A Tribute to Robert O. Naegele, Jr – Special Edition, Israel

A Tribute to Robert O. Naegele, Jr.
(His earth’s sojourn: 11/23/1939 – 11/7/2018)
A Passionate Believer, A Patriotic American, A Lover of Israel, And a truly dedicated lover of his wife, Ellis, their children and grandchildren, and all his family.

Kathleen Kaseman texted me the news of Bob’s homegoing. I’d recently talked with Bob and Ellis and knew he was in a battle. When I encouraged him to fight, I used the points of how we needed the continuance of his life-long love for and faithful contribution in so many ways to America and Israel. But then, of course, Ellis trumped everything I’d said with, “His grandchildren need him.”

In remembering Bob Naegele, I realize he was such a part of pivotal points in my life and ministry.

1979 Minneapolis
Bob and Ellis offered their home as a meeting place. I was bringing two Finnish people who’d shown up on the doorstep of Kenneth Hagin Ministries in Tulsa. Jim and Kathleen Kaseman were bringing a Finnish woman from their congregation in Willmar to translate.
Bob asked me to pray over the meal. That’s when I had an experience like only one other in my life. Something like a mantle dropped on me from heaven. Prophecy rolled from my mouth like a fountain. It lasted about 45 minutes. In it the Lord told us to take the Word of Faith into Russia. That Finland was a door… And just how to do it… Sally Thwaites captured much of it on a cassette recorder… And, of course, as they say, the rest is history.

1981 Finland and Russia
In all the ensuing years we went into the USSR, Finland was our door. This trip was the only one my husband, Kent, went on. It was winter, January, I think. The Finns swear by the sauna—and they pronounced it like sow’-oo-nah, with something like stars in their eyes. Bob and Kent went into the sauna together with some Finnish men. Kent told me he thought they were going to boil. Then they went out and rolled in the snow!!! When I heard Bob had gone to Heaven I wondered if he and Kent might laugh about this experience… Probably not.

1991 or so, Ariel, Israel
I took my first group to stay in the new hotel in Ariel, capital of what the world calls The West Bank. A building freeze was on. Mayor Ron Nachman came to speak to us. (Our first meeting of a long friendship.) He gave an impassioned speech ending with, “If you will collect from every Christian one dollar, we will go on building with or without…..” I said, “Mayor Nachman, I won’t do that, but someone gave me $5000 to, in his words, ‘plant somewhere in Israel.’ You may have that money with only one string attached. I don’t see any grapevines here in Ariel, Samaria, like the Bible says there should be one day. The only string is, plant some grape vines.” “No!” Ron Nachman, shouted, “You will plant the vines.” He staged a big to-do with the recently returned Russian senior citizen’s choir, and invited the press to observe as this fearless tour group from America planted grape vines in fulfillment of prophecy.” He gave certificates and printed tee shirts saying “I have fulfilled Bible Prophecy” with the Scripture Jeremiah 31:5,6. The “someone” who gave me the $5000 with instructions to “plant” it somewhere in Israel was Robert Naegele.

Through the Years
So many wonderful meetings. Trips. Telephone conversations re politics and elections both in the U.S. and in Israel.

February 2018, Washington D.C.
At the time of the National Prayer Breakfast, Shelli and I were invited to an affair hosted by a support group for Israel that Bob was active in. We were so glad to see him and as we were visiting, Bob said, “Have you met Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations?” I said, “No.”
At that he walked over to Ambassador Danny Danon and asked him to come meet us.

Bob will be missed by his friends and family, of course. But also America and Israel will miss his valuable, honest, faithful and powerful support and influence.


Shalom Good Friend to So Many

P.S. In letting my mind remember, I thought of a funny incident with Ellis. Sometime in the 1980s Kathleen Kaseman had invited my mother, my daughter, and me to be speakers at her wonderful annual women’s camp in Minnesota. On the way up we ate at a well-known restaurant in Minneapolis. When we got to the camp some 2 and ½ hours away, Mother discovered a table knife had fallen into her purse. You’d have to have known my mother’s penchant for absolute honesty and integrity. She adamantly insisted that on our way back she had to go to the restaurant and return the knife. Since we had a plane to catch and it required too much time to drive out of our way to the restaurant, I begged her to consider some other way of making this right. She would not budge. Ellis came to the rescue. She promised my mother that she would personally return the knife. I often wondered if when she returned it, the manager knew she was the wife of the owner of The Minnesota Wild hockey team.





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  1. Debra braudrick on November 11, 2018 at 5:07 pm

    Beautiful tribute!!! The population of Heaven is enlarging itself with precious loved ones!!

    • Jerry Inman on November 11, 2018 at 7:15 pm

      I always look forward to receiving your blog. We are living in an exciting time right before the Messiah returns.

  2. Linda Hagar on November 11, 2018 at 5:26 pm

    Beautiful tribute to Robert. He will be missed for sure but think if the reunion in Heaven. My my my. Heavens gates were opened wide. Hallelujah !
    I will be praying for Roberts family…❤️ ????

  3. Tracye on November 11, 2018 at 6:19 pm

    Thank you for sharing that with us. What a beautiful tribute to your friend. God bless you and yours.

  4. Sally Thwaites on November 11, 2018 at 6:21 pm

    Dearest Billie,
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful tribute to Bob.
    It’s difficult to get my mind around the fact he has moved to heaven.
    SOOOOO many of these special times together, I was with you….even that trip to Finland….I have so many pictures of that trip….Jim and I even shared the apartment with Bob…..and that day at their house in 1979….I still have my original transcribed copy of that recording….goes with me in my bible, ALWAYS!!!
    What an impact he and Ellis have had on SO MANY lives and nations!!!
    I consider myself BLESSED to be able to say he was my dear friend, and I’m looking forward to seeing him again real soon. I know he’s busy on the other side❤️ Love you dearly, Sally

    • Ruth Hamm on November 12, 2018 at 2:29 pm

      I would love to be able to see a copy of the transcription of that recording.

      • Jan Wurtz on November 12, 2018 at 4:37 pm

        Not sure what recording you are speaking about? Blessings Jan

        • Sandra Bass on November 14, 2018 at 11:58 am

          Jan, I believe the recording Ruth was speaking of if I’m not mistaken was the one that was partially recorded on cassette of Billye’s 45 minute long mantle laid prophecy mentioned above ❣️

  5. Jane Smith on November 11, 2018 at 10:03 pm

    Dear Billye,
    I love the way you are so personal with those who follow you. You have such a way of sharing that makes us( your followers) feel so much a part of your life. Yes, I have been to Finland and although I do not have the stories you have about caring bibles to Russia I can feel the ever present excitement that must have meant to you and your team. Thank you for letting us into your world. It always expands ours. You are a treasure!!! I love you so much.

    • Jan Wurtz on November 12, 2018 at 8:54 am

      Thank you Jane for your kind words and that you too have been to Finland, Blessings Jan

  6. Joanna on November 12, 2018 at 1:11 am

    Thank you for sharing! My own grandpa went home this year, also, and I feel like there’s a connection there. A timeliness to it. I really appreciated this post….

    My grandpa was a full blooded Finn from Minnesota, so the stories about saunas or even driving through the state made me think of him.

    I look forward to meeting Robert Naegele Jr., someday when we all get to the other side! He has indirectly blessed me through your ministry. God Bless you!

    • Jan Wurtz on November 12, 2018 at 8:51 am

      Thank you for sharing your touching story Joanna. Blessings Jan

  7. Lana Osborn on November 12, 2018 at 10:13 am

    What a wonderful legacy♥️

  8. Carol Gordon on November 12, 2018 at 12:33 pm

    The tour that planted the grapevines near Ariel was 1993. I was in that group. An amazing time!

  9. Sheila Murrell on November 13, 2018 at 3:31 pm

    A beautiful tribute!

  10. Ellis Naegele on December 29, 2018 at 9:13 pm

    Billye…thank you for your very special words to help me remember all of the great times that Bob and I had with you and your ministry. This has been a very hard 6 months for me and for our children and grandchildren. It happened so fast but, we have never felt such love. He is safe now and totally healed. Praise God!
    Ellis Naegele

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