The Power of Praying in Tongues


The Lord has emphasized to me, and I have been emphasizing in the platforms He has given us THE POWER OF PRAYING IN TONGUES.

As you know if you have been taking part in our prayer calls, or noon live-streamed prayer meeting, others have heard us in the languages of Arabic and German and have told us what we said. (I believe this is to demonstrate and encourage our faith in praying in tongues.)

So—I was not surprised when an old partner letter, January 2008, “just happened” to come to my daughter Brenda’s attention. It told of a dream I’d had in December 2007. The following is an excerpt from the partner letter.


The Dream

On the morning of December 11, I woke up during a dream, which I immediately sensed was spiritual.

There was a group of people. I recognized none of them. Two men stood out from the rest. One was the spiritual leader, perhaps a pastor. The other was a man the authorities were coming after to arrest. He wore a checkered shirt buttoned at the wrists and to the neck. He was dressed as a man might have been dressed around the time of the Azusa Street outpouring [1906]. This man had written a book. The authorities were coming to arrest him for having written this book. The crowd was awaiting them.

Then I saw the book.

The opened book filled the window of my dream. On the right I saw the usual title page, with the title, the author, etc. all in black ink. I did not read it for my eyes did not focus on that page. They looked to the opposite page.

Suddenly this page filled the window of my dream. The one-word title was written widely across the entire page in HUGE letters. The letters were in bas relief; each one lifted up above the surface of the page. The letters were of pure gold—not gold leaf, but pure gold. Each one looked as if it were carved from a gold brick [ingot].

The letters were in very stylized Old-English type. They looked like letters from an ancient Bible that had been hand-lettered. They were so fancy I could not make them out. I stared at the first letter. At first, I thought it was the Hebrew letter Tet. But upon close examination I saw it was the letter “T.”

Then I could read the one-word title: T o n g u e s

Those bent on arresting the man arrived. I did not see them, but knew they were there. The pastor took the man’s hands and said, “Let me pray for you.” The people in the crowd turned toward the man and began to pray.
I woke up.


The Dream’s Interpretation
[As I saw it in January 2008]

[I’d been thinking about attacks against underground church leaders in China, attacks on individual churches and ministries, school shootings, etc. And I referred to them in the partner letter.]

I sensed the attacks were part of a coordinated plan, strategized from the head of the kingdom of darkness to be worldwide, and to happen at the same time. Terrorists, for instance, behave like Satan. They attempt to strike in coordinated bomb attacks.

So, after I awoke, and certain Scriptures came to mind, I immediately sensed in my spirit that the focus of the attack was the POWER in the church.
Jesus said, “You shall receive power, after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you” (Acts 1:8).

Fewer than ten days later, on the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came upon them. The POWER OF GOD came upon them. What was the initial sign of that power? They spoke in tongues.

The dream seemed to mark out as a point of focus for the attack TONGUES and specifically the POWER of God in the church which tongues evidences.

I saw that praying in tongues:
1) Prays in the plans of God (1 Corinthians 14:2).
2) Pulls down the enemy’s strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4).

I saw that the immenseness of the letters spoke of the importance of tongues.

I saw that the gold spoke of the value of tongues.

Kenneth Hagin Ministries published a book entitled Tongues: Beyond the Upper Room.

The book is wonderful and especially precious to me. The editorial department told me that much of it came from the very seminar in April 1967 during which I received the baptism with the Holy Spirit and first spoke in tongues. It was the time of the Charismatic Renewal. God led Kenneth E. Hagin, to teach a seminar on the subject in the fresh outpouring being experienced even in the denominational world.

So, after the dream, I picked up the book again. When my eyes read Brother Hagin’s words in the Preface, it enlightened my dream:

Then there are those in Pentecostal and Charismatic circles who also know very little about this subject, even though they themselves speak with tongues. These Christians don’t realize the value derived from exercising that gift, nor do they understand the scope—the purpose and the use—of tongues.

The value! The Gold!
The scope! The Huge Letters!


Asking What You Can Do?
Use Your Tongues!
A Weapon of Great Power!

Just after the dream, I saw that tongues and the power this gift represents was the focus of the [then] recent coordinated attacks. But I also saw that tongues and the power of God this gift manifests is a way to victory! A weapon in our armory to overcome all the attacks of the enemy.

A few days after the dream I was led to consider what happened at the Tower of Babel where God confounded their language for this stated reason:

Gen 11:6
And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

Today, November 2020, the Army of the Lord, the Body of Christ, speaking in unity, can bring a great power to bear on the happenings in this world.

Here are excerpts from a prophecy given through Kenneth E. Hagin:

Prophecy through Kenneth E. Hagin
Winter Bible Seminar 02/20/1997

Speaking by the Spirit,
not just speaking words out of your own mind or thinking,
but speaking by the Spirit;
Words that are inspired by the Spirit of God;
Words that well up from within you out of your spirit,
given to you by the Holy Spirit.
Those words, spoken boldly, bring forth great happenings.

… Speaking by His Spirit, yielding your tongue unto the Holy Ghost.
But, you see, taking time to pray in the Spirit,
Taking time to pray in other tongues,
will get you tuned up; will edify you,
and get your tongue hooked up to your spirit,
so that then He who dwells in your spirit can give you utterance,
Then He takes over.
And you speak out what He says, not what you think.
Speak out what He wants. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.


Let’s get going to bring forth some great happenings in America and around the world!!!!!!!!!!





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  1. Willie Woodson on November 24, 2020 at 8:13 pm


    • Michelle on November 24, 2020 at 9:12 pm

      I don’t know why but God has not given me the gift of utterance. I have been baptized in the holy spirit but to date I haven’t received this gift of tongues. I want it so much .

      • Diana Taylor on November 25, 2020 at 4:50 am

        Same with me. I’ve been baptized in the Holy Spirit but am not able to speak in tongues yet. I don’t know if or when it will happen or occur. BUT I really really want to be able to speak in tongues.

        • Jamie (Sharon L) L Dershem on November 25, 2020 at 12:41 pm

          For those people who want to speak in tongues, try this:
          say Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah over & over again. It is easy. Just praise God.
          I immediately change to tongues when I do it.

          • Peggy Tucker on November 29, 2020 at 7:32 pm

            Amen I totally agree with you I will be praying in tongues more thank you so much

          • Clifford Besson on January 8, 2021 at 5:56 pm

            I sometimes do the same thing to make sure I am in the right frame of mind.

        • Latrell on November 29, 2020 at 4:52 pm

          Hello I want to encourage you by telling you my testimony. I had prayed a few years ago to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit and didn’t have evidence of speaking right away. Then I decided to simply believe I did receive the gift based on the verse that says believe in your heart and confess it with your mouth instead of doubting. I began to confess out loud several times a day I have received and I speak in tongues. I even wrote it on sticky notes all over the house. About 2 days after this purposeful declaration as I was driving and singing praise to the lord it literally came out through song. My words changed to an unknown language. It was beautiful. Don’t give up. If you have asked for thus gift believe that you have received. Now just open up your mouth and speak. Don’t worry about how you think it should sound.

      • Carolyn Enzinna on November 25, 2020 at 5:29 am

        Thank you this is the link to victory!

      • Debbie Savage on November 25, 2020 at 8:11 am

        I had asked God over and over for the gift of tongues.
        The night before I received it, our group leader told us to “think outside the box” when it came to praise, worship… The next morning I asked again, and something came out of my mouth and I knew it was my prayer language, but at that time it was only two words. The Spurit pressed upon my heart the Words, “great power”. I was so humbled by that. It was humbling, an awe moment where all I could do was cry and repeat “great power”. I now had my language and it has been a great blessing. It will come when you’re ready to use His power for His glory!

      • Cathi on November 25, 2020 at 9:24 am

        You have to start like a baby learning to talk, just start making sounds in faith…it took me a long time to get more than a sentence…Andrew Womak has a helpful book about it…

      • Gail Ball on November 25, 2020 at 10:46 am

        Dear Michelle, Thank you for your letter. I would like to encourage you. I have been a believer for many years and earnestly desired to have the gift of tongues but was not given that gift. I remember one particular day I was praying and here is what I did–after my morning devotions, I took my throw rug and put it next to my fireplace. I said to the LORD, “I am not getting up from this place until you give me “tongues.” (I needed more wisdom and power in my praying.) So I stayed there on that rug for a while. Finally, the two words came to me, which I said, “Lo, my shema, Lo, my shammah.” So, I was happy with that from the LORD and as I would be driving down the street or moving along, I would repeat those words not understanding what they meant. One day, as I was playing the piano and singing to the LORD, one of those words was in the song I was singing. I got so excited. I eventually found out the meaning of those Hebrew words (at first I didn’t even know they were Hebrew words.) They mean, “I hear and I am here!” How precious to know those words came straight from the LORD to me, personally. Don’t give up! HE WILL ANSWER YOUR CALL! Gail Ball

        • Tandy Chiles on November 25, 2020 at 5:56 pm

          What a Blessing to You , and now Spreading to all who You have Graciously Shared with Thank You . Tandy

      • Mercy on November 25, 2020 at 12:46 pm

        This may help; you see a speck on a garment so you pick it up and realize it is a thread, so you pull at it and realize it’s from a string. With tongues all you may get at first is a syllable; speak it and you will find it’s really a thread

      • Heidi on November 25, 2020 at 2:23 pm

        When I first spoke in tongues, I had cylables com to mind that seemed like baby talk, but I had my baby on my lap so I spoke them out, then it turned into a stream of sounds, then had cadence as an earthly language. Our Pastor said it’s not evidence of having the gift, but shows you’ve yielded your tongue to the Spirit!

        • Fannie Cradoc on December 1, 2020 at 9:57 pm

          PTL for a reaffirmation that Tongues are important to change the atmosphere and utterance given to us so that we speak the words of God . Our prayers can be most effective.

      • Colleen on November 26, 2020 at 6:56 am

        Its faith. Open your mouth make air come out move your tongue and God gives. It may sound weird but it develops over time. Just like a baby.

      • LA on November 27, 2020 at 11:24 am

        Keep seeking the Lord, if you want it you will get it. Here is a link on K. Copelands web site. I received the fullness two months after I was born again. As others have shared, I had a few words at first too. I received the fullness with the evidence of speaking in tongues at an alter call at a church where the call was for tongues. Some people get it in their living room. Keep pressing and don’t give up. It shouldn’t be hard just let it flow. ????

      • Patsy R Behney on November 28, 2020 at 7:20 am

        Begin in faith praying in English Hallelujah, Hallelujah, hallelujah…stir yourself up. It’s your tongue that you surrender to His language. When you sense the words inside, just speak them out. They are your weapon against the devil. Dont be shy to beat him up with your spirit language.

      • Colin Morris on November 29, 2020 at 1:59 pm

        Michelle be encouraged. was 17 in 1971. a friend at work told me about the baptism in the Holy Spirit. .I was a Baptist and had always heard that the gifts of The Spirit had passed away. My friend gave me books to read. I felt odd raising my hands but did it anyway. I was in bed that cold wintry night. I started to thank God for the baptism in the holy Spirit with my arms raised and started to speak. English came out. I was despondent. I had closed my eyes and saw the word “SPEAK” flash before me. So I spoke again. I stumbled at first and suddenly I was speaking in tongues, I was overjoyed. I read of people who had only a word or two in tongues. That wasn’t my experience but these people kept saying that single word It was like a plant that grew and as they continued with that word it flourish and developed .The Word says to delight ourselves in the The Lord and He will give us the desires of our heart. A friend of mien was baptised sin the Holy Spirit in the shower, For me, iI was sitting up in bed. THERE’S NO FoRMULA OR METHOD. Just keep thanking the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Just make sure you are in a comfortable place-don’t be driving or at the store for instance. You can and will receive this experience.

      • DC on November 30, 2020 at 9:33 pm

        When I was very young – the late 60s/early 70s – my parents and friends spoke in tongues around us in Bible study and prayer ALL the time. When I was 8 and my brother 9, my mom asked if we wanted to also speak in tongues … so she prayed with us before bed in our living room. We went up to our shared room and just started speaking the way we had heard it … was all very practical with no emotions or feelings at all. The point is, we just started speaking how we thought it should sound and God took it from there. To this day, my head will occasionally tell me I’m still making it up, but whenever that happens I just laugh and pray all the more.

      • Gina Prentice on December 6, 2020 at 5:01 am

        I experienced the same thing years back. I finally said to the Lord, “Lord, I want ALL that you have for me! I believe, forgive my unbelief. I pressed in and began to speak. It was like a baby speaking what seemed like gibberish nothing. I did not get discouraged and quit though. I continued to press in. My prayer language, like the language of a small child, developed. Don’t be discouraged and do not quit. This is for you too!

      • Renee Wilson on December 17, 2020 at 7:44 pm

        You have the gift. You immediately received the gift of praying in tongues when you received the Holy Spirit. I suggest (for alittle encouragement) that you pray with a partner and ask the LORD for help that while you “practice” this gift, you are able to make what is spiritual (the power to speak in the spirit) manifest. After prayer, practice, and keep practicing until you are speaking in tongues audibly. It will happen if you don’t give up!

    • Louise Manns on November 25, 2020 at 8:14 am

      Thank you for the confirmation of the need to pray in the Spirit. Pray pray pray!

    • Jane Milligan on November 25, 2020 at 8:22 am


    • Ann Besson on November 25, 2020 at 9:01 am

      My, my, my! Thank you for sending to us. Much in my heart about this but want to say what an awesome day we live in and the precious trust the Lord has placed in us, the very body of Christ. Please share the entire letter.

    • MARVA MACKIN on November 25, 2020 at 10:08 am


      Our Prayers are “Eternal”. The Lord told me along time ago that praying in tongues was a perfect pray and to know that they are forever and “The Great I AM” hears them all and will bring them forth.

      He told me that the prayers spoken in the Spirit are prayers that came forth before the foundation of the World.. Words that were created and spoken; were called forth to be fulfilled in the appropriate time and place. Know He alone has spoken them – So it was spoken and written so we may call them back to the FATHER, SON and Holy Spirit to fulfill them at the right place and the right time… For such a time as this… We say: Yes and Amen LORD (So be it as it was spoken)

    • Mardella Rice on November 25, 2020 at 10:41 am

      Amen and Amen!!

    • Tandy Chiles on November 25, 2020 at 5:47 pm

      If Ever there were A Day and An Hour , and A Moment : Truly TRULY. it is Now ????. “ The PERFECTED Prayer we and FAYHER, JESUS &HOLY SPIRIT . ????????????

    • Mary Fitch on November 27, 2020 at 11:47 am

      Thank you for the reminding of the value of tongues and of Kenneth E Hagin’s book.. i will reread it!

    • Erlinda Romo on November 29, 2020 at 12:15 pm

      I love praying in tongues..Many times as I’m praying in tongues, the dialect changes and sometimes it changes to more than one dialect??? I sense the anointing powerfully whenever this gift manifest in divers tongues…

    • Judy Jung on December 12, 2020 at 9:26 pm

      I cannot imagine what life would be like without the Gift of Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. I was 6 months old in the Lord when I was Baptized in Holy Spirit, there was a radical change in my walk with the Lord. It totally changed my prayer life. Thank you Jesus.

    • Florence Euker on December 23, 2020 at 11:35 am

      I So Approve Of This Message! Watched Billye’s Wednesday Service when she lead Praying In Tongues for 30 minutes. I received New Tongues at that time, freely Flowing! PTL!

    • Belinda on December 30, 2020 at 3:21 pm

      Speaking in tongues is a gift God freely gives. Years ago, I married a brand new Christian man, he loved God, but was not raised in the things of God, in fact quite the contrary. Nevertheless I asked the Lord what I was to do for him and God said for me to pray for him ( my new husband) for 15 minutes per day in the Spirit, in other tongues. I did this for one year, and I can’t begin to tell you what a wonderful Christian man he is today, he is more mature than most other Christians I know that have been born again for 25 plus years. He loves God, walks out Gods word and leads us in prayer and devotion every single morning as well as our 3 sons. Praying in tongues is a power house and the devil knows this, this is why he has worked against it for all these years. We likewise are praying for our nation every single morning as God says in Timothy to pray first of all for all those in authority.

    • Desiree Bernstein on June 9, 2021 at 2:10 am

      Amen! I want to share a testimony which took place in Anaheim, CA in the 1980’s. Dr. Billye was with a small group of believes speaking in a hotel conference. There weren’t many present but the power of God was greatly present. I had brought a young boy whose name is Tommy & his father. I didn’t know much about them but Tommy was from the neighborhood and would visit my store. I would talk to him about Jesus and Tommy accepted Jesus into his heart. I told Tommy about Dr. Billye and he wanted to be filled with the Holy Spirit, so we went. Upon arrival Dr. Billye passed by us. I heard her say the word “witchcraft”. I told Tommy’s father, Dr. Billye doe not use words lightly. Suddenly Dr. Billye was standing in front of us. I said, Billye, Tommy wants to receive the Holy Spirit. She said, Is that right. Tommy nodded his head yes. Billye said, Do you love Jesus Tommy? He replied, Yes. Dr. Billye took her hand and placed it over Tommy’s head. When she did, Tommy manifested and turned different colors! His ears got pointy and so did his teeth. Tommy let out screams and I could feel heat all around Tommy. As quickly as Tommy was se free he was baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of tongues. I stood amazed. On the way home Tommy was in the back seat, drunk in the Holy Ghost. I will never forget, he kept saying all the way home…. “I feel so good.” I feel so good.” The next day I learned Tommy’s father came from 4 generations of warlocks! Oh the blood of Jesus it washes white as snow! The next day Tommy came running to my store telling me of a dream he had. It was truly prophetic. The Holy Spirit taught him the “Our Father” and how it is to be prayed. Tommy wanted to go back to the prayer gathering so his father could be saved. GLORY! Out of the mouth of babes. anyway that was another miraculous testimony with Rachel hmmm can’t remember the last name. Anyway, suffice to say, Tommy’s father did receive Jesus. I don’t know what happened to this father and son because I moved to another state. I pray they are still serving the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord God Almighty I pray you would come again as you did in the book of Acts and baptize many in the Holy Ghost and FIRE. In Jesus name, amen.

  2. Lea Pena on November 24, 2020 at 8:14 pm

    I have been praying in tongues more than ever before. Thank you for this. God needs us to pray in tongues, then pray the interpretation out. Glory to God, there is a Devine shift. Hallelujah, praise His Holy Name

    • Dorinda Wilson on November 24, 2020 at 11:01 pm


  3. Lyvenda Reckner on November 24, 2020 at 8:17 pm

    Amen!!! I’m in agreement and on board! God will be victorious! It is a great honor and responsibility to colabor with God at such a time as this. Thank you Miss Billye for your faithfulness to share what God puts on your heart.

    • Peggy Carey on November 25, 2020 at 5:53 am

      Just this morning before I read this blog, the Lord impressed upon my spirit the need to pray more in tongues. Praise God! It is time to arise in the power of the Holy Ghost saints of God

  4. Robert Vradenburg on November 24, 2020 at 8:17 pm


  5. MARYANN MAIAVA on November 24, 2020 at 8:32 pm

    this so bares witness with my spirit … pray in tongues all day long practically! Thank you!

  6. Chris Cruickshank on November 24, 2020 at 9:01 pm

    Very timely word Billye, excellent reminder that we must be about the business of prayer, and prayer under the unction and power of the Holy Ghost.

  7. Chelsea Barrett on November 24, 2020 at 9:13 pm

    Amen and amen! I stand in agreement and commitment.

  8. Elizabeth King on November 24, 2020 at 9:33 pm

    I’m on board. Yes, more than ever before I agree we all need to do this. This is our weapon.

  9. JOSHUA E. SUDEYKO on November 24, 2020 at 9:37 pm

    AMEN!!! PRAISE GOD!!! Shortly after I got baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT with evidence of speaking in other tongues, I heard in my spirit that when I lead people to CHRIST, I was also to teach them about the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT with evidence of speaking in other tongues and then lead them in prayer and lay hands on them so they could receive the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT with evidence of speaking in other tongues. I’ve been sharing with other believers that they need to pray in tongues as often as possible. I have a lot of testimonies about what ABBA has done when I pray in tongues over different situations. If the LORD wills I shall live and share with you some of these testimonies one day in person. Right now I’m praying in tongues for your family and ministries, the salvation of my family members and everyone in my hometown of GUNTON, MANITOBA, CANADA and for President Trump, his family, his Administration and their families and for the TRUMP / PENCE 2020 WIN, the SCOTUS, the judges, lawyers, witnesses, all things pertaining to the 2020 ELECTION and for ALL CORRUPTION to be exposed, the swamp drained, and for Justice to be served. While I’m writing this, I would like to ask for prayer for the ministry that ABBA wants me to start. The ministry will be called GLORY CARRIERS CHURCH INTERNATIONAL A. K. A. ENCOUNTER THE GLORY MINISTRIES. Please pray for the FATHER’S wisdom, and to be continuously led by HOLY SPIRIT in every decision and the provision for the vision, for the LORD to bless me with the perfect wife and ministry team to accomplish the vision. Thank you and have a great night! BE BLESSED!!!

  10. Gymmie Smith on November 24, 2020 at 9:38 pm

    Recently, it seems that I pray in tongues much of my wakening hours. It just flows out of me.
    Much in the Spirit to get accomplished, with such urgency & so little time to to get the work completed.

    • David Hardin on November 24, 2020 at 9:49 pm


    • Chuck Cordy on November 25, 2020 at 7:11 pm

      I would say the exact same as you, I don’t think I have ever prayed in the spirit so much, and feel that there is such a need for it in this time and battle that we are in. We must be faithful and ready to use this weapon as much as we can for the need is so great and the cost or loss from not being ready, able and willing is vast. Stand strong in our weapon of prayer my brother’s and sisters this is a time of why we are here, and what we are here to do! Pray, pray, and pray! What happens next all depends on that. Thank you Billye for the outpost.

  11. Garry on November 24, 2020 at 9:40 pm

    Thanks for sharing that with us sister Billye. It is somewhat foreign to our logic thinking that words spoken from another realm via a person known as Holy Spirit, could have such dynamic power as it does and is. May I remind us all to plead the Blood over the legal team for the White house and especially those who will be front line experts and those who have signed or will soon sign up to come forward from all stations of life for the 45th of the United States of America. Garry

  12. Janet on November 24, 2020 at 10:00 pm

    Enjoy the messages an blog.

  13. Sally Rumble on November 24, 2020 at 10:02 pm

    Speaking in tongues was the greatest experience I had since I got saved, it was like rivers of living water flowing out of me, and it hasn’t stopped!
    Glory to God

  14. Dorine on November 24, 2020 at 10:48 pm

    Thank you for this message.

  15. Carole Rambo on November 24, 2020 at 11:25 pm

    Selah!!! Let us give Thanks this weekend for such a giving God with such neat gifts to talk to him with. Happy Thanksgiving!!!????

  16. Elsa on November 25, 2020 at 1:49 am

    Praise The Lord. I am from a small country in east Africa called Eritrea. I followed your ministry for a long time now. Last Wednesday noon prayer meeting I heard you miss Billye saying Eyesus in my language which means Jesus. You said it x2. It was a confirmation for me. I am so blessed by your Wednesday noon prayer meeting.

  17. Hope Magruder on November 25, 2020 at 6:55 am

    Is this not the evidence of the Glorious Church? His power is manifested through our Holy Ghost inspired TONGUES for such a time as this. Glory! What a powerful weapon.

  18. Yeli Vale on November 25, 2020 at 7:24 am

    Glory to GOD!!! Hallelujah
    Wonderful wonderful. Oh praise the LORD! Thank You Father, thank You Lord Jesus for this precious, valuable, great Gift of the Holy Spirit. We are more aware to value Him, more than ever!!!! Thanks for the power release as we yield to Your Holy Spirit and allow Your Prayers, Yours commands, Your instructions to be uttered in this realm, so that Your perfect will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven!!! Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah.

    Thank you Ms Billye, I rejoice with this blog today. It has been refreshing to my heart, soul and mind!

    Shalom, shalom!

  19. SHIRL EGGERT on November 25, 2020 at 8:00 am

    the power of Tongues! Yesssssss! I agree! Powerful! direct hits the bullseye!!!!

  20. Timothy nevaquaya on November 25, 2020 at 12:10 pm

    Over time the tongues i speak have changed, sometimes it seems as though im singing in tongues comanche church hymns, i am a comanche indian and other times it seems as though im speaking a foreign language, the tongues are like a fire that flow very rapidly. Does this happen to you?

    • marti on November 26, 2020 at 11:21 am

      Yes, this is normal- it will continue to change as the Lord needs you to speak…My PL… often
      sounds like Native American or Hawian- and I am neither…Remember he hung the stars…He created all the bugs, he designed all the flowers… (he loves you so much) a GOD that big… why would you NOT speak in “other tongues,” PS Ken Copland told us- that his PL. changes from this or that… and many times other nationalities know what he is saying.

  21. Susan Hill on November 25, 2020 at 12:42 pm

    Praying and the power is being released. Bro. Copeland’s word for this year includes manifest power.

  22. Peggy Berets on November 26, 2020 at 4:13 pm

    Power love and a sound mind to all of us on this Happy Thanksgiving day. Ty for your service to us all.

  23. Donna Pratt on November 26, 2020 at 9:47 pm

    I prayed to be baptised in the Holy Spirit for a very long time, and asked for the gift of tongues as in the book of Acts. Words would come to me but when I spoke them out the enemy would tell me that I was just making it up like when I was a little girl and used to pretend I could speak in French or some other language, that it wasn’t real because I didn’t feel all tingley or emotional. I spoke to a very wise, godly person about this and they said that the Devil was lying to me and that God had given me the gift that I had asked for. While in a meeting where a group of women were praying in the spirit I decided to join in with my prayer language and It was a break through for me. Satan is a deceiver and will try to stop you from believing and worshiping God any way that he can. Trust God, He wants to give you this good and perfect gift when you ask Him for it.

  24. Terry Law on November 26, 2020 at 11:23 pm

    When I was still in the Army (19 at the time I believe) an officers son who was Spirit Filled explained what it was, and that it was there for all of us if we desired it. He was so humble & amazing all at the same time. Only about 16 or so. He gave me a book that explained it all more deeply, the uses, purposes, Perfect Prayer, Perfect Praise, Intercession, etc.. I also mentioned just getting before the Lord quietly pressing in. Also the scripture about if you ask your earthly father for a Fish, would he give you a serpent, a stone instead of bread, etc., and that our Heavenly Father loves us even so much more than that & want’s to give us (the Fullness) of His Holy Spirit and all heavenly gifts, the Holy Spirit. I sensed such a Peace & Presence all around me where I was sitting on my bunk. Then I knelt down by my bed and silenced my tongue, just breathed quietly focused on my tongue given over to the Holy Spirit. Within perhaps 2 to 3 minutes I simply sensed to speak out the syllables I felt rising up and spoke it out. It was only a few random syllables, but even then I claimed & knew I had it. Then I stood up and looked out across the barracks (which was empty that Saturday morning (I believe it was) and I saw the most Beautiful Light Gold colored cloud. Perhaps a tint of Amber mixed in and heard the Most Amazing clear voice that seemed to come from everywhere ahead of me & toward all around & within the cloud as it said with such Peace & Power. “I have given you a piece of Heaven here on the earth”. That was it. That was back in 1973, and still today I often am Speaking tongues when I’m not speaking with my own mouth, words & Prayers. Like Paul mentioned that “I speak in tongues more than ye all”. Gotta keep up with Paul and give him a run for his money! : ) Nothing better than being a Prayer (Warrior & Intercessor), and at the same time being a Witness & a Soul Winner. Just Breath Him In and let Him Speak.

  25. Sourneat Krawczak on November 26, 2020 at 11:23 pm

    Amen. Happy Thanksgiving! We give our tongues to the Holy Spirit for the great mighty work in America and around the world.
    Thank you for sharing this powerful message with us.

    Hallelujah, praise to Jesus’s Name!
    Bless the Lord!
    Anna, Virginia

  26. Janet Hiles on November 27, 2020 at 1:52 pm

    Amen – I received the gift when a student (1969!) – I got down on my knees in my flat, having just read Don Basham`s book (Face up with a miracle) and cried out “Lord please just DO it, baptise me in fire !”….and immediately felt an electric current go down me from top to toe, and strange words popping into my head! Amen, amen!
    As in everything, you have to practise it to know the full effect. And receiving it is different for everybody. It often seems to help to have someone with you, muttering gently in tongues, and so covering your first attempts. I`ve been very grateful because whatever I`ve been through, since that time, I`ve never, never doubted God`s existence and care for each of us as individuals. And He has no favourites!!! No favourites! God bless!

  27. Sheila Diane Murrell on November 27, 2020 at 6:41 pm

    Thank you for valuable information.

  28. Jan Ballew on December 29, 2020 at 11:50 pm

    There is a difference between the gift of tongues which is spoken in a group and then is translated, and the private tongues that each believer can have. For the private gift of tongues, just pray and ask God for it then go home and pray in your private space. I encourage you to just open your mouth and make any sound. I tell this to people who just get saved. The sound will sound funny to your ears. But God will put meaning to it and will shape how it sounds over time. For me, at first, I spoke so fast cuz I had past years of my life that needed praying over. I prayed days on end, day and night till I felt a peace that the years were prayed over. Then I slowed down and spoke the sounds more slowly. Wow! it was so beautiful to listen to with a beautiful rolling sound to it. My fiancé once demonstrated what his prayer language sounded like. Wow again. He had so many different languages. It was like listening to a new language every few seconds. My point, just start making sounds out of your mouth and let God work at shaping it. But don’t expect God to force sounds out of you without you being an active participant. Remember, the language is there for many benefits. A few include that the devil can’t understand what you are praying, God can as you are praying God’s perfect will. Tongues will edify you, and you can even ask God for the understanding of what you are praying. I prayed with tongues and asked God to show me what to pray. I waited on God while praying in Tongues, then he gave me a vision and I knew instantly what to pray. I prayed what I saw in the vision and It worked! God moved and did exactly what I saw in the vision.

  29. Kathy Fain on February 16, 2021 at 7:42 pm


  30. Kim Barrett on August 18, 2021 at 11:23 pm

    That’s a beautiful illustration of tongues!

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