Israel’s Borders – CUFI Summit


The IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) have prepared a briefing and a video military tour of Israel’s borders for the CUFI (Christians United For Israel) Summit.

They did this especially for John Hagee and the Christians of CUFI to show their appreciation for us. This was no little undertaking and we are so privileged to see such a thing.

What a unique way to obey Jesus and “watch the fig tree.”

At 2:00pm EST, join us for a special IDF Briefing with Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus and Erick Stakelbeck, the host of CUFI’s hit show The Watchman. Watch on Facebook, YouTube, and


You won’t want to miss tonight’s events either:

Finally, to wrap up an eventful day, at 7:30pm EST, we will celebrate the US-Israel Relationship with Ambassador David Friedman, Pastor John Hagee, Secretary Mike Pompeo and Ambassador Ron Dermer as well as inspiring remarks from former US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley.

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  1. Lana Osborn on June 29, 2020 at 11:27 am

    Glory be to God????

  2. Corleen Thompson on June 29, 2020 at 4:44 pm

    Hello Dr. Biylle, Thanks for sharing. Will be on yu-tube. KT

  3. Susan Dunn on June 29, 2020 at 4:47 pm

    Thank you for sharing!!

  4. Garry on June 29, 2020 at 11:34 pm

    Greetings sister Billye: Thankyou for the heads up on the CUFI summit. This is such golden opportunity, for more believers and friends of Israel, to get in on the summit that you have been a part of and also contributed to as a gifted and anointed speaker/teacher. I sense, that the leaders in government and the IDF, are drinking up the supernatural love and support that they receive from CUFI like never before! Its of coarse a critical time like never before! They have been rescued from so much in the past! Garry

  5. Emma Flo Whiteside on July 2, 2020 at 10:17 pm

    Love you and your teaching me.. Favor and abundant blessings ,,,to you and for you. Thank you for mighty work for GODS Kingdom.I am a 78 yr prayer intercessor. Emma Flo Whiteside. My Church,, Rio Revolution,,, Maryville , Tn.

  6. Seventh angel on July 4, 2020 at 11:41 pm

    Revelation 22v6,13,9,16 Malachi 5v8 Ps 68v17,18 Matt 26v29 Matt 27v42 2 Peter 1v4 2 John 2v15,16 2 John 5v4 Ephesians 4v13-16 Galatians 2v20 The Father’s faith & love in our hearts ( Ephesians 4v23,24 in His wisdom ) has manifested His fullness, greater works than Jesus & everlasting victory & righteousness

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