Let The River Flow – Special Sunday Service
Last Sunday Branden Brim preached at A Glorious Church Fellowship in Collinsville, Oklahoma. His subject so spoke to me.
He said he’d been walking and praying when they’d been housesitting for me the week before and this phrase came to him.
“Clouds without water”
That is from Jude 1:12 which likens it to people.
Then he was led to tie it to what Jesus loudly shouted about “rivers of Living water” flowing out of our innermost beings.
And then the last of Jude.
I immediately thought of a teaching by W. I. Evans (one of Brother Kenneth E. Hagin’s favorites) entitled This River Must Flow.
Of course, all these references are to the flow of the Holy Spirit.
So, I called Branden and some others and we are led to have a special meeting out at Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks, this Sunday, July 30. We are going to flow with this subject… We are going to flow with the Holy Spirit… And just see where He takes us. We invite you to come flow with us!
Join us out at the Mountain, or online at 3 O’clock PM CST.
Shalom and Blessing!
Billye Brim
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Would love to be there, but I will be watching online! Have a blessed day! ❤️
Would Love to be translated ( soon) thank you !!!been watching glorious church and on prayer call!!! Thank you!!! for being interested in the Will of Our Father ,like Kenneth E Haggin Started This River/ AND ALL The Faithful in Christ !!!So THANKFUL FOR YOUR OBEDIENCE TO YOUR CALL!!! And your family !!! The River is flowing and growing …No more!!! Clouds without Rain!!! Thank you !!!Would not dare miss it!!! P.&D. Callery
Thank you sister Brian for your dedication to speak the word of God in these last days!
Sister brimm not brian
I order the book online and it came as a download so I printed it off . I just finished the first chapter however before I read I had this thought rise up what you honor will flow. After reading I understood, I don’t want any damns in my life and I want to make room for the Holy Spirit. Thank you, I so enjoy Moed Wednesdays. It’s like we have the inside scoop and the more I read and think on the words the more inside I grow!!
Blessings Ms. Billye Brim
Billye, I would love a copy of W.I Evans “Let the rivers flow” if you still have them
Betty Ann Rietze
Glen Hudson, BBM Partner and WWP: Billye, Amazon Books has one copy of the pamphlet authored by W. I. Evans, This River Must Flow!, published by Gospel Publishing House, January 1, 1954, available for $25.00. It will be marvelous if BBM can obtain the right to re-print the pamphlet and offer it at low cost to WWP’s and others interested in having it.
Me too, Shelia
And so many others
We are growing in these special sessions with our Lord
Shalom pleating the blood over this blog post. Blessings to you sister Billye Brim and staff. I am from Orangeburg S.C 29118 .I will be watching online from your website at 4PM my time zone. Praying in Spirit for you all. Sit in our heavenly seats of authority. I am a wwp and partner. Shalom Shalom .📖🕊🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💕. Mark 11:22-25.Eph.3:20 and Phil4:19. Is.54:17. Jer.29:11.
In Australia what’s the best way to log in re Sunday.?
Go to http://www.billyebrim.org and go to live streaming.
Will be watching online. I got this same direction/prompting…John 4:10 is what I heard in my spirit to read on June 14th. I said Lord you always have me read 4:10 scripture in the Bible. What are you saying to me. Then I heard, “ in the 4th month on the 10th day.”
June 15th I looked up what the 4th month is in Hebrew. Tammuz is the month. This year it starts June 20th. Which would make the 10th day to be June 29th.
John 4:10 is about living water! Which is unfailing and eternal water. The gift of God that is spoken of in this verse is Christ, Holy Spirit, Spiritual Gifts, Salvation, Eternal life, Divine Call, Good gifts, Ministers. The Samaritan woman at the well. Sychar is the city in Samaria. Land near ground that Jacob gave to Joseph. This is at Jacob’s well. It was at the 6th hour which is 12-noon. A fountain/spring. Thank you for confirmation LORD! Shalom
Wish I could be there, but I can’t since I live in New York. I know it will be an awesome experience. I am sure the Spirit of the Lord will move through out the service. I had the opportunity to attend one of Autumn Assembly services in 2020, so I know the anointing of God will in this service.
Love your ministry Sis Billye.
Will have to watch the replay, I know it will be good! SWBC starts that afternoon. Will go to Glorious Church service when Branden spoke. I love the way God is moving!
I can feel & sense such a Powerful move in Holy Spirit concerning this! So looking forward to being there. Even with the long drive from Shell Knob, I wouldn’t want to miss what God is saying, doing & speaking to us at this time. How I Love all of our Troops out at Prayer Mountain & at both of our Wednesday MOEDS (Prayer times/Appointments to hear with ears to hear from God, our Savior & Lord Jesus & Holy Spirit. Also to receive from God, our assignments.
How do I log in ..Scotland uk.
Go to http://www.billyebrim.org and go to live streaming. Blessings
Thank you..
I will be in agreement for divine move of the Holy Spirit during the meeting. 🙏🏻
We love you and your family Billye.
That’s wonderful! I would love to join you all online from London, England (9pm GMT).
Coincidentally last night I happened to have stumbled across an old you-tube recording of Rodney Howard-Browne interview by Sid Roth on the move that happened late 90s. He explained the laughter that was a phenomenon at that time at his church (which I think was River church) was because ‘Rivers of Living Water – the Holy Spirit’ was overflowing from the people who encountered God.
I think this isn’t a coincidence as I never watched Rodney’s you-tube ever! So I believe the Lord is inviting me into the River 🙂
I’ll be there!
We are SO excited about what’s going on at Migdol . We feel so connected to Migdol with our partnership . Believing God to go with sister Billye to Israel . We are WWP’s are moving soon to Branson to join this wonderful team of believers in person. Love you all SO much Marty and Susan Gilbert
I downloaded the book, This River Must Flow. It was an answer to prayer. I am broken. What is the answer for each of us? Repent …for the damns that I allowed in my own life to hinder this flow. I’ve prayed for the awakening of the Body of Christ! This was the clarity of purpose and more precise direction that Spirit wanted to give me. Thank you Billye
I am so excited about Midgol and the Wednesday prayer. The closeness with The Lord is so amazing and the insite of the precious Holy Spirit. Working in prayer I have grown so much. I am thankful Billye for the knowledge and the humbleness you walk in. May your strength and wisdom flow through the camera’s as we connect together in prayer. We have a prayer team of three churches that meet on Tuesday and all of us follow and share with others. Love your ministry and family.