Autumn Assembly 2019
Sometimes you leave a meeting, “hoping” what the Lord wanted was accomplished. But with this meeting, I left each session comfortable in my inner man with trusting that His purposes were reached as we worked together with Him.
The company of pray-ers seemed to be spiritually mature like those Paul speaks of in the following:
1Cor. 2:6 Yet when we are among the full-grown (spiritually mature Christians who are ripe in understanding), we do impart a [higher] wisdom (the knowledge of the divine plan previously hidden); ….
When I taught, I sensed this and was free to share the meat of the Word concerning the “Purposes of the Ages.”
Brother Copeland, Lynne Hammond, Chip Brim, Hannah, Kylie and the worship team, and others the Lord used, ministered with strong anointings, which carried us into high places. Brenda interrupted the Sunday afternoon meeting with a sound of intercession that literally caused “the power to fall” as the old-timers say. Tony and the ministry of helps team ministered in divine love to all who came. Jared and Rebekah, Branden and Destanie opened the meetings with warmth of spirit.
And then there was…..
The “Beside the Tent” Meeting
When Rani Levy gave an update on Israel Saturday night, he did what is easy to do when speaking a language not your mother tongue. He mixed his metaphors. He knew he wasn’t getting it quite right, because he smiled when he said, “It’s like the icing on the pudding.”
Of course, the metaphors are: “the icing on the cake” and “the proof of the pudding is in the eating.”
Well, the icing on the cake for me happened on Monday at the “beside the tent meeting.”
Here’s the backstory. For a couple of weeks the weather forecast showed rain on tent meeting Monday. So—at the on-line Wednesday noon prayer the week before Autumn Assembly, we used our habitational authority to stop the rain.
It worked. The day was beautiful.
However, the night before was a different story.
Really wicked weather was stirred up in the atmosphere in the greater Branson area. Hotels woke up their guests and instructed them to go to sheltered areas. Brenda and Tony heard the infamous train sound at their home in Arkansas not far from Prayer Mountain.
On Prayer Mountain itself, Terry said it was the strongest wind he’d seen in twenty years. They looked out the window and leaves were tempestuously blowing in a circular pattern. He said to Lynn, “Satan is trying to drop a tornado on Prayer Mountain. Use your authority!” He said she really went after it. And it calmed down.
The only damage seen was to the tent. And it was nothing permanent. The tent people said it wasn’t really damaged, but there wasn’t time to bring a crew and reset it up to safety standards.
So—Terry and our crew worked from about 3am to get things ready to receive a thousand or so people who would be coming to hear the Prophet share what he’d received about 2020 and to work together in prayer. When it was decided we needed to meet outside, people who’d arrived for the meeting were drafted to set up folding chairs.
The power was knocked out. Our lone generator was old and not in working order. Terry rented a generator, but when it got there, it had to be repaired. Just before the Homestead Pickers arrived it looked like they would have to sing with no amplification. But, just in time, we had a sound system rigged up.
And—the day was glorious!!! It was wonderful sitting outside in the beauty of the Ozarks.
Brother Copeland said that the attack was the work of the higher order of “wicked spirits in the heavenlies.”
On Tuesday, I prayed about it for at the end of the oh-so-glorious Sunday afternoon Holy Ghost meeting, we had exercised our authority against storms forecast for the night.
As I prayed, I saw that the highest echelons of the evil kingdom had strategized to aim their biggest weaponry, not only at the tent, but at the whole of Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks. They aimed to take out all our buildings. And they aimed to discredit the power of The Authority of the Believer. They did this because they are so frightened of the power of prayer. And of the growing company of those who know their authority and how to use it.
Brother Copeland saw this too and he said, “He couldn’t even blow the tent down.”
Despite their best evil efforts, they couldn’t even blow down the tent!!!
Now for “the cherry on top!”
A gentleman at the “beside the tent meeting” noticed how we need generators. He has met with Terry and asked what we need in the way of generators for the buildings at Prayer Mountain! He has generously offered to provide them!!! And he has the expertise to do so.
A long time ago, Terry had generators on his list of things he was believing for at Prayer Mountain. But other things took priority, and the generators were moved to the back burner. My how it blessed Terry!
How it inspired his faith! To hear how the Lord through His faithful servant would in His wonderful way turn what the devil meant for evil into something marvelously good!!!!!!!
And in thinking about all this, I see how at so many times in my own life this happened. What the devil meant for evil, the Lord turned it to good!!!!!!! I know you have the same testimony. Glory to His Name!!!!!
Shalom and Blessings
Billye Brim
P.S. Branden and Destanie will minister at A Glorious Church Fellowship in Collinsville, OK. This Sunday, October 27 at 10:00 a.m. 915 N. 19th Street.
P.P.S. We are offering the recorded services of The Autumn Assembly of Prayer in the following ways; MP3, MP4, CD, DVD. Please be patient with us, as it may take us a little time to have them edited and formatted. Click here to purchase today!
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Thanks for taking the time to obey//
oh how I love all of you!!!! what a glorious testimonial. inwas
It was a glorious conference. I enjoyed the sun being outside on Monday. It bathed my face with such a good feeling of warmth. I am eternally grateful to be there with the saints praying united.
Autumn Assembly is always the highlight of the year with a download of anointing…every year higher, like Lynn said. Thank you, Billye, all your beautiful family & all staff for cooperating with God to HELP the prayers.
Oh my!!!! As violent and relentless as His love is toward us…….such is His power over the elements with intention of destroying our time before Him…..and at the feet of His annointed! God bless you Billye Brim!!! Thank you for your teaching and the warrior spirit that is ever present in you! Loved spending time in Branson amidst God’s army! Love you!!!!
This was my first meeting with Billey Brim and God did not disappoint. I was honored and blessed by worishp,speakers, and of course Miss Billey. I came back from this power packed meeting with a whole new attitude of prayer and anointing. Our God is limitless in blessing His people. Thank you all for all you do.
Happy birthday to you brenda;be supernatural blessed
Praise be to God for His mighty delivering power!!
Glory, Glory, Glory!!
So thankful you received the generators. Sunday was beyond awesome!
Praise the Lord for being so faithful and showing us once again that He is the Almighty and Powerful God that conquers all. Thanks be to everyone that is faithful to our Lord and in prayers and thank you Billy Brim for your obedience and love for the Lord that allows us to receive those benefits and blessings from your teaching and sharing the Lord’s word. His truth that sets us free and gives us strength to follow Him. Hallelujah!
On August 7, 2019, during my early morning prayer time for my city and the “first of all” prayers for President Trump and the USA, I was surprised to hear in my spirit, “Declare and decree, AOC+ 3 will cease to be.” I thought it was a little weird but I shared it with a prayer partner and one of my pastors. I declared and decreed almost every day since then. How exciting to get a confirmation that I did indeed hear those words correctly, when on Monday, 10/21, at Prayer Mtn, I heard Brother Copeland speak, “Those four will be no more!” It was a powerful meeting! Praise God! Thank you for your Ministry. Shalom.
Janet Smith, What a blessed confirmation for me to know my prayers are in unity with others here as one of the pray-ers! I’ve been praying the same regarding the 4. I’ve prayed for their salvation, but if no repentance , then, move them out of the way and go away!
What is the 4?
ACC +3
I listen to Sis Billie on KCM often.
Would like to know about the prayer call… dates and times!
Blessings Galore in Jesus!!!
Drjfromva@ gmail. com
It would take too much time and space to share all my husband and I took from this meeting! Suffice it to say, it was life changing! Thanks again for all you all do! Much love and prayers coming your way!
So thankful you live streamed autumn assembly!! I was tremendously impacted by it!! Love you all so much!!
My husband and I had been planning to attend Autumn Assembly since we came last year, had our reservations since February. We so looked forward to it. In early September Bob lost his job, but we registered in faith. At the end of September our adult daughter had emergency surgery, quite serious, and we received word our sister-in-law’s home going service was the Saturday during the meeting. Not to be deterred, as you have taught us to take our authority, we watched the services online. You could sense the electricity in the air.i know God has great things in store for us or the devil would not have hit us so hard. God is healing our daughter; our sister-in-law is in Heaven, and we will emerge from this with a better job to pay off all debt. Thank you, Ms Billie, for your faithfulness to the pray-era.
I was healed from a painful leg ailment the night Brenda came up and began her sound of intersession.Praise God! I danced for the first time in a while after that!
Thank you, Sister Billye, for all you do! We didn’t get to come to the meetings, but was able to catch a few on line. Most definitely looking forward to watching all them!
I was so blessed by every service. Thank you to all the Autumn Assembly workers , singers and musicians. The anointing was so palpable. That was a beautiful time in the Lord.
Could not come…but was great on line. Jared wife can really sing. I am very greatful to know there are good prayer warriors. God has got them stationed all over!
We were so glad we are new two by two newbies – we made most of the campmeeting and bought a home in nearby Hollister and will move soon. Glory!
It was a glorious time! Focus, the meat of the word, instant heavenly downloads and they are still come! Grateful for the precious company of believers! ????????????????????????????
I have loved what I heard of it …it was SO POWERFUL! Seeing the outworking Of it in Australia…❤️
Shalom spiritual mom Billye Brim, praying in spirit in agreement with you and breakthrough for you and our families and for President Trump no weapons formed against him shall prosper Isaiah 54:17. No impeachment in Yeshua name and we forgive everyone and forgive ourselves in advance. All assignments is broken as we take our seat in the heavenly s. Father in Yeshua name we call forth warrior angles to protect our president Trump right now with flaming swords to surround him 24 hours daily. Thank you Father in Yeshua name that I call forth secret agent angles to arrest the enemies of God we blind emeny off those minds set strongholds that lied to those who are against righteousness that they hear voice of Lord and come to know Yeshua as personal Lord savoir rooted and grounded in firm foundation of deep deep deep Love gives you True Love Lord all glory and honor in Jesus name amen. John 3:16. Mark 11:22-25. Isaiah 53. Psalms 91:1-16. Psalms 100. We praise you Lord thank you so deeply in advance amen. Eph.3:20. Phil. 4:19. Shalom Shalom
I love feeling part of the brim family.i have a prayer request for healing of my tummy and bowel disease also rheumatoid arthritis. I’m in a lot of pain.would like if you will agree with me for healing. Thank you ..
The power and the sound of the Holy Spirit was manifested in a miraculous way stirring hearts to see the great awakening of God in 2020!
Didn’t get to watch In it’s entirety, what I was able to watch was such a Blessing!
Interested in learning more about being able to have 1 “square foot” in BBM in Israel ???? Love You Billye!
I am so grateful that Kylie ministered to families of prodigal children on Sunday afternoon. I totally did not see that coming, to be ministered to in such a profoundly deep and personal way by the Lord. Of all the wonderful moments during the week, that was the one I will never forget-it changed us.
Thank you for your news. I appreciate knowing the events and happenings among you
What an experience! His violent and relentless love toward us was so evident in the warriors who stood before us and revealed His might an Glory! He is preparing us for things to come!! Requiring the weaponry of His wisdom an battle strategy…..thank you Billye Brim…..thank you. Love you.
Need to change my email address from
To one listed below
Dear Prayer Mountain Warriors!
Mike & I were on another Assignment in Texas returning Sunday later Afternoon…
We were Awakened by HOLY SPIRIT Early Monday AM & Knew This Strategy was Against Prayer Mountain and were Co-Labors’ With You And The Angel Armies of THE KINGDOM of Our MOST HIGH GOD!
The Glynn’s
I was blessed watching online, things came up that didn’t allow us be there physically. I will purchase one of the media venues to catch what I missed. Thank you for all that you and your family are doing. I have enjoyed your teachings for years!!
Thank you so much for letting those of us who couldn’t be there in body still get to “attend the meetings.” We were able to partake live over tv, roku, and your live program. I attended every day! What a blessing.
Even though I was not able to be in Branson, I felt the anointing and heard what God was saying to the church today! Thank you! Thank you!
I was so intrigued and blessed by everyone i was able watch online @ Facebook live
Thank you Pastor Billye Brim for your wonderful teaching, May God bless you and continue using you.
There was a unity and power in our assembly that caused the Glory to fall. We had a strength and confidence in exercising our authority as believers led by the Holy Spirit. Much work was done. I still am marveling over our time together. Sitting in my authority every morning to rule and reign. Thank you for such a wonderful conference!
Dear Sister Billye and your wonderful family and staff. Thank you for this wonderful time in prayer. I came to the conference spiritually and physically exhausted. I was feeling so disconnected and discouraged. Sister Lynne’s teaching and time on soaking were just what I needed. The Lord reminded me that it is the effective, fervent prayer that avails much. Soaking makes our prayer so much more effective. I left filled with hope that my breakthrough is on it’s way. We stopped for lunch with friends after the tent meeting. As we were parting from our friends we prayed. After our prayer a man in the restaurant came up to me with a word from the Lord. It was a confirmation and an encouragement. God is so good. My heart is so full and I have been sharing so much of what I heard at the conference with my church and with my pastor son for his church. I am so grateful for all you and your family do for me and for the kingdom of God. Blessings
We were so blessed to watch autumn assembly meetings livestream and to hear update on Migdal Galilee. To stand on this ground with Shelli your daughter. was powerful this year
Much love to you mama Billye. God bless from Mary and Norman. Ireland
Yes, “What the devil meant for evil, the Lord turned it to good!!!!!!” Ten days before the conference, the enemy tried to take our 18 yr. old grandson, again. But this opened the door for us to take him in to our home, with him wanting to change and allowing us to help him.
Not knowing when he would be released from the hospital, we made our trip to Branson, even though I could get the call at any time to pick him up. Miss Barbara arrived Monday evening and were able to help with AAofP set up on Tuesday, until I got the call that afternoon, and in less than 24 hrs. we were back on the road home to Texas. We were thankful for the time we were there.
We joined the conference via Roku, but disappointed we could not receive the tent meeting. I know God had another important mission on hand, that was an answer to prayer. I have him in church and participating in our life group. There has been many in our church pouring into him and I know he feels Gods love through them.
This is another testimony to the Power of Prayer! Thank you Miss Billye
I hadn’t seen the comments to approve them. They are on there now.
blessings Jan
Just wanted to say how blessed a was to attend online every service. I have a praise report, the night Max did the offering and he mentioned double. I gave in the offering and received money the very next day from a Family member.
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I have learned so much from your books…”helping the prayers” and “the Blood & the Glory”
You have been God’s tool to kick start my intercessory assignment.
Thank you so much. God loves you and we love you…!