3BI, Billye Brim Bible Institute


A strong childhood desire of mine was to be a teacher. Another was to be a preacher. The Head of the Church, our Lord Jesus Christ, must have planted those in my heart, for He united them in the living out my life in His service.

In every session that we videoed to become 3BI classes, I sensed the thrill of a fulfillment of my God-given childhood dreams. There has been a wonderful anointing to teach and share the witness and revelation He has given. And there is proof it is reaching on-line students. Here are some testimonies:

Dear Ms Billye,
I wanted to let you know … as one of the first students of 3BI on line course, how much I enjoyed the course…
As I was taking the teachings I would go through each one three times.
As I was on my third time through, I found myself being drawn toward the computer with my face right up against the screen and holding my breath, and when I looked the Presence of God filled the room; it was a sweet presence.
I wanted to let you know how powerful this teaching is even on line, it’s just like being in the class room, but better because I can keep going back and listen as many times as I want…
I.B., River, VA


Thank you so much for the first course!! It was wonderful! …when can I enroll for a second course?
Becky S.


It blesses my heart deeply that I’ll actually hear Shelly Brim teach and also have access to all material offered doing the class!!!!
Vivian B.



My Heart

There are many wonderful Bible Schools these days. Praise the Lord for them. Each has its individual calling and purpose. Billye Brim Bible Institute (3BI) is a little different. I purposed to look at the Bible as One Book revealing the Plans and Purposes of God for Mankind and Creation. The following letter blessed me by saying that what I have in my heart is coming across. While this letter is not from an online student, it expresses what we do teach in 3BI:

Dear Dr. Brim,
I was watching your program on Go Victory network … when I believe I clearly heard The Lord tell me to write you… I have only done this one other time in my life at God’s direction… [My] purpose is two-fold. First, I want you to know what a blessing your program has been to me. Your teaching is so engaging and informative. I genuinely enjoy your style and love the “nuggets” you share that make the Bible come alive…

Secondly, I felt the Lord leading me to tell you a little bit about my journey and the role you have played in it. I have been teaching the word for around 40 years. I have also pastored on occasion…My teaching has mostly centered on living the life of faith similar to what Brother Hagin and Brother Copeland have taught. About 10 years ago, The Lord gave me the direction to begin teaching on the end times. While I had a “working knowledge” of Eschatology, I did not feel confident or prepared to teach it at the level of excellence that I desired. So I began studying and spent hours in Daniel, Ezekiel, Matthew and Revelation. Unfortunately at that time, I did not know much about you and your ministry. (It would have been such a help!) As I studied The Word, The Holy Spirit began to show me things. I realized that some of the things I was seeing I did not hear being preached or taught… I began to see that many ministers were not rightly dividing the word of truth when it came to the end times. (No condemnation just an observation!) To a certain extent, I felt like I was on an island. I was drawing conclusions that as far as I could tell no one else was seeing and I wondered if I was missing it or in error myself. Then one day a couple of years ago, I was introduced to your teaching. I can clearly remember excitedly telling my wife, “Billye Brim is saying some of the same things I have been teaching!” I remember hearing you talking about Matthew 24 and 25 being to the Jews not to the church. I heard you talk about the 3 people groups in scripture. You spoke about the 70th week of Daniel with…understanding. You confidently taught on the Pre-Tribulation rapture. These were all things I had been teaching and to hear it confirmed by you was absolutely amazing and rewarding!

So to bring this full circle, I continue to study to show myself approved. I am 2 courses away from getting my PhD… It has been such a blessing to help people understand and get excited about the end times… So when I heard you in March on TV…I had to smile and thank the Lord… That’s when the Lord told me to write you….
David W.


I do believe the Lord led David to write me. And though the letter is on the long side for a blog, I felt it expressed what makes 3BI unique—and worth your while in the exciting “end of days.”

You can register online and in a matter of minutes you will receive your first course. I hope you will invite 3BI into your “study to show yourself approved” according to 2 Timothy 2:15.

Become a 3BI student today! Click here for more information


Government Blessed
Blessing Givers

I have long believed that the greatest blessing in our government’s allowing tax-deductible giving belongs to the government itself. The church would continue without this. But by the government’s giving this, it falls into the category of if you bless God’s people you will be blessed. Therefore the United States is reaping a blessing from this policy.

We just received the following from our CPA with the suggestion that we pass it along to our partners. Looks like the government is getting ready to receive an even larger blessing:

See link! Scroll down to: Tax Breaks For Charitable Contributions



Thank You, Thank You, Thank You
For Your Prayers
And The Offerings You Give to the Master
Through This Part of His Body.

Our “General Account” from which so much comes has known a short fall, but we believe for it to be full and running over to the Glory of God!
(There are many ways to give, checks, credit card, text, etc. But now we have PayPal. I use that as a safe way to buy on line. My giving, however, is still the old-fashioned check writing.)

Click here to give to BBM


Shalom, Shalom
Love and Blessings

Billye Brim

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  1. Shirley Greenroy on April 17, 2020 at 11:45 am

    I woild like information regarding the 3BI.

    • Thabo on May 30, 2020 at 6:20 am


  2. peggy on April 17, 2020 at 11:47 am

    Love your blog. Ty for everything you have done for the body of Christ.

  3. Mary and Norman Totten on April 17, 2020 at 12:27 pm

    Dr Billye and Shelli would you do Communion explanation again
    We love you both
    Sat with Shelli last year coming home from Bethlehem to Jerusalem on the tour bus
    We also got to stand and pray at Migdal
    Much love to you both and all the Brim household at this time
    From Mary and Norman. Northern Ireland

  4. Lisa Dyke, RN on April 17, 2020 at 1:55 pm

    Thank you for your Blogs! I love them! I also absolutely love 3BI. It is exactly the kind of school I’ve been looking for and I have studied the first course many times and learned so much!!

    Just a little add on here…I was introduced to you (or should I say your voice) on a cassette tape recording of you speaking about Roberts Lairdon sharing his testimony about heaven on your plane trip from Tulsa to LA. The Lord had directed you to speak on heaven ( on Vicki Jamison) I had no idea who you were until sometime later When I finally saw you and heard your voice. I said “That’s her!” I’m not sure of the date but to make this as brief as possible, I listened to that recording many many times. On that tape was “Tommy’s story and Robert’s. I became passionate about heaven and now I am an RN and I can say that I have ministered to many patients whose life was ending and I spoke to them about heaven as if I’d been there. It is so real to me to this day. Not sure how many but some went to that beautiful place as they accepted Jesus. Praise the Lord! Thank you Sister Billye for listening to the Lord.

  5. Gloria M Maldonado on April 17, 2020 at 2:16 pm

    Your teachings always makes my spirit-man happy. I like it that you cut out the meat into little pieces and feed us. Thank you.

  6. Amanda on April 17, 2020 at 3:31 pm

    I’m thrilled to say that I started online classes as soon as they became available . I can’t tell you how much this means to me as I have had it on my heart for several years to enroll in Bible college . When the announcement was made about BBI , I knew this was it . Learning from Ms Billye over the years has been such a blessing , my life has been enriched by the revelation of the word she has shared with us all over the years . My deepest gratitude for the privilege to attend class from my home in Tulsa .

    • Donald Trump NyarSimba Simba on April 19, 2020 at 3:47 am

      Happy Sunday to you and How are you?
      Am fine from Nairobi Kenya and Glad to get and read this message from Billye’s blog.
      God keeps His Word and I like counting on The Lord.

  7. M.Gayle on April 19, 2020 at 1:46 pm

    Pessecsend me information on your online class

  8. Patricia Gober on May 24, 2020 at 3:34 pm

    Can’t find cost and how to get online Bible Institute.

    • Jan Wurtz on May 28, 2020 at 4:10 pm

      Go to our website and click on 3BI and there is an email address you can ask questions. Blessings Jan

  9. Rachel on October 21, 2020 at 10:38 pm

    Information on online bible institute.
    Thank you

  10. Wilma cardin on November 10, 2020 at 8:58 pm

    Information on the Bible institute

    • Jan Wurtz on November 11, 2020 at 9:59 am

      Go to our web site and there is an email for 3BI and they will get back with you. blessings Jan

  11. ago on November 15, 2020 at 2:29 pm

    Several months ago, I attempted to sign up for a class. I messed up with my e-mail and couldn’t get signed up. I ha paid my $200.00 and called for a refund, I would still like to take the class. Would someone please help me?
    My name is Marcia Jackson
    My number is 219 677 4053
    My address is 5630 Meadow Lane – Merrillville, In 46410

    Please respond

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