The Power of Grace (Book)



The Power of Grace: How You Can Access God’s Unlimited Power to Accomplish the Impossible

by Dr. Larry Ollison

God’s Grace Empowers You To Do The Impossible!You have probably heard grace defined as God’s unmerited favor and that is absolutely true, but it is so much more. Grace is the power that God willingly gives us to help us do what we could never do on our own. When God said to Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you,” He was giving Paul His power to be set free from the thorn that was buffeting him. However, Paul had to understand how to use God’s grace in order to be set free.In this fresh new outlook on grace, Dr. Larry Ollison shares how to approach the throne of grace with confidence and boldness and find the power to overcome things you could never overcome in your own strength-even works of the flesh. Grace is not a license to sin, but rather it empowers us to be able to say “no” to sin and temptation.In this book you will come away with a deeper understanding of this wonderful gift that God has given to the Church. His free gift of grace is sufficient and more than enough to meet any situation you face.

214-page Softcover


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