch
    The fulfilling of prophecies praise the Lord!

  2. Gladys Scott on June 29, 2023 at 11:59 am

    I am so amazed at the glorious news you’re sending out Ms Billye. These are the wonderful works of God, and I’m so glad to be a part of the end time move of God with you, your family and the WWP’S. Whatever God is doing in the earth and where He has assigned me, I want to be in on it!
    Thank you for your obedience and your service to the King Ms.(momma) Billye, as a woman of God being a demonstration longevity and integrity in the Spirit.
    May you continue in the glorious wonders of the work of the Lord!

  3. Paul on June 29, 2023 at 12:00 pm

    Thank you for the update Billye. I am lifting you and your team up each day in prayer.

  4. Wendy Vogel on June 29, 2023 at 12:01 pm

    Thank you for sharing and keeping us updated on all the happenings of your travels. I am so glad I listened to the Lord and sent what I could to help you and your family go minister Gods word to Australia. I was happy and so excited to do so. Please tell those dear ones in Australia that they are loved here in the USA!

    Sending you and your family prayers , love and big hugs 🤗

    Your Partner,

  5. Janette Ellis Suydam on June 29, 2023 at 12:10 pm

    I always love reading of your adventures with the Lord, Mother Billye! I read and re-read Road to Prayer Mountain. You always are a blessing! I wish you could come to my church here in Yulee, Florida. River of Praise Church. It is a Church of God, with Pastor Larry Osborne. We are a mid-sized congregation, and mostly senior citizens, but have some younger folks & youth as well.
    Love in Jesus to you and your family
    Janette Ellis Suydam

  6. Teri Borst on June 29, 2023 at 12:35 pm

    Sister Billye, you have been preparing your whole life for this trip. God amazes me, truly! May the Lord keep you and Brother Max and your families strong and protected while you are speaking the Word of the Lord to our brethren in Australia and the Middle East. The Wednesday morning prayer calls have been such a strength and encouragement to me in my earth walk.

    Shalom, Shalom!

  7. Shelley Hughes on June 29, 2023 at 12:39 pm

    What a wonderful, wonderful update. Been praying for your safety. Right before getting this note, the news came to me that the Supreme Court just issued two MONUMENTAL rulings. To net it out, the coach who took a knee in prayer in the middle of the field after a game IS ALLOWED by the constitution to do so. Thank you Father God….an answer to prayer. Then, they issued another ruling that the Postman who refused to work on The Lord’s Day was within his rights to do so with impunity. As YOU would say “oh what a planner, oh what a plan”. I am so excited I can barely sit still to write this. I am so grateful that OUR GOD REIGNS!” God bless an keep you all safe the remainder of the trip and far beyond.

    • Kim Glynn on June 29, 2023 at 1:59 pm

      WOW! I Weep with THE PRESENCE of Papa God over this GLORY report Dear Billye!
      Mike & I have been speaking over this AMAZING JOURNEY from Alabama!!

      Kingdom In Motion

  8. Kim Glynn on June 29, 2023 at 1:58 pm

    WOW! I Weep with THE PRESENCE of Papa God over this GLORY report Dear Billye!
    Mike & I have been speaking over this AMAZING JOURNEY from Alabama!!

    Kingdom In Motion

  9. Rachel Joseph on June 29, 2023 at 2:09 pm

    Thank you for the update. Covering You all in Prayers for this trip.

    Rachel Joseph- UK.

    • Mary B on June 29, 2023 at 9:37 pm

      Amen 🙏🏼

  10. Kim on June 29, 2023 at 3:10 pm

    Praise God for the wonderful report! I’ve searched on YouTube for every meeting I can find while you’re in Australia. They have been powerful! I’m continuing to pray for you, Shelli, Lynn and Isaac, for supernatural strength. 🙏💕🙏💕🙏💕

  11. Myrna Williams on June 29, 2023 at 3:29 pm

    Oh, thank you so much sister Billye for going and moving in the plan and purpose of our dear Father God in Jesus name. I praise Him for renewing your strength daily and being your voice as you minister to the multitudes. I am praying to be just like you as I grow in the Lord and minister the truth in word and Spirit right where I am when ever the opportunity arises. In my church, small groups, neighborhoods, marketplaces and wherever He leads me. I am so thankful that God has chosen me to be a part of Wednesday Moed, WWPS. As you always say, we who are on the calls are chosen and I really do believe it. He is calling us to Go now in faith amen!

  12. Victoria Fletcher on June 29, 2023 at 4:43 pm

    Thank you for the update! I have watched some of your meetings online and have been blessed by the Word! God is doing great things. I join the prayer calls using the archive facility and it is wonderful to be a part of what God is doing in these days and the words He is speaking to the body of Christ around the world
    God bless you and all your teams

  13. Cathy Bruce on June 29, 2023 at 7:31 pm

    Hearts are full and on fire here in Australia, loving you all being here Ms Billye, Shelli, Lynn and Isaac. So much pride for our boys the 800 lighthorseman liberating Israel, so special. So excited we have another week with you all praise God for the Glory to carry us all into His end of days woohoo. Australia for Jesus. Xx

  14. Mary B on June 29, 2023 at 9:36 pm

    I am so thankful to be reading this update! I will be praying for Australia and you all 🙏🏼

  15. Lilian on June 30, 2023 at 6:14 am

    I’m so thankful for sharing with us what the Lord is doing in Australia.

    May you continue to exude with His joy and strength.

    Praying for you and all the team 🙏

    Lilian (London UK)

  16. Pam B. on June 30, 2023 at 5:05 pm

    Dear Sister Billye, Shelli, Lynn and Isaac,

    I am so excited for you being right in the center of God’s will with this visit to Australia! Thank you for letting us sow into the trip by helping to send Lynn and Isaac. I am so grateful to God for sending you into my life all the years ago through the BVOV daily broadcasts! Thank you for the opportunity to sow into all your ministry and family. Thank you for sharing them with us!
    And the Pray-ers! If it were not for Prayer Mountain and Moed Wednesdays, where would I be? I keep thinking of how Dean Braxton described our prayers racing up to heaven and I picture the Holy Spirit ‘downloading’ to us as laser-like streams of fire coming down at the same time.
    Oh Australia! We are putting holes in the fabric of the enemy’s kingdom cover of darkness! How great a privilege it is for you to tear that dark veil completely in half all the way around the world with the Holy Spirit! Get ready to soar on the wings of our great Advocate and Comforter!
    We are glad God sent Sister Billye and family members to you. Don’t be sad that this is her last visit – let there be great and thunderous rejoicing!
    When we pray, we actually are together in the spirit – how wonderful it will be when we meet together face to face in the presence of our Lord Jesus!
    But we miss the Brims and will be glad to have them home soon!
    Sister Billye, Shelli, Lynn, Isaac – though it won’t be for a few days – WELCOME HOME!
    Shalom, Shalom!
    Pam from Elkins, AR

  17. CAROLE RAMBO on July 1, 2023 at 10:10 am

    PTL may God continue to bless you all. Thanks for update 🙂

  18. Brendan Johnston on July 1, 2023 at 7:57 pm

    Good Value, Billye, Shelli, Lynn and Isaac thank you so much for being willing servants and vessels of our LORD’s Kingdom plans and resources for this Nation of Australia, New Zealand and the Island Regions.
    The prophetic declarations for this Region are clear well defined and requiring the Church, His Body, to obey, follow and release what the Holy Spirit has been given, and not just be spectators.
    You have been chosen and equipped to give us the keys and tools to accomplish such at this time for what is ahead…His Love and His Glory.
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you and we look forward to what you Shelli will next bring to this Nation in the future as Ma’am Billye will direct from Prayer Mountain and Migdal Arbel.
    Onwards & Upwards…Enjoying the Journey as Jesus Leads.
    Brendan (Canberra, Australia)

  19. Rose Marry Harris on July 1, 2023 at 11:12 pm

    Bless Sister Billye. On todays live stream from River Church morning service I heard you mention my name.
    If it’s not true please forgive me.
    I did write a comment saying I would be at the conference at the Gold Coast.
    I felt Holy Spirit point out your comment this morning. Ros
    I won’t be there till Tuesday afternoon.
    My husband agreed to come with me to help me with hearing things.
    Thank you for being a wonderful blessing to us all.

  20. Nancy Knaus on July 26, 2023 at 2:15 pm

    Du Plessis would be sent to minister to Catholics. Yes I was there. I have Jordan in my heart. Yes, see Max going from glory to glory. All good works of God. Thrilling.

  21. Nancy Knaus on July 26, 2023 at 2:16 pm

    De Plessis would be sent to minister to Catholics.

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