Migdal Update | January 2022

Shalom, I have a wonderful update on our project in Israel, Migdal Arbel in the Galilee.

We had a phone call recently with the Israeli firm that has taken over the building project and so many things have happened.  Someone said to me, “How did you get them to accept you as a client?” Well, praise the Lord, they vetted us and believe in the project.

So, I spoke with Nir, the project manager and he started off by telling me what a prime location we own. He said that business and building in Israel is really good right now. He said, “Your property, what you have on the Sea of Galilee, is priceless.” He named some things that are good about it:

  • Private Ownership– Only 7% of the land of Israel can be privately owned. We are the only owner of the land! Other land in Israel, 93%, is owned by the government and if you’re Jewish you can lease the land.
  • Zoned Property– Migdal is already zoned and we have our building permit. Nir said, “If you had all the money in the world. You could not replace what you got in your land right now. You could not buy it. It’s just not available!” All of Israel is only the size of New Jersey and their population is exploding and increasing. The Bible actually says that there will be so many people brought back to the land (Eretz Israel) that there won’t be room for them. So, they need room and places for them to stay and at Migdal, we will have places for 90 people.

The Ministry of Tourism Approved Migdal Arbel Prayer & Study Center as an Experience

We are very free! Even in a place of where it was at one time thought we would not be able to put up a sign that said Prayer & Study Center. Now we can put up the sign because we are an experience for others to receive. Bless the Lord!

The Current Stage: The Working Plans

We are currently changing the architectural drawings to working plans. In order to begin, we needed 15 things that had to get approved— and we got them! The hardest approvals were the last three:  The Army (I.D.F.) approval of the bomb shelters, the Ministry of Health and the Fire Department.  Now our architects are moving fast ahead on preparing these plans. This process should take two to three months. There are 16 layers of consultants that have to be considered.

I don’t understand all that but all systems have to work together—and there are 16 layers of systems. Then we will go out for bids and from the best three in each category; we will then make the final choice.

After the Working Plans: 24 Months to Build + 24 Million Dollars

Nir thinks it will take us 24 months to build and that the budget is 24 million dollars. We have gone before the Lord and we have called the money in for this project to be completed. Thank you for agreeing with us.

Nir also thinks, we will qualify for a grant up to 20% of the cost. He said that the day we begin building we will hire a grant specialist, whom Nir knows, and he will begin to work.

A Marvelous Thing Happened During Wednesday Noon Prayer, January 12, 2022

You might want to watch (click here) and see how the Lord spoke to us in tongues and in the Arabic translation and interpretation that the Blessing of God is on Migdal Arbel:

(In order, with first, only the scripture reference given, I chose Weymouth’s, and then the phrase.)

2 Cor. 9:8, Weymouth
And God is able to bestow every blessing on you in abundance, so that richly enjoying  all sufficiency at all times, you may have ample means for all good works.

My Blessing on Migdal Arbel

That’s all we need—His Blessing! Oh, how that thrills us!  I know God’s purposes for Migdal Arbel, now—and in the next period that’s coming up on the earth that is a seven-year Schmittah Cycle. He’s spoken to me about how it will be a blessing to certain ones in those times.

Praise the Lord! Thank you for being our partner and praying with us about Migdal Arbel in the Galilee for the miraculous Land that He gave us!


Shalom, Shalom,

Billye Brim

If you would like to donate to the vision of Migdal Arbel, click here.


  1. Patsy Behney on June 8, 2022 at 10:27 am

    I will be traveling to Israel with my church group in November. We will be going near Migdal Arbel. I would like know stop by the property and pray if possible. Can you tell be the location of the property so I can find it easily?

  2. Tara Beulah on June 11, 2022 at 2:23 pm

    <3 Such blessings over this place! Agree with you and rejoice with you: AMPLE MEANS for all good works!

  3. Ann Bart on October 8, 2022 at 5:42 pm

    Israel I will bless those who bless you and will curse those who curse you. I unite in seed and vision Billye for such a time as this. God bless your vision and stewardship over His plan. Our heavenly Father, Father God and God our Provider will open the store house.

  4. Pamela Fry on October 28, 2022 at 2:52 pm

    We had a trip to Isreal planned in 2020 which was canceled, sadly. Is it possible to book an educational stay with you yet? I feel drawn to come and learn.

    • Jan Wurtz on November 9, 2022 at 5:32 pm

      Pamela, there will be tour this coming year. email the ministry and I will put you in contact with our tour person. Blessings Jan

  5. Pastor Pearlene Benston on November 6, 2022 at 2:37 pm

    Sunday, 11/6/22 I watched your broadcast on DirecTV channel, 366. Shelli taught on Growing Up Spiritually. At the end of the broadcast images of Migdal Arbel, Prayer, and Study Center appeared on the screen. The words of study Hebrew quickeneth my spirit. As I listened and watched. I believe the Holy Spirit spoke these words at 2:59 pm, “You have just started your journey to Israel” meaning me. I am not sure what the fullness of these words means or what will be revealed to me in the present or in the future. Please share more information with me.

    • Jan Wurtz on November 9, 2022 at 5:27 pm

      Thank you for sharing Pastor Pearlene. Blessings Jan

  6. Deloris Gleason on November 17, 2022 at 7:45 am

    I feel God is leading me to volunteer to come help with the open house celebrations. I can clean, cook and represent you well with a smile and a heart of service. If this is useful to you, please let me know. I have served three campaigns with Jews for Jesus and I serve in ministry with John Davis ministry.
    Thank you for this opportunity to serve The Lord this way.

    • Pastor Dr Wanda O. Wallace on February 18, 2023 at 6:22 pm

      Hello Dr.Brim,
      Thanks for sharing all the awesome news that God is bringing to passed. Yes our Father is faithful and He keep His Word. Hope to see you on February 25th . Keep moving forward in His name.

  7. K Avner on January 13, 2023 at 9:27 pm

    Do you have any update for this new year? for Migdal? Thank you!

  8. Ginger Renken / Izzy Herriette & Co on January 19, 2023 at 7:14 pm

    Only God knows but I would imagine that in these last days, God will use this facility in ways that we cannot fathom. God bless you for always following the Lord closely, Billye. I agree with you and will stand in prayer with you over this project!

  9. Elize Fourie. on February 26, 2023 at 10:52 pm

    Hi Everyone, I have just spoken to a prayer partner who would love to go to Israel. Could someone please let me know when your next tour will take place. I have personally been following Sister Billyes’s teaching for years and is part of the WWP’s and visited Israel on her tour in 2012. Thanking you, Elize Fourie ( Australia)

    • Jan Wurtz on February 27, 2023 at 11:03 am

      Please send an email to our ministries and we can get back with you. Thank you

  10. Elize Fourie. on February 26, 2023 at 10:53 pm


  11. Lynn Parks on March 7, 2023 at 7:38 am

    Would like to go to Israel with You and how can I make a donation For this project?

    • Jan Wurtz on March 7, 2023 at 3:23 pm

      Send us an email and it will be sent to our tours dept. Also go to website to donate or call 1-800-972-3447. Blessings Jan

  12. Laura Quimby on May 17, 2023 at 9:51 am

    This update is posted January 2022. Is there a more recent update on this project??

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