February 27, 2019 – Praying for the Awakening – “Love, Faith, One Accord.”

Praying for the Awakening – “Love, Faith, One Accord.”

February 27, 2019 – Noon Prayer Webcast

Host: Dr. Billye Brim


A Famous Pulpit from Sheraton Assembly Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. A pray-er bought the pulpit for Dr. Billye Brim at a church sale and brought it to Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks. Sheraton Assembly Church hosted Rhema’s first class in 1974-75 as well as several Kenneth E. Hagin camp meetings. If you go on YouTube you can watch Brother Kenneth Hagin preach the sermon, El Shaddai, from this pulpit. The Holy Spirit fell and Ken Hagin, Jr, now Pastor Hagin, leaped almost as high as the pulpit!

Dr. BIllye Brim’s Derek; His Divine Path; “God Dots.” Dr. Billye Brim told her story—the Derek that eventually led to the mandate of praying for the Awakening in 2008. You can watch the PowerPoint presentation of Dr. Billye Brim’s Soviet Union/Finland Ministry on billyebrim.org. Go to Media, Wednesday Noon Prayer, scroll down and choose February 27. If you do not have internet, you can request a DVD and we will send you one for the cost of postage.

Holy Mandates; 1979 and 2008; Love, Faith, One Accord. There have been only two times in Dr. Billye Brim’s life when a Holy Spirit mantle/blanket dropped upon her to prophesy so strongly that if she did not speak, it seemed she would “burst.” The first one was in 1979; she was asked to pray over a lunch of sandwiches in a home prayer meeting—the mantle dropped on her and she prophesied for 45 minutes. The Holy Spirit gave instructions concerning going into Soviet Russia, a totally unthought-of idea to the group. Eventually, they were told to get two and a half million Kenneth E. Hagin books into Russia—, especially The Believer’s Authority. The second time was on June 2008, when the Word of the Lord came upon Sister Billye to pray for The Awakening! Both mandates were and are to be accomplished by LOVE, FAITH, and ONE ACCORD. Below are a few Words from that 1979 Prophecy that reveal the key to praying for The Awakening! About those “running from the KGB days,” as our family calls it, Mom would say, “We knew to get all schisms out…it could cost us our very lives.”

1979 Prophecy, Dr. Billye Brim, Minneapolis, MN, at the Home of Bob and Ellis Naegele:
For I would say unto you, it is of utmost importance that all My children on the earth in this hour believe My Word, and walk-in love and one accord; for faith, saith God, in His Word, worketh by love…. I have oftentimes found a people who would learn to believe Me, and so the devil would try to, strive to, break them and cause division, and the faith would not be strong. But I am finding people in this hour who can learn the faith principles and walk in love. They shall not be stopped in the earth. They shall go forward in this hour. They shall do exploits in the earth… As you dedicate yourselves to pray and call others around the country to pray for this, see that you walk in love and in one accord, AND THE POWER WILL BE STRONG; IT CANNOT BE BROKEN!

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