“for this cause many are weak and sickly among you…”- Word of Faith Magazine | Kenneth Hagin | 10-01-1973
There are some things in the 11th chapter of 1 Corinthians I want to share with you. And oh, I would to God that you could see it. It is so important that you do. It can mean the difference in how long you live on this earth. It can either shorten or lengthen your life; according to what you do with it.
As we read the passage together, my comments are in parentheses:
My Divine Health and Healing Scriptures | Dr. Billye Brim | 03/18/2020
My Divine Health and Healing Scriptures. Psalm 89:34 (KJV)My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of My lips.Psalm 103 (ArtScrolls)Bless HaShem O my soul,And all that is within me bless His Holy NameBless HaShem O my soul,And forget not all His kindnesses.He forgave all my sins.He healed all my diseases.He redeemed my life from the pit.He crowned me with chesed and mercy.He satisfies me with good so that my youth is renewed as the eagle.
Read MoreCross-Over | Dr. Billye Brim | 10/18/2016
Cross-Over Prophecy given to Dr. Billye Brim on December 18, 2016 And about the Crossing-Over and the Changing [Referring to Dr. Gary Wood’s Word that he read] it is because the Unseen is coming over into the Seen Now. The Unseen realm is coming degree by degree into the Seen. And after all those things…
Read MoreCross-Over Time | Dr. Gary Wood | 10/02/2016
Cross-Over Time Prophecy given to Dr. Gary Wood on October 02, 2016 and then read by Him at the Miracle and Healing 3rd Sunday Service on December 18, 2016 It’s Crossover-Time. Prepare to experience something — A MOVE OF GOD THAT’S NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. Set your House in Order. Get yourself ready to experience miracles…
Read MoreThe Glory | Dr. Billye Brim | 10/18/2016
The Glory Prophecy by Dr. Billye Brim at the Miracle and Healing 3rd Sunday Service on December 18, 2016 And now you have met here today to mark an anniversary. It has not been long as Heaven sees time, just a few minutes, but in that earthly climb, it’s a special year— “50!” It holds…
Read MoreLongmont | Kenneth E. Hagin | 10/01/1974
Longmont Prophecy by Kenneth E. Hagin on October 01, 1974 “No, the time of the end is not yet. No, America is not doomed,” I heard Him say. “No, judgment will not fall as yet. Some have seen some things in the spirit and didn’t know how to interpret it. They interpreted it as happening…
Read MoreThe End of the Age | Kenneth E. Hagin | 1980
The End of the Age Prophecy by Kenneth E. Hagin in 1980 The end of the age is coming upon this generation. The powers of darkness, the forces of evil are rampant as never before and they will be increased in intensity and velocity. And even many Christians will see and look upon these things…
Read MoreThe New Breed | Kenneth E. Hagin | 02/17/1975
The New Breed Prophecy by Kenneth E. Hagin during Prayer Seminar on February 17, 1975 The Word of the Lord came unto me further saying: Prophesy thou unto this people and say thou unto them: Like a mighty army, like a mighty army, like the tramping of a mighty army, the forces of evil are…
Read MorePrayer For Our Nation | Kenneth E. Hagin | 01/31/1983
Prayer for Our Nation Kenneth E. Hagin prayed the following at a prayer meeting held on the Rhema Campus on January 31, 1983. You follow me and let’s agree: Heavenly Father, we come again tonight. We come in the Name of Jesus — not our name, not our power, not our holiness, not even our…
Read MoreA New Dimension of Prayer | Kenneth E. Hagin | 10/20/1983
A New Dimension of Prayer Tongues and Interpretation: Because, thus saith the Spirit of God: “There are some important facts that you need to learn. There are some important truths and facets of truth that you have not seen before. And you’ll see it from a little different light. And a little light will shine…
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