The Glory | Dr. Billye Brim | 10/18/2016

The Glory

Prophecy by Dr. Billye Brim at the Miracle and Healing 3rd Sunday Service on December 18, 2016

And now you have met here today to mark an anniversary. It has not been long as Heaven sees time, just a few minutes, but in that earthly climb, it’s a special year— “50!” It holds meaning as clear as wedding anniversaries and other dates; people celebrate fifty. That is the number of the Holy Ghost. Fifty is the number of the Spirit. And so you are here today, and you are going to know from this point on—this day marks a time! From this day on you will notice a change in the clime:
More of the Spirit; more of the grace; more of the Spirit as you live in this place.

You have seen things change recently on the political scene. You’ve seen things change more than you’ve ever seen. You have not witnessed the changes that are about to be, but always remember the greatest change is to be thee. A change, a change, a change from glory to glory, more and more of the Spirit you shall manifest—and earth shall be blessed with the manifestation of the sons of God!

This day, this day marks the date! Circle it on your calendar and see if things don’t change exponentially. Live in the Spirit so that you can experience the most that I have planned for this hour for My grace, My glory, and My power.

The first place you can expect to see the change is in your face. Yes, in your face the glory will first show. The people that you know will say, “Why do you look younger?” Even wrinkles will fade away. [Gary, come here and hold my hand. This face was rebuilt. Rebuilt! I was thinking of this yesterday, how he looks so young! His face was rebuilt.] I’m rebuilding all of your faces. And people will see the glory of the Lord revealed in thee first on your face. And when they make remarks, be sure to say, “It is God’s glory and grace. Hallelujah!”

We will all start to hear it but be sure to declare something supernatural is happening. And in your bodies the healings will take place. The problems that you had visited the doctor for they will say, “I don’t know; it just seemed to have gone away.” Praise God! It begins in your spirit and works out through your soul but even in the end our bodies will be in the control of the glory of the Lord.


  1. Janie Johnson on April 21, 2019 at 5:29 pm

    Gods glory shong in our face, that’s what I have always said…when even my family says you look younger. For I know Gods presence shines upon us and we seem rejuvinated!! We love if Lord whom has saved our soul and Now his glorious light shines upon us!! Sister Janie

  2. Margaret Sirleaf on May 13, 2021 at 7:37 am

    Praise You Lord. Glory be unto you Father. Thank you for your Glory being amongst us Amen Amen Amen ????

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